Delano Tiger Athletic Booster Club
Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2012
1. Introductions/Attendees: Janeen Peterson, Tammy Pulis, Julie Giese, Patti Lemmerman, Marie Thomas, Holli Arthur, Shelby Peters, Carolyn Gallagher, Denise Burke, Christine McLain, Vicki Noetzelman, Lynn Eidahl, Nancy Cordes, Kevin Noetzelman, Roxanne Johnson, Kevin Max, Mitch Rue, Ann Wittinger, Jan Lemke, Pete Dubay, Jill Arens
2. Secretary report – May 20, 2012 Minutes, Approve at the end of the meeting: Correction to indicate May minutes vs. March. Minutes approved-1st Shelby Peters, 2nd Kevin Max. Motion carried.
3. Financial Report – May 20, 2012, Approve at the end of the meeting: Report approved-1st Tammy Pulis, 2nd Pete Dubay. Motion carried.
4. Old Business:
a. Pavers:
i. 4th of July Parade: Vicki to check with Katie Beshears to see if there are any kids in NHS that would be interested in walking the parade route to hand out flyers for the pavers.
ii. Coordinator-Patti Lemmerman volunteered to be the Coordinator
b. 4th of July Beer Tent – Tuesday, July 3, 8-12, Wednesday, July 4, 8-12
i. Coverage-Marie has two volunteers for the 3rd and possibly two other people for the 3rd. If you or your coach has not sent out an email, please ask them to do so. Anyone over the age of 21 can work in the beer tent.
c. Give ‘n Grow – No word on the money that we raised. Update at next meeting.
d. Program Jacket Ads – 2012-2013: Packets will be sent to the businesses that are on the grid on Monday, June 11th.
i. Review List – Call the week of June 18. Review the businesses that are assigned to you can do a follow-up call with them the week of June 18th. Also, if there is a business that is not on the list that you think might be interested in advertising, feel free to contact them. Vicki emailed out the information in regards to what is in the packet that each business is receiving.
ii. Deadline – August 17, sooner the better!
iii. Layout coordinator: No volunteer.
iv. General discussion:
· Layout Coordinator-need to make sure that Pizza Hut Monday night promotion is on the Program Jacket.
· Christine asked about charging more for front/back page advertising. She indicated they do that for the Hockey Boosters and it has worked well. We will revisit this for next years add.
· All fundraising for Booster Club supports 23 activities.
5. New Business:
a. Fund Split: $1268.63 has been applied to the accounts for the teams that met their requirements. There were four teams that fell short last year due to attendance: Girls Golf, Hockey, Soccer and Girls Track.
b. Rep Replacement Policy –Mid-year – amend by-law
i. A team rep can be replaced at the start of the team’s season if the current rep does not have a student athlete participating in the sport.
· Motion by Shelby Peters, seconded by Kevin Noetzelman that any outgoing rep must notify the Coach and the President of their departure. Motion carried
c. 4th of July Reunion – Not happening!
d. Meat Raffle Chairperson: Tammy Pulis volunteered to be the Coordinator.
e. Gold Card Rezoning Committee
i. Committee to remap team areas: Mitch Rue, Pete Dubay, Jan Lemke, Janeen Peterson and Roxanne Johnson will meet to update the packets and discuss a possible incentive on selling the cards that are in the designated packet that the groups take out.
ii. Date is August 19; Meet in cafeteria at 5:30: Reps will need to contact the coaches and let them know that you will need two adult drivers and two-four kids to go out selling.
f. Dollars for Scholars: Dollars for Scholars will not have a representative at the monthly meeting; however, they will still be included in the funds. Motion to allocate $1500 annually which will be awarded to one female and one male senior athlete. Motion by Jill Arens, 2nd by Vicki Noetzelman. Motion carried.
Congratulations to Jordan Peters who will be participating in the Individual State Golf Tournament June 12th and June 13th. Good Luck Jordan!!
Congratulations to Alex Wittinger for placing 6th at State in the 300 yd Hurdles at the State Track Meet on June 9th!!
Good Luck to the Baseball Team who will be playing on June 14th in St. Cloud for the State Baseball Tournament!
Congratulations to Delano’s 2011/2012 Conference Champs: Tennis, Boy’s Hockey, Boy’s True Team,
Congrats to state participants: Gymnastics’, Wrestling
Next Meetings: July 15, 2012 @ Delano High School Cafeteria
Future Meeting Dates: 2011 – August 12, September 9, October 14, November 11,
December 9, 2013 - January 13, February 10, March 10, April 14
Motion to Adjourn: 1st Patti Lemmerman 2nd Nancy Cordes
Respectfully submitted: Jan Lemke
Next Meeting: July 15th.