Stowarzyszenie Tien voor Taal
p/a American School of Warsaw
Bielawa, Warszawska 202
05-520 Konstancin-Jeziorna, Poland
Tel. +48698255491
Bank account: ING Bank Śląski O/Warszawa
Iban: PL 96 1050 1012 1000 0090 3026 8099
To: …. Name of the company ……
Dear Mrs./Mr ……….:GM/head communication …..
I am writing you on behalf of “Tien voor Taal”, the association that provides Dutch language lessons to children of Dutch and Belgium parents, living and working in Poland.
Having close ties with Holland, we would like to ask …name of the company…. for supporting our association.
Two years ago, the Dutch government decided to stop the subsidies for Dutch language classes for Dutch citizens abroad. This loss of subsidies has created a challenge for “Tien voor Taal’ to balance the books without having to reduce the quality of the lessons or without having to increase the school fees (which would be a challenge since more and more parents are working on local contracts or see a reduction of expat benefits).
Therefore, in line with the Polish example, we have set up our own “500+” sponsor program for Dutch speaking kids in Poland. As a company you can sponsor a Dutch language pupil for the price of 500 PLN per year.
What can your company get in return for this contribution?
- Gold sponsor (sponsoring 10 kids per year for 5.000 PLN/year): placement of official logo's as main sponsors on 'Tien voor Taal' website and 'Tien voor Taal' official communication and events to parents.
- Regular sponsor (sponsoring 2 kids per year for 1.000 PLN/year): mentioning of company name as supporter of Dutch education on the website of ‘Tien voor Taal’.
Since we are a non-profit organization, we will use the revenues from this program foremost to guarantee the quality of our lessons with certified teachers without having to increase the school fees. As a second option, we would like to use the excess of funds to expand the Dutch lessons to children outside Warsaw and/or to reduce the contribution from parents.
All sponsors will receive at the beginning of the next school year an overview of how the sponsor-money has been used to support the Dutch education in Poland.
We hope your company can support the Dutch language school in order to maintain the high level of education that can ensure that the kids can return in the Dutch education system without problems once they return to their home country.
If you want to help us and want to become a sponsor, please mail us by return and we will contact you or send your contribution to above mentioned bank account. If you have any questions concerning this sponsor-proposal or any other question concerning our association, you can call or write to:
1. Harry Klompe: , mob. +48691600008 (chairman)
2. Rombout van Eekelen: , mob. +48698255491 (head-teacher / director)
3. Maurice Idsardi: , mob. +48601592443 (treasurer)
4. Wouter Barmentloo: , mob. +48603961844 (contact person The British School)
With the warmest regards,
Harry Klompe
Stowarzyszenie Tien voor Taal ma siedzibą w Warszawie (02-482) przy ul. Fasolowej 33 i jest wpisana do rejestru Stowarzyszeń, innych organizacji społecznych i zawodowych, fundacji oraz samodzielnych publicznych zakładów opieki zdrowotnej prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS, pod Nr 0000483974, NIP 522-30-10-446