Pictures and sounds we would like to share with you.
June 2009 Photos
3000 flags placed on Confederate graves at the Stonewall Cemetery to observe Confederate Memorial Day in Winchester June 6, 2009
Guest speaker Steve Ritchie talks to a large crowd on a beautiful evening in the Stonewall Cemetery in Winchester
Turner Ashby Camp Commander speaks at the Confederate Memorial Service on June 6, 2009
Turner Ashby UDC President Kim Mauck addresses the crowd at the Confederate Memorial Service
One of the Early Family members which were honored at the Confederate Memorial Service
December 2007 Photos
Left-John Fox presents the Compatriot of the Year / Commander Fox received the Distinguished Service Award / Clark Nail received the Officer of the Year Award / Commander elect Art Candenquist addresses the members of the Turner Ashby Camp at the 2007 Christmas Banquet
October 2007 Photos
Guest Speaker Fred L. Ray receives a Certificate of Appreciation from Commander Fox at our October meeting.
January 2007 Photos (click to enlarge the picture)
Above Left - John Schreiner receives the Compatriot of the Year award at our January meeting.
Above Right - Raymond Wills is inducted into our camp in January.
Above Center - Guest Speaker Gregg Clemmer receives a
Certificate of Appreciation from Commander John Fox
Proudly Serving The United States of America
Above - Kevin Bayliss
December - Banquet 2006 Photos (click to enlarge the picture)
Above Left - Members, family and friends attended the 2006 Christmas Banquet
Above Center - Stormie Keating captured our hearts as she played her violin at our banquet
Above Right - A wonderful meal was enjoyed by all
Above Left - Guest speaker Robert Krick received a Certificate of Appreciation from Commander Fox
Above Center - Kimberly Lynch accepts a check on behalf of the UDC
Above Right - Charles Anderson receives the 2006 Turner Ashby Award
Above Left - Arthur Candenquist receives the History Award from Commander Fox
Above Right - Commander Fox receives the Officer of the Year Award
October Photos (click to enlarge the picture)
Above Top Left - Members and friends @ the October SCV meeting.
Above Top Center - Guest speaker H.K. Edgerton speaks at the Turner Ashby Camp October meeting.
Above Top Right - H.K. Edgerton receives a certificate of appreciation from Camp Commander John J. Fox III
Above Bottom Center - A good crowd for our October meeting.
June Photos (click to enlarge the picture)
Above Left - Camp member Rodney Cowley was presented an award by the U.D.C. for his service in Vietnam.
Above Center - Camp member Neil Russell was presented an award by the U.D.C. for his service in Vietnam.
Above Right - Commander John Fox speaks on behalf of S.C.V..
Above Left - U.D.C. President Debbie Thomas gives a warm welcome at the 140th Confederate Memorial Service.
Above Right - Guest Speaker Arthur Candenquist gave a wonderful talk at the 2006 Confederate Memorial Service.
Above Left - S.C.V. members & friends enjoy the fun during our camp picnic at Fort Collier.
Above Center - Camp member David Smoke & guest Stormie Keating added a special touch to the picnic with great music.
Above Right - Stormie & David were presented certificates of appreciation at the picnic.
Above - Great Food and fellowship at our camp picnic.
May Photos (click to enlarge the picture)
Above Left - Guest Speaker Stephen Ritchie spoke at our May meeting.
Above Center - Commander John Fox presents a "Certificate of Appreciation" to Steve Ritchie
Above Right - Camp member C. J. Ellis gave a beautiful Confererate pocket watch & knife to our guest speaker, Steve Ritchie.
Above - Camp member C. J. Ellis, Guest Speaker Steve Ritchie & Commander John Fox
April Photos (click to enlarge the picture)
Above - Richard Boyd Armstrong (C) and Glenn Clevenger Martin (R) are inducted as new members at the April meeting with Commander Fox (L).
March Photos (click to enlarge each picture)
Above Left - Karlton W. Terry induction at the Feb 14 meeting.
Above Right - Sean Walsh receiving a certificate of appreciation.
January Meeting & Lexington, VA Trip (click to enlarge each picture)
Above Left - Guest speaker Richard Radi is given a certificate of appreciation at our January meeting.
Above Center - New member C.J. Ellis is sworn in by Commander John Fox and Alan Cowan.
Above Right - Camp members visit the Stonewall Jackson Cemetery in Lexington, VA.
Above Left - Camp members on their way to Jackson's Memorial.
Above Center - Members of the Turner Ashby camp listen to several speakers at the ceremony.
Above Right - S.C.V. members place wreath at Jackson's Grave.
Above Left - The sound of bag-pipes & drums filled the air.
Above Center - Even General Lee was there!
Above Right - First grave site of Stonewall Jackson.
Above Left - Members walk from Stonewall Cemetery to VMI.
Above Right - Parade Grounds at VMI
Christmas Banquet 2005 (click to enlarge each picture)
Above Left - The Camp Enjoying The Music
Above Center - Bluegrass band "Cedar Ridge" performs at the Christmas Banquet
Above Right - Drawing for a .50 Cal Black Powder Rifle
Above Left - Dessert, Southern Style
Above Center - Good Fellowship
Above Right - Guest Speaker William Connery speaking about the CSS Shenandoah
Above - Last Roll Call for Compatriot Ray Eugene Bowers
Stonewall Cemetery at Mt. Hebron, Winchester, VA - June 6, 2005 - 3000 of these flags are installed in the Confederate Cemetery within the Mt. Hebron Cemetery each year for the Confederate Memorial which is held every year on June 6th beginning at 7:00 PM.
Ashby brothers tombstone at Stonewall Cemetary in Mt Hebron Cemetary in Winchester, VA
Oct 11 2005 - Monthly Meeting was held at Ft Collier in Winchester, VA. This picture was taken on the main staircase at the Stine house.
The camp auctioned off this Civil War replica pistol at the October 11, 2005 meeting at Ft Collier. The winner was John Fox.
General Turner Ashby camp banner made around 1897 and is on display at The Stonewall Jackson headquarters in Winchester, VA.
Members of the Turner Ashby U.D.C. and S.C.V. at Stonewall Cemetery
Debbie Thomas, President of the Turner Ashby U.D.C. Chapter 184
Strewing of the flowers at General Ashby's grave.