Iowa Attorney General's Crime Victim Assistance Division (CVAD)
Iowa Department of Justice
State Fiscal Year 2016 Report
Law Enforcement Program Report
Reporting Period: / Due Dates:
July 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015 / February 15, 2016
January 1, 2016 - June 30, 2016 / August 15, 2016
Program Director:
Report Prepared by:
Preparer's Contact Information:
Email Address / Phone/Ext.
Narrative Section:
- Discuss innovative projects, successes, and/or positive changes. Please use victim-sensitive language such as "the victim" or "the child survivor" instead of actual names or ages. Do not exceed one (1) page.
- Discuss progress or updates on program goals and objectives as identified in your application or to VSS staff.
3. Media Contacts
Internet media: / Enter the number of times program had contact with internet media.
Newspaper or Magazines: / Enter the number of times program had contact with print media.
Television: / Enter the number of times program had contact with TV media.
Radio: / Enter the number of times program had contact with radio media.
Total Media Contacts:
4. Presentations Provided to the Public by Program Staff or Volunteers
Community Presentations:
Number in Attendance:
5. Training Provided to Professionals by Program Staff
Professional Trainings:
Number in Attendance:
6. Training Received by Law Enforcement Personnel or Agency Staff
Number of In-State Trainings:
Law Enforcement Personnel :
Number of Out-of-State Trainings:
Law Enforcement Personnel :
7. Purchase of Equipment
Did your agency purchase equipment with VW funds during this reporting period?
Yes / No
If yes to the question above, please summarize what was purchased and how it is being utilized. For example: to improve documentation, investigation and/or response on violence against women cases.
Law Enforcement Service Statistics I
Please answer questions 8-9 using agency-wide statistics
Sexual Assaults / Domestic & Dating Violence / Stalking
8. Enter the total number of 911 calls received:
9. Number of times law enforcement responded to a VAW incident:
Law Enforcement Service Statistics II
Please answer the remaining questions (10-19) using statistics from VW-funded Investigators, teams of Investigators (DART teams, etc.), or DV Specific Officers. Do not use departmental statistics
Sexual Assaults / Domestic & Dating Violence / Stalking
10. Incident reports
11. Cases/incidents investigated (evidence collected/interviews/etc.)
12. Forensic medical evidence - all cases involving rape kits
13. Arrests except dual arrests: DO NOT include dual arrests
14. Number of dual arrests made
15. 236's, NCO's, or other restraining orders served on offenders
16. Arrests for violation of bail bond
17. Arrests for violation of protective, no contact orders
18. Referrals of cases to County Attorney
19. Referrals of federal firearms charges
Victim Referrals & Transports
Sexual Assaults / Domestic & Dating Violence / Stalking
20. Victim Referrals to governmental victim services
21. Victim referrals to non-governmental victim services
22. Number of victim transports by law enforcement