Te Awamutu Branch NZSG # 195 – June 2009 Page: 1
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The Newsletter
Te Awamutu
NZ Society of
No 195
June 2009
Convenor:John Graham871 8986Email:
Sandra Metcalfe 871 3250
Editor at large: John Graham
Te Awamutu Branch NZSG # 195 – June 2009 Page: 1
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Te Awamutu Website:
New Zealand Society of Genealogists Inc.
Meetings are held in the Parish Lounge at St John's Anglican Church, Arawata Street (parking off George Street), Te Awamutu, at 7.30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month – February to December. Visitors are most welcome.
Next Meeting:Tuesday 2 June (day after Queen’s Birthday) - John Armstrong a historian will talk on researching the history of Waikato Hospital post World War 2 to present.
- What records are available to the public?
- Techniques used for oral histories
- How he went about the project - family history angle to the project
Convenor’s Corner:
The AGM has been and gone and thank you to members who put their name forward for the committee: John Graham, Sandra Metcalfe, Margaret Main, Peter Fletcher, Glenyss Hall and May Rhodes as an associate.
As mentioned in my annual report, my sincere thanks to Karen Glew for her contribution as secretary over the past 4 years.
Having a bit of fun following the meeting writing epitaphs on four well known New Zealanders was an interesting exercise – some of the epitaphs are listed later in the newsletter on page 5.
I would also like to welcome two new members June Hawkes and Maurice Mannington who attended the Lyn McOnie workshop and already have had success using Family Search finding a number of relatives going back another two generations .
It was a pleasure to honour Patti McCartney with life membership (see page 2)
A reminder that subs are due!
Life Membership
Awarded to
Patti McCartney
Foundation Member
In recognition of Patti’s many years of
service to the Te Awamutu Branch, NZSG
& her contribution to family history research
Snippets from NZSG Keeping in Touch
Statement to Members of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists
The Council of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists advises that Peter Nash no longer holds the position of Executive Officer of the Society. Graeme Constable, Immediate Past President and Life Member, has been appointed Acting Office Manager.
Please direct administrative correspondence and other matters to:
PO Box 14036, Panmure, Auckland 1741
All other services continue as usual and addresses are listed in The New Zealand Genealogist.
I am including the above statement from Council under the signature of David Bryant, President, for those of you who may not have already received it as an appointed officer or a convenor of a Branch or Interest Group. Council is not able to provide further information at the moment as employment legislation is complex and legal results could eventuate. Be assured that further information will be made available as soon as Council is advised that this is legally advisable.
Gale Newspapers
Council has decided to renew the subscription to this wonderful resource for another year. NZSG subscriptions are heavy so why not make full use of your member privileges. To search a wide range of UK and American newspapers free of charge go to – NZSG website, log in, Members Area, Online Newspapers which is the next to last item on the drop down menu. It’s amazing what you can find. I discovered a wedding of one of my family. There was a photo plus a list of all the guests and their gifts to the happy couple. Here I discovered previously unknown members of the extended family and had a great time working out how each fitted on to the tree.
NZSG Website
Plans are underway to appoint a new webmaster who will give it an up-to-date look and make it more user friendly.
Judy Wallman, a professional genealogical researcher, discovered that Hillary Clinton's great-great uncle, Remus Rodham, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889.
The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows. On the back of the picture is this inscription: 'Remus Rodham; horse thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889.'
Judy e-mailed Hillary Clinton for information about her great-great uncle. Hillary's staff sent back the following biographical sketch:
'Remus Rodham was a famous cowboy in the MontanaTerritory His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to government service, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency.
In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed.'
NOW THATis how it's done folks!
Who do you think you are?
UK TV Monday evening @ 7.30pm
Prime TV Friday @ 8.30pm
This programme is well worth watching
I have taped two episodes so far and plan to show it at one of our monthly meetings - Editor
The math's teacher saw that little Johnny wasn't paying attention in class. She called on him and said, 'Johnny! What are 2 and 4 and 28 and 44?' Little Johnny quickly replied, 'NBC, FOX, ESPN and the Cartoon Network!'
How times change!
Stop press!
The idea ofa family history fair has been floated and discussed at the recent regional meeting by Lynne Blake (NZSG Councillor). An invitation has been extended to meet with branch members who may be interested in being involved or helping to create the vision. The meeting is on Saturday 30 May in Te Awamutu at the St John’s church lounge 0930-1230. Jan Gow, Lily Baker & Lynne Blake will be in attendance.
Branch members are most welcome to attend and contribute their collective wisdom towards this exciting concept.
When the idea of a family history fair has been mentioned at other regional meetings it has been met with an enthusiastic response so it could fly with ‘gold’ wing.
Tauranga Branch
New Zealand Society of Genealogists Inc.
Research Weekend 4th and 5th July 2009 Update
Audrey King – Convenor
9 Waikare Place, Tauranga
07 544 -0838
Registration of $30.00 for the weekend is still available.
Please register now – extended to the end of May!!
Most Interest Groups have confirmed they will be attending with their latest research aids.
Ken Weeks of Scottish Imports, Hamilton will have plenty for you to buy. He can also order genuine clan tartan.
Beehive books will be bringing lots of genealogy material for sale – all those special books you have been looking for.
The Saturday Research Day is for NZSG members and the Sunday Research Day is also for the general public.
We have requested several microfiche indexes from many sources along with plenty of microfiche readers.
The Dine and Dance is being held at the Tauranga Yacht Club which overlooks the harbour and the Mount. The buffet has been especially selected so a wide choice of food will be available. Music is by Gerry Lee – a really good entertainer. Only 200 tickets available so book those as soon as you can.
The Tauranga organising committee are looking forward to this exciting weekend and many plans are underway.
The society AGM will be held during the weekend. If you are not able to get to Tauranga make sure you complete and send in your proxy form. This way you exercise your rights as a member of the Society and have your say on matters of importance. Forms will be mailed to you shortly.
A selection of epitaphs as written by members at the last meeting
Peter Jackson
Te Awamutu Branch NZSG # 195 – June 2009 Page: 1
Disclaimer: All efforts are made to ensure the information published is accurate
No longer Lord of the Rings
His bell has rung
He’s dead and gone
His pictures were great
All appetites to sate
And now that he’s gone
Peter’s thinner
He’s a winner
He bounced his balls
And hit the walls
The dam busting Lord of the ring, who is larger than King Kong
Te Awamutu Branch NZSG # 195 – June 2009 Page: 1
Disclaimer: All efforts are made to ensure the information published is accurate
There’ll be no more Kong
Helen Clark
Te Awamutu Branch NZSG # 195 – June 2009 Page: 1
Disclaimer: All efforts are made to ensure the information published is accurate
Here lies many inUNdo’s
Lady from Te Pahu
Left to save the planet
She will always be remembered
For bringing the Rugby world cup to NZ
And with speed she got to a rugby match & her wonderful artwork
Te Awamutu Branch NZSG # 195 – June 2009 Page: 1
Disclaimer: All efforts are made to ensure the information published is accurate
Brad Butterworth
Here lies Brad
A naughty lad
Money talks
And he no longer walks
A ‘Swiss’ sailor against a Kiwi Barker
Climbed every transome
From dinghy to Alinghi
Via Black magic
He sailed the Waitemata
But left NZ after a natter
With Bertorelli
Was worth more butter in his belly
Te Awamutu Branch NZSG # 195 – June 2009 Page: 1
Disclaimer: All efforts are made to ensure the information published is accurate
Barbara Kendall
She led a dance
She had her chance
She went back to sail
And got a wet tail
From swim suits to ball gowns
She danced from one wave to another
From sail boards to dance boards
She surfed the water for gold
On the dance floor she was bold
But the prize eluded her hold
No gold
A winner and a grinner
A dancer and a prancer
Barbara Kendall was her name
Olympic gold brought her fame
Te Awamutu Branch NZSG # 195 – June 2009 Page: 1
Disclaimer: All efforts are made to ensure the information published is accurate
Thank you to everyone who contributed
NZ Legacy Users Group
HAMILTON: 4th Sunday of alternate months starting March 2009, 1:00 pm to 3:30 ish, Seminar Room, School Support Services, University of Waikato.
Sunday 26 July 2009, Sunday 27September 2009, Sunday 22 November 2009.
There is a gold coin donation charge to cover afternoon tea. BYOlaptop. Contact is Margaret Couch
Te Awamutu Branch NZSG # 195 – June 2009 Page: 1
Disclaimer: All efforts are made to ensure the information published is accurate