ACTION ITEMS (Draft 2.0)
Ottawa, Canada
October 24-28, 2005
6.1Update IICWG socio-economic benefits document to reflect current mission status and re-emphasize importance of C-band SAR mission continuity.
Responsible: All members to review document and Hicks and Manore to update. Co-chairs to forward updated document to ESA.
6.2Over this year, develop a plan to organize IICWG around a strategic focus. Use updated socio-economic document as basis. New/updated organizational structure would form basis for initiatives like SAR data sharing.
Responsible: Seina , Tangen, Buch, Manore, Springer
6.3Finalize and draft a charter for IICWG. Membership would be restricted to the 22 countries with national ice services, the International Ice Patrol and the two world data centers for snow and ice -- NSIDC, British Antarctic Survey.
Responsible: Manore
6.4Personally engage other national ice services that do not actively participate in IICWG with the purpose of encouraging their attendance at IICWG VII
Responsible: Co-Chairs Grimes and Barazotto and Seina (IICWG VII organizer)
6.5 Re-emphasize importance of C-band SAR mission continuity to ESA in preparation for Sentinel mission(s).
Responsible: Nations with official ESA representation to ensure national ice service requirements of SAR mission continuity are visible and given priority during Sentinel mission design.
6.6Send letter to GEOS and respective space agencies and GMES directors on behalf of IICWG Chairs emphasizing the importance of C-band SAR mission continuity and data sharing. Include updated Socio-economic document
Responsible: Co-Chairs Grimes and Barazotto
6.7 On behalf of IICWG, officially respond to request for information from GEO secretariat regarding draft work plan.
Responsible: Manore Note -- Due: November 11, 2005.
6.8Develop and propose to SAR data suppliers a concept that would allow national ice services to share operational SAR data for IPY endorsed projects ( i.e. scope, terms and conditions).
Responsible: Manore and Falkingham
6.9Determine Polar View’s expectations and requirements (data contents and formats) regarding assuming the lead role for IPY ice information dissemination.
Responsible: Falkingham
6.10 Integrate the 1-day IICWG Science workshop into the general meeting. Develop agenda on 3-4 important science topics.
Responsible: Science Co-Chairs Flett / Breivik and Seina (IICWG VII organizer)
6.11All participant nations should identify a national representative to work with the Science committee.
Responsible: Science Co-Chairs Flett / Breivik to ensure compliance