Metropolitan State University--GTA
Classified Position Description Questionnaire11/2010
Employee participation in the completion of this document is encouraged; however, the appointing authority and supervisor are accountable for establishing the assignment and ensuring the accuracy of this information.
This document must be in locked position in order to complete the boxes.
POSITION IDENTIFICATION(Check One) New Position Vacant Position Occupied Position
Classified Position Number: / C Leave blank if requesting a new position. / Date:Division or Equivalent:
Work Unit or Equivalent:
Position Work Address
Street or Campus Box / Building and Room # / City / Zip
Position Work Telephone
Current Class Title: / Current Class Code:
Working Title (Optional):
Employee’s Printed Name and Initials (if occupied)
Supervisor’s Printed Name and Initials
Next Level Supervisor’s Printed Name and Initials
Vice President’s Printed Name andInitials
Complete this area if submitting a request to make changes to an existing position. The Office of Human Resources will review the document to determine any changes and complete the last portion of this page.
This position description is being submitted for the following purpose(s): / Update records with no change in class
Review for proper class / Suggested Class:
To be completed by the Office of Human Resources
The following information will be recorded as the final decision for this position.
Official Class Title and Class Code: / Date:
FLSA Designation: / Non Exempt (Eligible for Overtime) / Exempt (Not Eligible for Overtime)
Security Designation / Essential Position / Non Essential Position
HR Approver:
- Briefly summarize the basic purpose of the work unit by completing the sentence below. Example: "This work unit exists to ..." sellclassroom supplies and textbooks to students on campus.”
This work unit existsto
- Briefly summarize the basic purpose of the position by completing the sentence below. Example: "This position existsto ..." provide basic clerical support to the Family Clinic by performing various non-technical duties.
This position exists to
- Organizational Chart. Attach a full Division/Work Unit org chart showing the position's work unit and how it relates to the division. Use OFFICIAL TITLES, POSITION NUMBERS, and FTE -- not names or unofficial working titles. Multiple positions with the same official title (except subordinate supervisors reporting to this position) can be placed in one box indicating total FTE. Exclude temporary positions and personal services contractors. 1 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) = 2080 hours/year or 40 hours/week/52 weeks.
- What staffing or organizational changes have created a change in this position since its last review? If none, skip to the next question.
- Summarize specific duties that were added and indicate from which positions (position numbers and class titles) any new duties were assumed since its last review. (Provide detail in Duty Statements)
- Summarize specific duties that were deleted and indicate to which positions (position numbers and class titles) any deleted duties were assigned since its last review. Note, changes to other positions require revision of their Position Description Questionnaire.
- Why is the suggested class appropriate for this position? Do not copy wording from the Class Description document.
- List the primary, permanent job duties associated with this position. USE ONLY AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED. DO NOT ADD MORE BOXES. Work on scratch paper first. Then review the list to see if related or similar duties can be written as one duty statement. Explain abbreviations and acronyms. Avoid repetition, incidental duties, and unnecessary detail. USE PRESENT TENSE ACTION VERBS. For help in writing duty statements, contact the Office of Human Resources.
Examples of duty statements:
1.Calculates and posts wages by computing hours worked.
2.Balances cash register by comparing cash with total on register tape.
3.Plans operating budget request by estimating costs based on costs from previous years.
- Do not list procedures, temporary assignments, duties performed only due to the absence of another employee, or those duties which may be assigned in the future. AVOID UNCLEAR TERMS, such as assists, coordinates, prepares, handles, administers, maintains, helps, responsible for, etc.
- Indicate if the duty is new by typing, “NEW”. (Leave blank if not new.)
- Indicate the Frequency associated with each duty. Use the following scale for frequency:
D = daily, W = weekly, M = monthly, Q = quarterly,S = semi-annually/semester, A = annually.
- Determine the amount of work time spent completing each duty. Fill in the percent of time. The total of all duties equals 100%. Supervision or lead work is an important decision requiring a minimum of 30% of time to properly accomplish this duty.
- Supervisors must complete the Essential Function requirement for each job duty. For the purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act, please indicate those duties which are designated as essential functions. If the duty is an essential function for the Americans with Disabilities Act, use the last page of this document to indicate PHYSICAL, MENTAL, ENVIRONMENT, and HAZARD categories. Write the numbers from the categories in the boxes provided.
An "essential function" under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is one that meets the following elements:
The reason the position exists;
There are a limited number of other employees available to perform this function;
Highly specialized and the person is hired for this special expertise or ability to perform it; or,
Judged by the employer (delegated appointing authority) to be essential.
Judgment is based on factors such as the amount of time spent performing the function, the consequences of not performing the function, the terms of any work agreement, the work experience of persons currently performing or who have previously performed the function, and the nature of the work or the unique organizational structure. The ADA requires reasonable accommodation of the known limitations of qualified persons with disabilities. Duty statements should be outcome based, as the method or process currently used may not be the only way that the same result may be achieved, e.g., the duty could be performed with reasonable accommodations. This documentation does not, in any way, mean that the duties could not be performed in some other manner.
New / Freq. / % / Duty Statement.
Essential Function: Y N / Physical / Mental / Environment / Hazards
New / Freq. / % / Duty Statement.
Essential Function: Y N / Physical / Mental / Environment / Hazards
New / Freq. / % / Duty Statement
Essential Function: Y N / Physical / Mental / Environment / Hazards
New / Freq. / % / Duty Statement
Essential Function: Y N / Physical / Mental / Environment / Hazards
New / Freq. / % / Duty Statement
Essential Function: Y N / Physical / Mental / Environment / Hazards
The decision making factor is evaluated based on the range and impact of current, ongoing decisions that are typical and regularly made. Most important are those decisions which are about the control, or decision making freedom, assigned to the position regarding how duties are performed or how work assignments are carried out.
- List specific examples of TYPICAL, HIGHEST-LEVEL DECISIONS that are made regularly without prior supervisory review. Do not list supervisory tasks or repeat job duty statements from pages 3, 4, and 5. Use the following scale to describe the frequency these decisions are made: D= Daily, W= Weekly, M=Monthly, Q=Quarterly, S=Semester, A=Annually, B=Bi-Annually
Typical Examples
(Each statement should begin with “decides” or “determines”) / Freq.
- In contrast to decisions made by this position, provide specific examples of recommendations which the position currently makes to higher levels in the organization. Begin each statement with “recommends”.
The complexity factor is evaluated on the nature of judgment used relative to available guidelines, including written or verbal instructions, procedures, policies, regulations, or references; precedents and practices; or principles concept, models, theories, and techniques of a recognized profession.
- List the available guidelines that are available for this position to accomplish the duties assigned.
- Provide examples of typical problems or challenges encountered and resolved by this position on its own. How often?
- Provide an example of the most difficult, complex problem/challenge this position solves on its own? How often? (If the same as question 3, write, “same”.)
Reason for ongoing, direct contact with others. What is the PURPOSE of the position's ongoing, direct contact with others? (Not all categories apply to all positions. USE ONLY THE BOXES THAT APPLY and give specific examples.) EXCLUDE CONTACTS FROM SUPERVISION GIVEN OR RECEIVED.Purpose / Typical Examples
Exchange or collect information. Relay learned information that the receiver can readily understand.
Detect, discover, expose information, problems, violations or failures by interviewing or investigating.
Secure regulatory compliance by issuing/revoking licenses and persuading/training to correct problems where there is a formal rule or law to rely on.
Advise, counsel, or guide to solve problems or complaints and influence or correct actions and behaviors.
Clarify underlying rationale, motive, and intent by educating about unfamiliar concepts and theories or marketing a product/service.
Physically restrain and arrest others as a peace officer enforcing the law.
Negotiate as an official representative of one party to obtain support or cooperation where there is no formal rule or law to fall back on.
Defend and justify an agency's position, as an official representative, in court or hearings.
Authorize medical treatment protocols to be followed by others.
Arbitrate, resolve differences, and authorize action that directly determines the agency's mission.
Line Authority is evaluated based on formal, direct control over the quantity and quality of the work product of other employees. All positions listed below should also be reflected in the attached organizational chart. Exclude student workers, temporaries and personal services contractors. The calculation of 1 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) = 2080 hours/year or 40 hours/week for 52 weeks.
What is the position’s formal, direct supervisory responsibility, if any? (Check ONE.)
No formal supervisory authority.
Work leader over others. # FTE Position #s
Work Leader is partially accountable for work product of others. Elements of direct control over other positions include assigning tasks, monitoring progress and work flow, checking the product for timeliness and correctness or soundness, establishing work standards, scheduling work, including signing leave requests and approving work hours, and providing input into supervisor’s actions. The work leader level requires such responsibility over 2 FTE with 1 FTE in the same class series or at the same conceptual level. There is a duty statement reflecting this important duty.
Supervise* others. # FTE Position #s
Supervisor is accountable, including signature authority, for actions and decisions impacting the pay, status, and tenure of others. Required elements of direct control over other positions include planning and evaluating performance (at least as the Rater), including issuing corrective actions, resolving informal grievances and initiating disciplinary actions. Supervisors start, perform, and/or complete the hiring process, interview applicants, and recommend hire, promotion or transfer. The supervisor level requires such responsibility over 3 FTE with 1 FTE in the same class series or at the same conceptual level.
Supervise* multiple units as a 2nd level supervisor. Total FTE in units .
# FTE of subordinate supervisors
Position #s
Supervise multiple units as a 3rd level supervisor. Total FTE in units.
# FTE of subordinate 2nd level supervisors
Position #s
* Position signs as rating official for performance plans/evaluations and performs the first step of the grievance process for the position numbers indicated.
Staff Authority is evaluated for those positions which may have delegated authority from management on the direction of policies or programs. These relatively rare, unique positions have a level of influence such that management decisions, inside or beyond the agency, are not made without the position’s essential advice/counsel. This authority is not a function of longevity or serving as a resource because of being the only position in the unit who performs this work.
a. Does this position function as such a leader?
Yes. If yes, please describe below.
b. What is the area of the leader’s DIRECT influence/authority?
Throughout the University
Statewide, beyond the University
Recognized nationally
All positions are in classes that have entry requirements beyond the minimum qualifications listed on the MQ documents. However, there are some positions that require special qualifications. A special qualification is a critical minimum requirement for entry into a position. For example, a receptionist position may require fluency in a specific foreign language. An applicant must possess it from the first day and it cannot be obtained through training during probation/trial service.
Your input must be verified and approved by your agency personnel office before any special qualification is accepted as official. This review may be done at a later time.
Do you think this position requires a special qualification that differs from other positions in the class?
No / Yes.1.Please describe the special qualification beyond the minimum qualifications for the position. Categories for qualifications include: JOB-RELATED FORMAL COURSES, LEGAL REQUIREMENTS, EXPERIENCES OR SKILLS, EQUIPMENT, and UNUSUAL TRAVEL DEMANDS.
2.Why can the qualification NOT be obtained through training during the probationary/trial service period?
3.Describe any additional requirements needed for this position. Examples, are background check, driver license, specific physical and/or mental requirements, hazards, environment conditions, etc.
4.For purposes of the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Colorado Substance Abuse Policy, is the position safety related? Safety-related positions are defined as those involving safety and health, state security, or other responsibilities involving a high degree of trust and confidence.
As I am delegated accountability for the assignment, I understand that I am responsible for the accuracy of this questionnaire. I certify that this document is an accurate and complete description of the position’s assignment.
Supervisor Name (Print) / Work PhoneWork Address / City / Zip
Email Address
Supervisor Signature / Date
I certify that I have read and understand the assignment documented in this questionnaire.
Employee Name (Print) / Work PhoneWork Address / City / Zip
Email Address
Employee Signature / Date
As I am legally accountable for the assignment, I understand that I am responsible for the accuracy of this questionnaire. I certify that this document is an accurate and complete description of the position’s assignment.
Approving/Reviewing Official Name (Print) / Work PhoneWork Address / City / Zip
Email Address
Approving/Reviewing Official Signature / Date
Metropolitan State University
Fair Labor Standards Act Exemption Designation Form
FLSA Designation Form 6/09
Class Title / Position Number / CExecutive / Paid not less than $455 per week
Paid on a Salary basis
Primary duty consists of managing the enterprise or recognized department or subdivision thereof
Supervision of 2 or more FTE in same department or subdivision
Supervisory Authority—hiring, firing, or input to / Meets Definition of Executive Exempt
Administrative / Paid not less than $455 per week
Paid on a Salary basis
Primary duty consists of performance of office or non-manual work directly related to the management or general business operations of the University or the Universities customers or performance of administrative functions directly related to academic instruction or training.
Not “blue-collar” and Not production
Primary duty that includes the exercise of discretion and independent judgment with respect to matters of significance
Use of manuals/standard operating procedures are technical, scientific, legal, financial or similarly complex understood only by those with advanced or specialized knowledge or skills / Meets Definition of Administrative Exempt
blue-collar worker
production worker
Professional / Paid not less than $455 per week Physician, lawyer, teacher, film-making excepted from this salary test.
Paid on a Salary basis or Fee basis, alternatively
Primary duty(s) consists of performance of work that requires knowledge of an advanced type of in a field of science or learning customarily acquired by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction (Learned)
The employee consistently exercises discretion and judgment acquired by advanced knowledge to make decisions
Work is predominately intellectual in character
Primary duty(s) consist of the performance of work that requires invention, imagination, originality or talent in a recognized field of artistic or creative endeavor (Creative)
The employee is in the film-making industry / Meets Definition of Professional Exempt
Total annual compensation ≥ $100,000 not less than $455 per week Paid on salary basis
Regularly and customarily performs one or more exempt executive, administrative or professional duties identified in each of the categories above. Executive Administrative Professional / Highly Compensated Employee
Exempt Non-Exempt
Computer / Paid not less than $455 per week
Paid on salary basis or Fee basis or Paid at least $27.63 hourly
Primary duty consists of : Applies to both hourly and salaried employees:
the application of systems analysis techniques and procedures, including consulting with users to determine hardware, software or system functional specifications
the design, development, documentation, analysis, creation, testing, or modification of computer systems or programs including prototypes based on and related to user or system design specifications
the design, documentation, testing, creation or modification of computer programs related to machine operating systems; or
a combination of the aforementioned duties, the performance of which requires the same level of skills / Meets the Definition of Computer Exempt
Outside Sales / Paid on salary basis or Fee basis or Commission or Piece or Bonus or Commission any other basis or combination of bases with no minimum compensation required
The primary duty is “outside” sales, obtaining orders, or contracts
Must be customarily and regularly engaged “away form the employer’s place of business” / Meets the Definition of Outside Sales
Non-Exempt / Primary duty reviewed and compared against standard test to determine exempt status / Position is
Reviewer’s Signature / Title / Date
Approver’s Signature / Title / Date
Categories for essential functions