KZN Masters Swimming Association

Newsletter 1 2008/2009

Greetings to you all,

This newsletter contains general news as well as snippets of news from all 3 KZN Masters Swimming clubs. – East Coast, Seals and Highway masters. It is hoped to “bond” the clubs closer together like the “good old days”.

World Masters Swimming Championships in Perth 2008

6 KZN Masters Swimmers took part in these championships – Morag Bromfield , Roland Heuff, Les Hadenham and Peter Larcombe from East Coast, Heather Campbell from Seals and Barbara Bowley from Highway Masters. They all did exceptionally well breaking KZN records.

Morag won gold in all 3 of her backstroke races and broke 3 SA records. Heather was placed in the top 5 in all her races winning gold in the 200 IM. Barbara Bowley came 5th in the 800m and 8th in the 3km Open water swim. Well done to all of you.

The next World Masters is in Sweden in 2010 so start saving now.

From Left to Right: Medal winners. Peter Larcombe, Morag Bromfield, Roland Heuff, Heather Campbell and Les Hadenham. Absent: Barbara Bowley.

Winter Fitness Challenge 17 August

34 swimmers took part in the Winter Fitness challenge - 4 were visitors. 30 did the individual and 4 did the relay. Another team entered on 30th August. See photo below.

Congratulations to Barbara Bowley of Highway who swam a total distance of 4300m.

1500m short course records were also broken on the day.

1500m S/C Record Breakers

  • Cindy Botha of East Coast 19/2422.17.48 KZN and SA
  • Barbara Bowley of Highway 40/4420.17.58 KZN and SA
  • Heather Campbell of Seals 50/5421.29.35 KZN
  • Les Hadenham of East Coast 65/6925.34.01 KZN.SA and Colours.

Congratulations to all of you!


Relay team members: Ian Howard, Fiona Macleod, Roland Heuff and Howard Bebington

Subscriptions 2008/2009 Season

Please remember to pay your subs for the2008/2009 season to your respective swimming clubs in order to avoid the extra R70 penalty imposed by SAMS. East Coast and Highway Fees remain at R220.00 per annum.

Accommodation at Nationals 2009

SA Masters National Championships takes place in East London from 11th March to 15th March. A block booking of 25 double rooms for KZN Swimmers has been made at the new Road Lodge which is not far from the pool. Price per room is R385.00 and breakfast is R37.00. If you wish to book accommodation please contact Les Tooms the KZN Secretary 031-4673223 or 082 0524074or email Les on soon as possible

Now is the time to also book your flights or make other transport arrangements.

Open Water Swims

For those Master Swimmers who enjoy the challenge of Open Water swimming there are 2 events listed below.

a)Sun City Swim

The popular Sun City 3km or 1500m is organised by Phillip Chappell (083 4098096) and Ross Lawson and takes place at Sun City on Saturday 18th October. Profits from this swim go to.

  • Gauteng Lifesavers Association
  • Little Eden
  • Gauteng Masters Swimming Clubs
  • Caregivers Water Safety Awareness

Enter on line

b) Capital K Swim

The Capital K 3km and 1000m swim organised by Penguins Swimming Club takes place at Midmar Dam on Sunday 23rd November. Enter on line

Snippets from the Clubs


Don and Justine Dallas retire from Masters Swimming

‘It was with a very heavy heart that I received the news from Don that he has decided to retire from swimming. Don is an excellent artist and he has decided that he would like to spend more time painting and has therefore decided not to compete any more. For those of you who know Don, anything that he gets involved with he does 110% and now is the time to paint.

Don has broken over 37 records during his career-the first being in 1992. His first Nationals was in 1993 so he has given many years to Masters Swimming. Don is a great team man and was responsible for designing the East Coast logo and motto “Dare to Swim with us”. He has served on various committees and has designed many Nationals Kit logos as well as being responsible for various Nationals portfolios when Nationals was held in Durban.

He was always well supported by Justine who has been a regular KZN timekeeper for many years. We wish you both well and will definitely miss the well laid table at the braais and the best dressed couple at the Nationals functions. Thanks for all you have given to Masters Swimming and East Coast in particular.’ Colleen

Don and Justine at the Dinner Dance at the last SA Nationals in Durban

  • Colleen Bailey received an email from Gavin Lammers. The Lammers family have now moved into their house and seem to be enjoying life in New Zealandand Gavin is getting into the routine of work in Auckland. Their email address is if you would like to drop Gavin an email. I am sure he would appreciate news from us.
  • We are pleased to hear that Renato Salati is recovering well after his recent stroke.
  • Willij Kokott is also recovering well after her illness as is Juanine Schaanick after her recent back operation.
  • Congraulations to Heather Clark of Highway who was one of the Shoprite Checkers Woman of the year finalists. She was nominated for the Sports section.
  • Seals Swimming club hosted a swimming clinic by Darian Townsend in Pietermaritzburg recently. Seals swimming club have offered to give financial assistance to Darian in his build up to 2012 Olympic Games in London. As requested by Darian some of the money he receives will be used for development swimming.
  • Buthy Arbuthnot and Mike Bath have been doing some cross training and recently completed the gruelling Capital Climb 15km running race in Pietermaritzburg.

Braving the Icy Water at Tte Polar Bear Swim Challenge at Dragon Peaks Dam. Bev Shuttleworth, Ann Gray, Heather Goldstein and Ina Koen

  • Annette Snyman, Col Adrian Schoeman, Michelle Bloxham , Graham Robinson and Wilma Daniel have been seen taking part in cycle races, the next major one being the Amashovashova from Pietermaritzburg to Durban on 19th October.
  • Gill Tregenna has just taken part in the SA cross-country running championships where she received a medal in the 65 – 69 age group.
  • Ina Koen, Geoff and Peta Harrison had a wonderful time on their SwimTrek holiday in Croatia. It was a pity that Ann Gray had a “blond” moment and undid her “bum bag” containing her passport instead of her safety belt at O R Thambo International Airport. The passport was never found and she was unable to travel further. No doubt she will be making plans to swim in Greece or the Red Sea in 2010!
  • Congratulations to Estelle Lockon her recent marriage to Paddy Geraty in July.

September Gala

Attendance at the September gala was very pleasing as more than the average came along.

For those who enjoy the stats, look at what our potential could be!

See next page.



/ Possible Attendance / Actual Attendance / %
East Coast / 61 / 27 / 44
Highway / 29 / 9 / 31
Seals / 20 / 5 / 25
Total / 110 / 45 / 41%

Attendance Stats of Gala held at King Park Pool on 7th September. Roland Heuff ,our president tabulated them. There were 4 visitors as well.

October Gala

Our next Masters Gala will take place on Sunday 12th October at the G.C.Jolliffe Pool in Pine Street off Victoria Road in Pietermaritzburg. Buthy, Mike Bath and the Seals team always make is feel most welcome. Registration from 9h30. Start at 10h00. Les will send out the programme of events. Remember the Braai afterwards.

Let’s make it a “Cracker of attendance! ”

Remember our Motto

“Fun, Fitness and Fellowship”

Yours in swimming

The Cycling Turtle


President : Roland Heuff 082 9003183Vice President: Merle Angelos 0825331199

Treasurer: John Garson 076 3103126Secretary: Les Tooms 082 0524074

PRO/Dev: John Harley 082 2230783 Newsletter: Ann Gray 082 8280401

Records Clerk: Colleen Bailey 084 4444842Points: Les Hadenham031 2096551

Club Representatives

Highway: Heather Goldstein 084 2064484 East Coast: Francis Hanauer 082 9024463.

Seals: Heather Campbell 082 3207083