Carlos Martel 5655 Dpto. 53 – Las Condes - Santiago
Executive résumé
Graduate of Economics and Business Administration, with solid and successful experience in general manager and commercial manager positions with multinationals firms in Europe and Chile.
Proved accomplishment in designing and implementing commercial plans, reengineering of organizations and redefining business strategies in search of efficiency and efficacy.
In every organization and position I held, people recognized me qualities of a manager, in planning, controlling and solving problems, as well asa leader, in managing change through coordination, motivation and inspiration of people.
Persistent and effective in delegation and supervision. High capacity of adaptation, managing change and innovation processes. Capable of controlling pressure and stress. I enjoy challenges and I set to myself high goals. Highly emphatic, effective communicator, I facilitate collaboration and coordination between people. Fluent in four languages (Italian, Spanish, French and English).
Professional experience
CASTROL CHILE,Santiago – CHILE (jan2004 –oct2008)
General Manager
Responsible for British Petroleum Chilean subsidiary, reporting directly to Latin America GM. Annual turnover of U$D 15 millions.Commercial organization presents in all main cities of the country with headquarters and a production plant in Santiago. 46 employees.
- Commercial and distributive strategy redefined with a change from direct sales to regional distributors.
- Implementation of“Profit to serve” with segmentation of clients and products that resulted in:reduction of 75% of direct accounts; savings of 32% in logistic; SKU rationalization (-80%) with positive impact on working capital need and plant productivity; organizational redefinition that leaded to employees reduction (21% savings) and improvement of sales force’s professional level.
- Business migration to National Distributor during June 2008 being Chile the only Latin America country in accomplishing timing and minimizing volumes and margin impact.
- Leadership of Chilean subsidiary closing with minimal impact in people and official recognition from the Group as “best practice”.
- Castrol Chiledistinguished itself constantly during 5 years as BP organization in Latin America with fewer accidents and best results in safe, security, health and environmental care.
Commercial General Manager
Responsible of worldwidecommercial strategy, sales, price policy and margins. 150 millions €uros turnover. Commercialorganization present directly in Europe, USA, Canada and Thailand with 150 employees. Position reported directly to CEO and placed me in the 400 higher level managers of Michelin Group (112.000 employees).
- Reorganization of European commercial structure with the objective of increasing capacity to react to market environment and, at the same time, optimize costs.
- Accomplishment of volumes, turnover and margin targets.
- Leadership on reengineering process with 13% jobs withdrawal and successful relocation of 90% of affected professionals.
MICHELIN CHILE LTDA.,Santiago – CHILE. (1998 – 2001)
General Manager
Responsible for Michelin Group Chilean subsidiary reporting directly to South American Region Director. Annual sales: 50 millions €uros. Commercial organization with direct presence in each of the main cities of Chile with headquarters in Santiago. 65 employees.
- Constant volume growth during three years of management:
1999/1998 + 12%; 2000/1999 + 14%; 2001/2000 +11%.
- Brand image consolidation and development of distribution network.
- Complete subsidiary reengineering at commercial and administrative level with the final result of 18% costs reduction, thus, a better bottom line result.
- Development of organizational structure with the implementation of a rigorous hiring/dismissal plan, career plan and salary policy.
MICHELIN ITALIANA S.p.A., Milano – ITALY. (1994 –1998)
Truck and Bus Product Line Marketing Manager
Responsible for the Italian market of pricing, intelligence, product, distribution, communication, forecasting. Directly reporting to Product Line Director.
3 millions €urosbudget and leadership of 12 people team.
- Creation of Product Line marketing department, defining objectives, accountabilities and responsibilities, and being in charge of team hiring process.
- Constant increase in Michelin brand market share (from 39%to 43%)
- National launch of “Energy” product. Preparation and definition of product characteristics; communication plan, events organization. Sales results allowed Michelin brand to exceed 50% market share in the targeted segment.
- Preparation and launch of new multi-brand strategy (Michelin, Stomil, and Taurus)in the Italian market for new and reconditioned tires. “Cannibalization” effect on Michelin product was minimized thanks to a successful distributive strategy and attentive commercial policy. 3.5 market share points were added.
MICHELIN ITALIANA S.p.A., Milano – ITALIA. (1993 – 1994)
Technical-sales person.
Responsible for Milan metropolitan area with a sales portfolio of tires distributors, transportation firms and truck and light-truck dealers with a sales volume of 3 millions €uros.
- 3% sales volume growth with an increase of 4% in sales amounts in a stable market.
Academic background
Universitá Commerciale L. Bocconi di Milano, Italia. Economics and Business Administration.
(TheBocconiUniversity, in special Financial Time ranking, “Executive Education Ranking”, appears in place #5 inEuropeand# 15 in the world. The Wall Street Journal placed it between the first 20 best business schoolsworldwide. Forbes classified it #1 in the world in special category “Value for money”).
Spanish, French, and English: fluent.
Italian : native.
Additional information
Date and place of birth: 22 September 1966, Torino, Italy.
RUT: 14.669.841-7
Divorced. One son,Massimiliano, 8 years old.
Alessandro Bottino – 56-9- 130/09/2008