St Johns River
Water Management District
Information Resources Department
e-Permitting Project
Phase III
Business Requirements
Analysis Document
Last Revision: December 20, 2002
Release Date:
St Johns River Water Management District
e-Permitting Phase III – Analysis Documentation
Table of Contents
Application Status
Search Criteria
Data to Display
Out of Scope
Compliance Submittals
Out of Scope
Well Completion Reports
Out of Scope
Online Application Entry
Well construction permit application:
Contractor license permit application
Well Construction
Contractor License
Out of Scope
St Johns River Water Management District
e-Permitting Phase III –Analysis Documentation
This document contains the analysis of results of various meetings, discussions, and decisions made during the analysis phase of this project. Chapters contain the analysis results for each of the project deliverables.
Application Status
The application status product will allow the public to search for permit applications via the Internet.
The data to be displayed is not considered sensitive. Therefore, no login is required to search and view permit application status information.
Search Criteria
Resource Management business experts state that the existing Global Regulatory System (GRS) search mechanisms are sufficient for effectively retrieving data. These criteria are listed here:
- Application/permit number
- Project name
- Applicant name
- County
- Section, township, range
- Consultant
- Permit type (CUP, ERP) NOTE: If ERP selected, allow for narrowing to wetland impact type projects
The existing dynamic query code used by the GRS will have to be reviewed and moved to the business layer of the application.
Data to Display
Resource Management business experts state that the existing Global Regulatory System (GRS) search results are typical of the data requests they receive from the public. It was suggested that some of the terms be modified to be less cryptic and therefore more meaningful to the general user. However, the presentation format of the search results would be acceptable.
The data to be displayed in the permit application status search results are listed here:
- Application/Permit number
- Review name
- Project name
- Project description
- Status
- Date of next action
- Next action
- Received date
The existing data display code used by the GRS will have to be reviewed and moved to the business layer of the application.
- None
Out of Scope
- None
Compliance Submittals
The following data types constitute the range of compliance data submittals to be addressed in this phase of the project.
- As built certifications
These documents do not contain data that must be captured. They must, however, be signed and certified. Additionally, building plans (images) for the structure must also be submitted.
- Water use reporting
EN Forms: Only the following EN form will be considered for development of a user interface for data entry
- EN-50 (water use recorded monthly, submitted twice a year)
- Water quality monitoring
AMP Loaders: These loaders encompass more than Regulatory data. However, only the portions that apply to Regulatory data submittal requirements will be considered.
- Water levels/flows monitoring:
AMP Loaders: These loaders encompass more than Regulatory data. However, only the portions that apply to Regulatory data submittal requirements will be considered.
Furthermore, while the templates for loading have been defined, no loaders have been written at this point in time for any data going through the Hydron process.
- Environmental monitoring
AMP Loaders: These loaders encompass more than Regulatory data. However, only the portions that apply to Regulatory data submittal requirements will be considered.
EN Forms: Only the following EN form will be considered for development of a user interface for data entry
- EN-55 (wetlands monitoring, once a year)
Only permittees with a valid login can submit data. This data will be associated with the permit number of the logged-in permittee. No other user may view or edit the compliance information prior to its submission.
The following assumptions are within the scope of this project:
- The data submitted will reside in the appropriate data tables and will not be duplicated across ‘systems’.
- Submitted data must be archived as originally submitted by permittee.
- EN-50 data will be stored in the current EN-50 data tables.
- When data pertaining to a permit is submitted, compliance staff will be able to review the data.
- Submitted EN-50 data can be maintained by compliance staff, as they do now in the GRS.
The items in this section have major impact on the e-Permitting project. Items three and five depend on the progress and success of a separate Information Resources project. Items one, two, and four could require changes in Regulatory business rules and business processes. Item six relies on the progress of contracted work performed on behalf of Hydrologic Data Services (HDS).
- The Global Regulatory System (GRS) does not have compliance tracking capability for non-form (EN) data requirements. If there is no submittal form for the data, no tracking can be performed.
- Most monitoring stations are not stored as a part of the permit information. A method to connect the station with the permit must be determined.
- Completion of as built compliance submittal relies on the progress of the Image Management Project, which is addressing images and e-signatures.
- EN-55 submittals do not have the necessary table structures necessary for holding the data. No EN-55 data is currently being captured in the GRS. This task will require the creation of structures to hold the data, validations for the contents, and user interface design.
- EN-55 submittals require photographs of the sites and descriptions of each. Completion of this task relies on the progress of the Image Management Project.
- While the templates for loading have been defined, no loaders have been written at this point in time for any data going through the Hydron process (pumping, water levels, rainfall).
- Resource Management may be required to enforce business rules requiring the selection of a data type for compliance. Selection of a compliance data type will enable the application to present required data submittals to the permittee.
Out of Scope
- No new, yet-to-be-designed EN forms will be considered in this phase of the project.
- No data migration will be performed as a part of this project.
- No new table structures or GRS user interfaces will be implemented in the project. This means that EN-55 compliance data cannot be implemented in this phase of the project.
- Creation of data loaders for data types slated to go to Hydron
Well Completion Reports
Resource Management currently records only that a well completion report has been submitted for the permit. Only the date of the completion is recorded: No additional detail is supplied. As such, it is proposed that the permittee electronically submit the date of completion. Depending upon the progress of the Image Management project, the permittee maybe able to submit the image of the form as well.
Only permittees with a valid login can submit data. This data will be associated with the permit number of the logged-in permittee. No other user may view or edit the compliance information prior to its submission.
- Resource Management supervisory staff wishes that the original application data as well as the actual completiondetails be maintained.
- This could be implemented with a flag in the detail tables that indicates which type of data is stored in the record.
Out of Scope
- No new GRS user interfaces will be implemented in the project.
Online Application Entry
The GRS data entry screen was compared with the actual application forms. Since the input window for the public may be different than the internal data entry windows used by PDS, it was decided to focus only on data requirements. The attendees determined the following points:
Well construction permit application:
Minimum data requirements –
- Owner name, address and telephone information.
- The 911 address of the well OR the parcel number of the well location
- The name, license number and phone number of the drilling contractor
- The county of the well
- The section, township, and range of the well
- The number of proposed wells
- The use of the well(s)
- Reason for application (new construction, repair, etc)
- Estimated depth of well
- Casing depth
- Casing material
- Casing diameter
- Sealing Material
- Method of construction
- Is this associated with a CUP/WUP permit or application (Y/N)
- Signatures (contractor and owner)
There was discussion about fees, number of wells on an application, and delegated counties. These are summarized here.
Fees are dependent upon the use of the well and the purpose of the application (new construction, repair, etc). In order to assist the public in the use of the online entry tool, Resource Management will supply the fee schedule to the development team. This information will be included in the online entry tool as help for the users.
More than one well can be applied for if the use is the same for all wells. If not, an application must be made for each well that has a different use. This information will be available online to the applicant.
There are 10 counties that have been delegated permitting authority. The rules for determining if the application should be submitted to the District or the county are:
Delegated Counties:
- If the well is less than 6”, it goes to the county.
- The rest go to the District.
Non-delegated Counties:
- If the well is less than 6”, and the use is not public supply, and the well is in a non-delegated county, it goes to the county
- The rest go to the District
This information will be available online to the applicant.
Contractor license permit application
The application form letter was reviewed and the following data was determined as required for online entry:
Minimum data requirements –
- Applicant name, address and telephone information
Business name, address and telephone information
- County of business
County of residence
- List of 10 wells information
Owner name
Site address
Well Use
Completion Date
Well Diameter
Well Depth
These applications also require the submission of:
- Completion reports for the 10 listed wells
- Three letters attesting to the length of time working in the water well construction business
Well Construction
User login will be required before these applications can be entered. The majority of these applications are submitted by licensed contractors, which will be maintained in a table. This will facilitate identity of the user. Licensed contractors, or the owner of the property (permittee) on which the well is located, will be able to enter these permit applications. This data will be associated with the permit number of the logged-in user. No other user may edit this information.
Contractor License
While the majority of these applications come from previously licensed contractors, any individual may submit an application.
- Acceptance of the application fees online will depend upon the selection of a service by the District.
- Acceptance of online document submission will depend upon the selection of an image management tool by the Image Management project
- Acceptance of e-signature depends upon the selection an appropriate product by the Image Management project.
- The e-Permitting project must coordinate with the Image Management project to assure basic requirements are met.
Questions arose as to whether the applicant would be directly inputting into the GRS Oracle tables or whether PDS staff would be looking at the submitted information and then load it to the tables.
A hybrid method could be used. The applicant enters data into holding/temporary tables, which then move through a scheduled process (to QA, reformat) into the GRS tables. PDS staff would be notified via e-mail that an application was submitted.
A decision was tabled until the question has been presented to Gloria Lewis Business Expert Project Manager, Mike Register Regulatory permitting business expert, and Ken Paoletti Technical advisor.
NOTE: This discussion has since taken place and the date will be placed directly into the GRS tables. The limitation is that the normal user may submit only three applications in a 24-hour period. Users with appropriate security may submit more than this number.
- All known contractor information (for the state) must be loaded into the contractors table.
A table with this information will allow contractor information to be associated with well completion reports.
- A method must exist to determine the licensing District for each contractor.
This will facilitate selecting contractors for SJRWMD only.
- Well completion information is usually supplied by the licensed contractor
Licensed contractors in the table identified in item one will be given login rights. They will be able to enter well construction permit applications and well completion report information.
- The well construction application requires has two types of submittals, either the owner signature on the application form or a letter of authorization from the owner allowing the contractor to drill the well.
A method will be developed (cross-authorization table?) to allow the contractor to e-sign the application that the owner has e-signed. This will require communication between the two parties about the permit number, site name and appropriate wells.
- Well contractor license applicants must submit 10 well completion reports and three letters of recommendation/work verification.
Due to limited time frames and dependence upon the image management project, a disclaimer will be placed on the contractor application page stating that these documents must be submitted via the USPS and that rule timeframes do not begin until receipt of
these documents.
Out of Scope
- Migration of data from paper form to the database is not in the scope of this project.