Board Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2011
Attendees: Barbara Young, Marj Luger, Pat Garrett, David Monroe,
Sister Joanne Macaulay, Cassie Putnam, Brigitte Baradoy,
Lois Day, Edna Willier, Sandra Ermineskin
Staff: Jan Reimer, Carolyn Goard, Jennifer Ness, Ken Seto (partial attendance)
Guests: Tracy Gierman and Joyce Goodhand
Regrets: Karen Pease, Janene Moch and Lorne Goddard
Call to Order, Welcome & Introductions / Barb Young
Additions to the Agenda Agenda / Tracy Gierman and Joyce Goodhand will join the board at noon to update the board on the Canadian Network of Women’s Shelters and Transition Houses as well as the Global meeting held in Amsterdam.
Approval of Agenda & Approval of Minutes / Barb Young / Motion by Marj seconded by Pat that the Agenda be approved as amended. Carried
Motion by David seconded by Lois that the minutes of the February 11, 2011 meeting be approved as circulated. Carried
President’s Update
· Organizational Review
· Meeting with Ministers Fritz, Denis and Evans / Barb Young / Organizational Review:
RFP presented to Board members. Will need to make minor changes as noted under Required Follow-Up.
Motion by Lois that the Board committee to be given authorization to award the contract based on the plan tabled and the dollar amount listed .Seconded by Pat. Carried
Meeting with Ministers:
Barb, Pat, Carolyn and Jan met with Ministers Fritz, Denis and Evans along with their deputy ministers, and the Deputies from Justice and Employment and Immigration as well as various assistants regarding second stage housing. Very positive meeting. / Office to send out the RFP with the following wording:
“and implement” to the sentence “Develop a consultation process…”; Take out the last line of the 2nd to last paragraph; change the date from April 30 to May 9.
The revised RFP is attached for board information.
Committee to review the submissions and select a consultant
Barb to write thank you note to the Minister
More information regarding 2nd stage housing will be provided by Jan.
Jan to send follow-up letter to Ministers highlighting the following points:
1. Requesting a timeline for revamping criteria for Housing First Request for Proposals that is to come out in June.
2. Recognize residential domestic violence services as a continuum based on women’s needs
3. Change definition of permanency for the purposes of Housing First
4. Top up rents for “second stage” housing
5. Provide associated funding for wrap around services
Jan will work with Dianne Finch on drafting a follow-up letter regarding the definition of permanent housing as it relates to second stage.
Provide updates to Board and Second Stage Shelter Directors
Treasurer’s Report
Budget 2011-2012 / Lois Day / Ken joined the meeting. Reviewed the changes that were done in camera at the last Board meeting of February 11, 2011. The bottom line has essentially remained the same.
Motion by Lois to accept the amended Operating Budget for the fiscal year 2011/2012 as presented. Brigitte seconded. Carried
Board Governance
· Nominations
· Call for Committee
· Violence in Workplace Policy / David Monroe / Nominations - positions that are up for election:
Central Board member: still open, someone from Camrose may be interested
Greater Edmonton Board member: Sister Joanne – running again
Calgary Board member: David – running again
Northern paid manager: Noreen Cotton is considering
On reserve Shelters paid manager: open Southern Alberta paid manager: Karen running again
President: Barbara – will stand.
There may have been some confusion on the Call for Committee members by current members wishing to remain on SLEC and SPEC.
Motion by David. Seconded by Pat. To accept new volunteers and extend the terms for any members that want to stay on SPEC . Carried
Motion to accept new volunteers and extend the term for members that want to stay on by David. Seconded by Lois. Carried
Governance Committee – discussion around who should be on this committee due to the intricacies surrounding it.
Need to put into place a grievance policy for shelter members with respect to how they are treated, any concerns, etc. they have by and towards ACWS.
Violence in Workplace Policy:
Motion to incorporate policy in the manual as distributed by David. Seconded by Pat. Carried / Marj did re-circulate the email re: call for committee and will phone the members to extend call for those who wish to stay on and to report back by the end of April.
Brigitte to phone around and confirm with existing members if they wish to stay on the Social and Legal committee and to report back by the end of April
David to check with Pat Vargas to determine if she wishes to remain on committee. ACWS board members to decide if they wish to serve on committee if Pat does not continue. David to also check with Janene.
David to draft this process
David to draft this process.
Jan – ACWS staff to correct page numbers from 2 to 3
Jan to operationalize and to talk to benefits provider
National Network / Jan / Tracy Gierman and Joyce Goodhand were introduced to the board and Tracy gave a presentation on the Amsterdam global meeting as well as describing the goals of the Canadian Network of Women’s Shelters and Transitions Houses.
Shelter Programs & Education / Marj / Face to face meeting still pending.
Concern regarding the need to determine what is committee work and what is operational work. Operational Review will hopefully help sort this out.
One new bursary approved for $5000 / Marj to have committee work on terms of reference (Carolyn to provide input) and the resulting document to be sent to David for Governance Review and presentation to the Board.
On Reserve Shelter Committee Report / Sandra Ermineskin / Sandra provided a list of recommendations from the On Reserve Shelter Committee. The On Reserve Committee sees no need for the proposed Aboriginal Advisory Committee.
Instead it recommends that:
· ACWS appoint aboriginal representation to all standing committees
· the membership identify issues with respect to violence against aboriginal women and then for task forces to address them
· there be dedicated time on the shelter directors’ agenda (say 50-60%) to deal with aboriginal issues
· the leadership bursary should be used to address violence against aboriginal women
May 20th is next meeting date for the On-Reserve Committee. Josie Nepinak has been invited to attend and Sandra is to confirm if Cassie should attend meeting as an ACWS Board representative. / Barb agreed that ACWS would look at all these suggestions.
Barb has suggested a follow-up session post May 20th meeting.
Barb also suggested that aboriginal issues be a focus at the AGM. Sandra has suggested Claudine Lewis as an excellent resource.
Provincial Coordinator’s
Report / Jan / Proposal put forth for a Lynda Steele Award to be presented annually in November. This award is to recognize a person in the media that has done outstanding work toward public awareness of domestic violence and shelters
Motion to approve award by Pat and seconded by Edna. Carried.
Johnson Report release has been delayed until after the federal election.
We should encourage a shelter to volunteer to participate in the Canadian Network’s WOW’s project. Will need a selection process.
Process government uses for shelter contract renewals has caused problems and it has been requested that ACWS office review how they can assist shelters in this process for next year.
Stollery has committed $50,000.00 for Helping Hands Project for the coming year / Jan will follow up with a selection process and nominating form for the use of shelters
Members to get back to Jan with suggestions as to how to select the shelter
Jan to look at possible procedures as to how the ACWS office can assist in contract negotiations for the following year.
Board Phone Around / All / Reports reviewed.
Marj: had concern from shelter re: allowing guide animals into the shelter
David, Cassie, Marj and Lois: all had concerns from shelters about the contract negotiation process with the government / Note needs to go out to shelter directors ensuring that they share with their staff that guide/service dogs are to be accommodated under law in the shelters
Jan to look at possible procedures as to how the ACWS office can assist in contract negotiations for the following year for discussion at the next Shelter Director meeting
In Camera
Adjournment / Meeting adjourned 3:25pm
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