Plan for Transition Process Redelivery Training 2015
IDEA-Authoritative SourceRedelivery Plan:
All sections will be delivered by Susan Russell. Teachers will be asked to bring their laptops so can access information and navigate the toolbox. The presentation will also be shown on the projector. / Date and detail of redelivery:
January 26, 2016 & February 2, 2016 from 3:30 - 5:00 PM at the Central Office - all middle and high school EC teachers
Fill in the blank worksheet for teachers to complete during presentation
Questions to be addressed:
1) What does IDEA say about Transition Services?
2) At what age should transition begin?
3) What informaiton is needed to help determine needed services?
4) Who is responsible for implementing services?
Transition Assessment
Redelivery Plan:
Look at various assessment tools available in the toolbox as well as review the specific assessments (by age) set forth by the district
***Date transition assessments on the DEC4a. / Date and details of redelivery:
January 26, 2016 & February 2, 2016 from 3:30 - 5:00 PM at the Central Office - all middle and high school EC teachers
Items to be discussed:
1) Types of assessments
2) Making sure students strengths, preferences, interests and needs are addressed
3) Remind teachers of Transition Folders that should be in every EC folder for students 14 yoa and older (implemented at the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year)
Postsecondary Goals
Redelivery Plan:
Discuss district expectation of completing Sections A, B and C of the Transition Plan (including postsecondary goals) at age 14.
* Independent Living - should be considered for ALL students. / Date and details of redelivery:
January 26, 2016 & February 2, 2016 from 3:30 - 5:00 PM at the Central Office - all middle and high school EC teachers
Examples will be provided via handouts and toolbox.
Transition Services
Redelivery Plan:
Discuss the various activities that the student will be doing to help meet their post-secondary goals. / Date and details of redelivery:
January 26, 2016 & February 2, 2016 from 3:30 - 5:00 PM at the Central Office - all middle and high school EC teachers
Discuss community resources (view webinar completed by Innovative Approaches team)
View Livebind Transition Tool Kit
IEP Annual Goals
Redelivery Plan:
This will be covered during the presentation. / Date and details of redelivery:
January 26, 2016 & February 2, 2016 from 3:30 - 5:00 PM at the Central Office - all middle and high school EC teachers
Questions to be addressed:
1) What skills are needed for post-secondary goals?
2) What skills does the student already have?
3) Are annual goals and transition activites connected? If not, how can we make sure they are?
(One example for making sure there is a connection: In order to meet his post secondary goal of ______, John will……)
This way, there is no question about the connection.
Redelivery Plan:
Compliance reviews are conducted during reevaluations, annuals reviews/addendums and randomly throughout the year. / Date and details of redelivery:
January 26, 2016 & February 2, 2016 from 3:30 - 5:00 PM at the Central Office - all middle and high school EC teachers
Review Indicator 13 - a copy of the checklist is filed in the Transition Folder as well as Transition Folder & Indicator 13 Review binder in the Transition office
Redelivery Plan:
Teachers will be given time to navigate the toolbox and ask questions.
Remind teachers of Transfer of Rights at Age of Majority form that needs to be completed at age 18
Student led IEPs: NC has a state goal of 100% of transition age students participating in and/or leading their IEP meetings - as a district we need to work on increasing this number (I will be working on a way of documenting this) / Date and details of redelivery:
January 26, 2016 & February 2, 2016 from 3:30 - 5:00 PM at the Central Office - all middle and high school EC teachers
LEA/Charter: Stanly County Schools
Date: 12/09/15
Transition Lead: Susan Russell