Annual Research Report for the Academic Year June 2015 to JAN 2016

Dept / Papers published / Conference presentation / Workshop
attended / Conf.
contd / Guest lectures organized / Funded projects
Nos. & Rs / projects / Awards / Students presen
tation / Students public
cation / No. of Approved mentor / No. of PhD scholars
UG / PG / Faculty / Student
N / IN / N / IN / N / IN / IH / E / IH / E / PT / FT
HSS / 1 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3 / 2 / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / 2 / 5 / -


N- National IN- International IH-In-House E-External

1. Research activities of the faculty members:

A). Papers published by the faculty members in National and International Journals:

1. Published a paper titled “IndraSinha’s ‘Animal’s People’ – an Example of Literature Reflecting Society’ in the international conference on Literature – A reflection of the Society’. Vol 3 Special Issue 8 October 2016 ISSN:2349-8684 ISRA – Impact Factor 0811.

2.Published a paper titled “English Language Teaching and Learning through Technology” at ELT@I Tirupati Chapter Journal of English Language and Literature (ETCJELL) Vol 3 Issue 2 October 2016.

3. Published a paper titled “The Utilization of Authentic Material in English Language Teaching” at ICITELL, August 2016. ISBN:9789386176189

B). Papers presented by the faculty members in National and International conferences/ symposiums/ workshops:

1. Presented a paper titled “Movie - A Tool for Integrated Testing of Language Skills” at a National Conference on Sociolinguistics organized by Scott Christian College, Nagercoil.

2. Presented a paper titled “IndraSinha’s ‘Animal’s People’ – an Example of Literature Reflecting Society’ in the international conference on Literature – A reflection of the Society’. Vol 3 Special Issue 8 October 2016 ISSN:2349-8684 ISRA – Impact Factor 0811.

3. Presented a paper titled “The Utilization of Authentic Material in English Language Teaching” at ICITELL, August 2016. ISBN:9789386176189

C). National and International Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops attended by the Faculty members:

1. A two-day teacher training workshop on Integrating Technology in Language Teaching organized by Anna University, Guindy Campus, Chennai. 23rd to 24th September 2016.

2. Two day workshop on Digital Tools for Teaching and Learning as part of the International Conference on Innovations in the Teaching of English Language and Literature (ICITELL 2016) conducted on 12th & 13th August 2016, at VIT, Vellore.

3. Two day workshop on Emerging Trends in Language Teaching and Research as part of the International Conference on Innovations in the Teaching of English Language and Literature (ICITELL 2016) conducted on 12th & 13th August 2016, at VIT, Vellore.

4. Faculty Development Programmeon ‘Resource Mobilisation for Research’ at Pioneer College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore-47.

2) Departmental research activities:

A). Symposium, Conferences, Workshop and Guest lectures Conducted: NA

B). Ongoing funded projects in the in the Department:NA

C). Projects submitted to Funding Agencies by the Department: NA

3) Student Research Activities:

A). List of projects carried out by the students in the department as in house and Industrial project: NA

B). Research Publications by students in National and International Journal:NA

C). Research Presentations by students in National and International Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops: NA

D) National and International Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops attended by the students: NA

4) Sponsorship details of faculty and students: NA

I) Sponsorship for faculty members: NA

A) Faculty sponsored for presentation in National Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops: NA

B) Faculty sponsored for presentation in International Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops: NA

C) Faculty sponsored for attending national Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops: NA

II) Sponsorship for Students:NA

A). Students sponsored for presentation in National Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops: NA

B). Students sponsored for presentation in International Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops: NA

C). Students sponsored for attending national Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops: NA