Central Baptist College
Course Syllabus
CBC 1300-10 PACE Orientation
SEMESTER: Fall 2014
Dates: July 14, 2014-August 14, 2014, 6-10PM
REVISION: 5/1/2014
Instructor: Mrs. Lindsey Cosio
Work/Daytime Phone: (501)205-8788
Office Hours: 8AM-5PM
Cell Phone: (479)XXX-XXXX
Office Location: PACE Office 213
A course designed to orient all students entering the PACE program for the first time to its unique nature and its policies and procedures; it will also assist in acclimating students to the world of adult learning.
Prerequisite: None
*Students are responsible for acquiring the following materials by the time the course begins:
Simon, Linda. New Beginnings: A Reference Guide for Adult Learners (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2010. ISBN: 978-0-13-715230-8
- Computer with basic audio/video output equipment
- Internet access (broadband recommended)
- Microsoft Word and Power Point
The purpose of this course is to aid students in being successful as they seek to complete their degree through the PACE Program. This will be accomplished by:
§ Be familiar with and understand basic writing skills
§ Learn to identify academic and outside resources: Online resources, tutoring, information technology
§ Identify student assets, weaknesses, learning styles, and goals
§ Utilize the functions of the course management system: Webstudy
§ Critical thinking : Identify rights and responsibility of the student
§ Develop long term learning skills
§ Understand degree plans and employability of the degrees
§ Understand library and availability of resources
§ Overview of time management and study skills
§ Know academic advisor, understand course scheduling guidelines, activate student email account, and secure a photo ID card.
§ Be familiar with campus security, enroll in campus alert system and take campus tour
§ Meet Department Chair and academic advisor(s)
Welcome and Course Materials:
Print and read syllabus
View course chart
Read assignment instructions
Take Course Checklist Quiz
Week One:
Read & discuss chapter 1
View & study ppt presentations
WebStudy personal information
Submit CBC & WebStudy email
Write & upload Goals letter
Calculate GPA
Participate in Forum 1
Take Quiz 1
Week Two:
Read & discuss chapters 2 & 3
View & study ppt presentations
Login and update SchoolCast
Take Learning Styles surveys
Submit “mock” Withdrawal Form
Participate in Forum 2
Take Quiz 2
Week Three:
Read & discuss chapters 4 & 5
View & study ppt presentations
Research in the CBC Library & OL database resources
Order books for the next block
Participate in Forum 3
Take Quiz 3
Week Four:
Read & discuss chapters 6 & 7
View & study ppt presentations
Learn strategies for online research
Learn different styles of documentation
Participate in Forum 4
Take Quiz 4
Week Five:
Read & discuss chapter 8
View & study ppt presentation
Write & upload persuasion essay
Take proctored exam
Internet and software: You must have continuous access to a working and dependable Internet provider. Students must be able to access Microsoft Word 2000 or other applicable software required later for completing assignments.
Students are expected to check the Timeline tab in their WebStudy course each week beginning two weeks before the start of the course. Students are expected to check WebStudy e-mail several times per week to ensure timely receipt of messages from the professor.
WebStudy Assignment Submissions
Unless otherwise instructed all assignments must be submitted via WebStudy by the indicated due date. As you complete each of these assignments, be sure to click “submit” on the assignment in the course management system (WebStudy) section. Assignments should be submitted by the weekly due date posted.
WebStudy has four primary purposes in our courses: (1) to provides a means for students to receive timely information about the course in general, assignments, grades, and announcements from the instructor; (2) to promote thoughtful interaction between the instructor and students and among students themselves as they work through course materials; (3) to provide a means for students to complete quizzes and other forms of evaluation; and (4) to enhance the learning process by providing a variety of materials.
Online Discussion Forums will be posted in WebStudy under the Forum tab. The format for each question will be specified within each forum. The purpose of these parameters is to promote writing that is both thorough and concise. Discussion questions will be posted in advance. Since not everyone will see things identically, students are to review one another’s postings in order to further their insight and learning. This is an important benefit of dialogue. Participation in discussion forums represents a significant portion of your grade. Please note: Dialogue is not a message board. Students must post substantive messages that are academically sound. Please review the rubric for evaluating online course discussions (see last page of syllabus).
If you have technical problems with WebStudy, please contact the IT Department by e-mailing .
Attendance and Participation: Your attendance and participation are important means for the instructor to assess your skills, quality of thought, and growth as a student. The attendance policy and procedures are described below. When applicable, requirements for your participation in WebStudy discussion are important for both your learning and your instructor’s evaluation of your progress in the course. It is the student’s responsibility to login to WebStudy regularly to check assignments.
Assignments: Pay close and timely attention to reading assignments and other assigned work posted in the syllabus and WebStudy. Throughout the five-week course, you will need to submit various assignments. If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please contact your instructor or the PACE and Online Studies Department. You are also responsible for preparing assigned readings carefully by the date listed on the schedule as well as completing tests projects and other assignments by the date listed.
Credit Hour Statement: For each course credit hour, the typical student should expect to spend at least three clock hours per week outside of class concentrating on course-related work, including, but not limited to, reading, reviewing, organizing notes, preparing for upcoming quizzes/ exams, problem solving, developing and completing projects and other activities that enhance learning. Thus, for a three hour course, a typical student should expect to spend at least nine hours per week, outside of the classroom, dedicated to the course.
Technology: The use of laptops and tablets is permitted in class for classroom purposes only. Students using these devices in any other manner during the class period will be asked to put the device away and will no longer be permitted the use of the device. Texting is permitted only during class breaks. Any student texting during instruction will be asked to leave the class and will receive an absence for that class session. If you are expecting an important phone call during class, please inform your instructor ahead of time.
Online Attendance Policy
Regular attendance in the virtual classroom is expected throughout the course. It is vitally important for students to complete an initial Course Checklist by 11:59pm CST of the 3rd day of the course. Furthermore, students are expected to actively participate by submitting an academic assignment (such as participating in a discussion board post, an examination, written paper or project) in the course. Those who do not complete the check list and fail to actively participate within the 7-days of the course will be administratively withdrawn from the course and receive a “W” with 50% tuition reversal for the applicable online course.
E-MAIL Communications: Appropriate professional communication is a critical skill set to develop. As a student in this class, all email correspondence regarding this class must be sent from your WebStudy email address. Each email must contain an appropriate, descriptive subject line – do not leave it blank – do not send a new email dealing with a new topic using an old email “string”. Instructors are to respond within a 24-48 hour window, if the correspondence is sent on a weekend or holiday, responses may be answered afterwards. Please contact your instructor or the PACE and Online Studies Department if you have questions.
Academic Honor Code: As our mission statement indicates, Central Baptist College is a community of learners dedicated to the integration of Christian faith and academic excellence. To achieve this aim, we must act with honor and integrity; therefore, we hold ourselves accountable. We will refrain from all academic fraud. We will not misrepresent our work, help others to cheat, or receive unauthorized aid on a test or other assignment. We will endeavor to reflect the excellence of Christ in all we say and do.
Writing Assignments and Plagiarism: All papers and essays at CBC must follow the writing style format required by the instructor.
All written assignments will be submitted through WebStudy and reviewed using the Turn-It In software application. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, plagiarism is defined as “to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own: use (another's production) without crediting the source”. In other words, presenting another person’s work, ideas, or expressions as one’s own, is considered plagiarizing. Whether one does so intentionally, or as a result of careless documentation, it is considered plagiarism.
Arrangements for Students with Disabilities: It is the policy of CBC to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal and state law. Any student with a disability who needs an accommodation should contact Paula Bender, Disability Support Services Coordinator. Her office is located in the Student Services Office in the Mabee Student Center. Mrs. Bender’s email address is , and her telephone number is (501) 205-8926. *Please contact Mrs. Bender prior to the start of the course if you need any accommodations.
Harassment Policy: It is CBC’s policy that all personnel have the right to work and/or study in an environment free from illegal discrimination including all types of harassment. Please familiarize yourself with Harassment Policy on pages 13-15 of the Student Handbook.
Withdrawing from the Course: Students who wish to withdraw from the course must complete the withdrawal process. This process involves presenting a signed withdrawal form to the Registrar’s office. Ceasing to attend class does not constitute a withdrawal from the course. Students who do not properly withdraw from the course will receive a failing grade.
Students please remember to take the anonymous online course evaluation during week five. If you have any questions or concerns about the PACE and Online Studies evaluation, please contact Lindsey Cosio at .
Students in this course will be evaluated by the College’s grading system as explained in the student handbook. Grades will be based on scores from assignments, quizzes, exams, assignments, clinical experiences, and participation.
Type Points______Percentage
Assignments 325 36%
Quizzes 200 22%
Forums 175 20%
Persuasive Essay 100 11%
Final Exam 100 11%
Total Points Possible 900 100%
F =59 and below
Course Requirements and Assignments
§ Assignments (10)
There will be a total of ten assignments in this course. As you complete each of these assignments, be sure to click “submit” on the assignment in the course management system (WebStudy). Assignments should be submitted by the weekly due date posted. Seven assignments will be worth 25 points and three will be worth 50 points.
§ Discussion Forum (4)
In Sessions 1-4, you will participate in a Discussion Board Forum. First, you must post a 50-word thread answering all of the questions in the forum based on that week's textbook readings and/or presentations. Each thread is due by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. (CST) of the relevant week. Then you must reply in 25 words or more to at least two classmate's thread (25-word per reply). Your reply must demonstrate the analysis of a classmate's thread and extend meaningful discussion by building on the thread. Each reply is due by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. (CST) of the relevant week. You are expected to post well-developed threads and replies. Forum 1 (initial post+reply) is worth 25 points. Forums 2-4 are worth 50 points each.
§ Quiz (4)
Before the end of Sessions 1-4, students will complete a quiz which is comprised of multiple choice, true/false questions and short answers. Each quiz consists of 20-25 questions and must be completed in 15 minutes. The quiz will cover the material in the CBC information packet, PACE handbook, reading assignments and Powerpoint presentations. The main purpose of the quiz is to ensure that the student has learned the information as well as where to find the information for future reference. Each quiz is worth 50 points.
§ Persuasive Essay
In week 5, the student will submit a 2-4 page persuasive essay in MLA format on one of the following topics: (A) The primary mission of colleges and universities should be preparing students for the workforce; (B) Online learning is not only convenient for students and teachers but often more effective than traditional classroom instruction; (C) Every American should learn Spanish; (D) Non-traditional students should not be required to take physical education courses. The paper must be submitted via WebStudy on the last day of the class no later than 11:59 pm CST. See ‘Assignment Instructions’ for more details. This Essay is worth 100 points.
§ Final Exam
There will be a 20 minutes CLOSED BOOK exam at the end of the course. This exam will cover all the material from the quizzes as well as the material covered on the Powerpoint presentations. See ‘Assignment Instructions’ for more details. The Final Exam is worth 100 points.
§ Late Work: Written assignments submitted after the due date will receive an automatic reduction of 50%. Late work will not be accepted more than 1 week following the due date. The last day to submit any assignment for this course is August 14, at noon.
§ Rubric for Evaluating Online Discussions (50 points per discussion assignment)( See Final Page)