Please respond on the following pages

Tax Declaration – to be completed by taxpayers who responded to A or B overleaf, in capitals

Name: Title ……………

Full Name ......

Address ………………………………………………………

…………………………… Post Code ……………………..

Declaration: “I want Danehill PCC to reclaim tax on my donations which are to be treated as Gift Aid donations”.

This declaration applies to all donations I have made since 6 April 2000 and to all donations I make hereafter. I will remember to inform Danehill PCC if I no longer pay an amount of income tax or capital gains tax equal to the tax reclaimed on my donations (25p for each £1.00 given).

Signature : ………………………………………

Date : ………………………………..

I would like to receive information about how I can leave a legacy (please tick if appropriate)



Mr. Will Loveridge, 417 Franklands Village, Haywards Heath RH16 3RR. He will send your Standing Order instructions (if appropriate) to your bank.

All Saints Danehill with Chelwood Gate


We thank God for all who give.
As each one of us plays our part we can..

* meet together for regular worship, as well as special services which bring families and our community together

* visit the sick, bereaved, and others in pastoral need

* share the good news of Jesus with children and young people, in schools, Sunday Club and youth groups

* help people in urgent need as we take a step of faith, increasing our charitable giving from around 4% to 10% this year

* cover costs, meeting this year's projected shortfall of around £5000

* care for our church buildings, so that this focus for community and spiritual life can be passed on to future generations

'Here am I - send me!' (Isaiah 6:8).
What part will YOU play in this exciting work?

Response A - New or increased Bank Standing Order

To: The Standing Order Clerk of …………………. Bank




Post Code: …………………………

Bank Sort Code:

Account Number to be debited:

Please pay to All Saints Danehill PCC –
Sort Code 09-01-55 Account No. 03038601

The sum of £ …………… each month/year (delete as appropriate) Commencing on ………………….. (specify start date)

……. Please tick if you are replacing an old Standing Order with a new Standing Order.

Your name (in full) ……………………………………………..

Signature ………………………. Date ………………………..

Response B - A One-Off donation Name: Title ……………

Christian name/s …………………………………………

Surname …………………………………………………...

Address …………………………………………………….


Post Code …………………..

Telephone No. ……………………

Email ……………………………………

I wish to give a one-off donation of £ ……………………

(cheque made payable to All Saints Danehill PCC – a receipt will be sent)

Please turn over for tax declaration form