Fabienne Guerrero
National Congress on Divine Mercy in Asia
October 7 – 9 th 2016
(28 dioceses attended this event)
Beloved brothers and sisters, I come today to witness that Christ resurrected me.
Since many years I have given talks in 6 continents.
My parents had me baptized a few days after my birth.
I followed all the catechism classes and I made my first Communion.
Then I no longer attended the Catholic Church until 1996, the date on which Jesus came to save me.I was 32 years old which is 20 years ago.
Now, I will tell you a little about the life that I led during those years, far from Our Lord Jesus-Christ.
As soon as the age of 15, my life took a reversal.
I began to followhoroscope,palm reading,esoteric meditation,Past-Life Regression,magnetism,New Age healers, positive thinking,belief in UFO’s and extraterrestrials,New Age breathing,aura reading, numerology,Astrology,Yoga,palm reading, fortune telling and the psychics,other occult practices,telepathy, pendulum,all kinds of white magic, hypnosis,all forms of healing through energies, crystals, music and colours,meditations on New Age musicand reiki which the bishops of the USA warned against. Reiki is power of the devil.
When I finished my school studies, I spent my weekends in discos, smoking hashish, drinking alcohol.
Sometime later I went to a spiritual center to listen to the teachings of a guru.
One day the guru proposed to experience spiritism and, innocent as I was, I accepted !
And there, I began to meet with mediums who would go into trance, who received supposed messages from the saints.
Had I known that it was fallen spirits who were delivering these messages, I would have immediately left the spiritual center.
I believed in it and also believed in karma and reincarnation.
I believed that my soul, upon the death of my body come back to earth in another body.
I believed that this process of moving from body to body could continue repeatedly until my soul got sufficiently “purified” and eventually freed from bodily life.
One day the guru proposed to free me frommy so called past lives.He proposed me to make a great cleansing of my soul.
Satan has put into my brain visions of my so called previous lives.
In the visions I saw that I was such a woman in one life and another person in another lifeand that is why I did believed in reincarnation.
I did not know that Satan deceived me.
The guru laid his hands on 2 of my chakras: the chakra of the heart and the chakra of the third eyeand channelled the powers he had acquired from the demon.
Then he told me he has transmitted light to me, but unfortunately it was Lucifer light, God’s ennemy.
Then the kundalini arose and Lucifer entered into me and lead me from my interior. Kundalini is the power of the serpent, Satan.
In the spirit center I have also practised yoga. Even the simple exercices of yoga have opened my chakras and evil spiritual entities entered into me and destroyed my interior.
I did not know that yoga is a Hindu practise linked to Brahmam, the hindu concept of God.
In Hindouism there are thousands of Gods. I learnt this when I was evangelizing in Catholic churches in India.
I then realised that I was worshipping a false God and consequently I was breaking God’s first commandment:
Feeling more and more sick I decided to abandon these techniquesbut since I had opened myself to the chakras. I was between life and death for longmonths.
I also affiliated with the Order of Rosicrucians AMORC.
It is an esoteric order that is not of God.
In this Order I studied different things such as the psychic body of man, astral trips, human aura, vocal sounds, mantras…
Then I experienced that satan had placed his energy within me with his power and I began to tremble.
In my new age studies I was told that Jesus is not God but a simple master and an avatar.
I then realized that I betrayed Jesus with new age teachings as they are not compatible with catholic doctrine.
I was worshipping the cosmic and the énergies instead of worshipping Jesus who is the son of God, the second person of the Trinity.
A fews weeks later, I met a man in the Rosicrucian Order, who had been single for many years as his wife had left him for another man.
They were married in the Catholic church 14 years ago.
We begin to live together common law without knowing that it was adultery which is a mortal sin and that our souls were uniting with impure spirits.
Then came a blast of grace!
While meditating in my bed I saw Jesus face and He told me: My name is YESHOUAH.
Later on while looking at a poster of the Sacred heart of Jesus, I heard His voice that said to me :« My holy wounds will save you » ! The wounds of His sorrowful Passion.
Then the blessed virgen Mary told me: MY SON DIED BECAUSE OF YOUR SINS.
At that moment, I realized that I was a great sinner.
As I was studying New Age, I thought I could save myself through succesive lives. I thought I was God myself, I though I was a highly enlightened being and I did not believed in sin.
Then the blessed Virgen told me :My dear child, lend me your nothing, Give me everything, I love you. I am your Mother and I want to bring you to Paradise. Devote your thoughts, your actions, your day to Me I will take you in My arms and console you. Promise Me to always think about Me by saying my Holy Rosary. Do not forget Me. I love you so much.
A week later I was called to make a pilgrimage to Medjugorje.Upon arrival in Medjugorje I accepted to be reinstated in the Catholic Church.Here I was, so little, bearing my great misery before the Blessed Sacrament that was exposed, the real presence of the living Jesus, body, blood, soul and divinity.
After practising the stations of the cross the blessed Virgin Mary told me that the Rosicrucian Order is a sect.
Before leaving Medjugorje, I began to cry and cry and my eyes were burning. The blessed Virgin Mary gave me so many graces to repent from my sinful life.
Upon my return to France, God gave me a supernatural experience in the midst of which He asked me to do penance because my soul was condemned, completely lost.
He showed me my soul enclosed inside the Beast that had the head of a Lion as described in the Apocalypse.
I saw the demons that surrounded me and were ready to take me with them to the place of darkness.
These demons were linked to each of my sins.
I was chained to Lucifer.I saw the black chains with which Satan was binding me. They were large black chains. I also saw the devil with a pitchfork. He was all black, with a very mean look.The chains that I saw were all the sins that I had committed and that kept me linked to various demons of hell’s hierarchy.
Only Jesus with his Precious Blood could cut these chains during my confession to a priest.
Then Jesus told me with great charity:
«You are mine».
«I have created you with my hands»
«Think only of Me».
«Think of loving only Me».
«I will heal you».
«You bathe in my Blood».
«Give Me much love and Sin no more».
«No longer sell your soul to the devil».
«No longer Betray me».
«I am your only master».
«I am the Way, the Truth and the Life».
«No longer remain far from Me».
«Elude the world».
«Elude men»
«I want you to be closer to me.»
«You are my joy.»
«I am the son of God.»
Then God gave me a great illumination of my conscience.
When I began to reflect deeply into my soul, I saw myself as a hyena like Judas.
I descended into the abyss, into the crater of fire, while blaspheming and feeling hatred towards God, just like the damned.It was horrible.
I truly lived great sufferings in my soul.
That is what all the damned experience for all eternity. They suffer for each sin they have committed with their senses.
Then I heard Satan. In his fury He told me: “I condemned you to the punishment of hell” and he added : «I will make you mine».
I saw the black tentacles of the Beast. It was like a giant squid or an octapus that kept me tied up.
The worst part is that I could hear my soul saying :I am at the bottom of the abyss, I am God,Satan, I love you!” It was truly horrible! I was a rotting demon !
The day when Jesus told me: « You worship Satan », I did not believe him. Now, I was facing the fact. My soul adored evil.
Then I was told that the Guru who opened my chakras died.
Upon his death, The guru descended to this place of darkness. His soul was lost for eternity, because he had freely refused Jesus.He freely wanted to remain in his spiritual pride. He was a man who was deeply initiated into esoterism, shamanism, rosicrucians and yoga and many occult practises.
He did not regret his faults.
He did not want to confess his sins to a priest.
Therefore, because of his pride, God abandoned him.
God told me that He loves little souls, humble souls.
In another mystical experience,my soul found itself with both hands hanging on a wall.
I saw that my soul had the same shape as that of my earthly body.
I was in what seemed to be a huge grotto.
Everything was dark.
Suddenly great waves of brilliant light descended into the place where I was.
Above me, was purgatory, with very high flames.
The souls that were in this state of purification were all united to the Divine Will.
Their greatest suffering is to not yet see God face to face.
They saw Him, on their particular judgment, in a light that is not yet that of heaven and have therefore kept a great yearning for God, but they do not wish to appear before Him with their blemishes.
They are being purified and they make amends for that for which they did not make amends for on the earth and many of them learn how to love.
I do not speak to them because God does not allow it.
Then I saw many white steps that my soul quickly climbed and upon arriving at the top of the white staircase, a man dressed in red opened a door and then removed himself quickly.
Behind the door of heaven, there is the city of light, the new Jerusalem, a heavenly city described in the book of Revelation in the Bible.
According to St John, the New Jerusalem is «pure gold, like clear glass» and its «brilliance is like a very costly stone, as a stone of crystal-clear jasper.» The street of the city is also made of «pure gold, like transparent glass».
The base of the city is laid out in a square and surrounded by a wall made of jasper.
God and the Lamb are the city’s temple, since they are worshiped everywhere.
The book of Revelation goes on to describe a river of the water of life that flows down the middle of the great street of the city from the Throne of God.
The tree of lifegrows in the middle of the street and on either side of the river. The tree bears twelve fruits, or kinds of fruits, and yields its fruit every month.
St John states that the New Jerusalem will be free of sin.
The name of God will be on the servants of God’s foreheads.
Night will no longer fall, and the inhabitants of the city will «have need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light.» and they shall reign forever and ever.»
St John said that there are twelve gates in the wall oriented to the compass with three each on the east, north, south, and west sides.
There is an angel at each gate. These gates are each made of a single pearl, giving them the name of the «pearly gates».
The names of the twelve tribes of Israel are written on these gates.
To enter the city of light, the new Jerusalem, everyone has to be washed in the blood of the Lamb through the sacrement of confession with a priest.
Sinners do not enter the city of light with a single sin.
Remember that Catechism of Catholic Church says that when you die in mortal sin (like adultery for example), your soul fall directly into hell.
Sexual relations are only permitted by God to procreate in the sacrament of marriage. Outside the sacrament of marriage this is a sin.
So you see how much it is important to go to confession to a priest.
Dear brother and sisters, I heard God’s voice
«I am a Father full of love for my children»,
«Accept my love»
«Do not be afraid of my love»
«My love is in you».
God thinks only of healing us and nursing our wounds.