Election advertisements on public land
Signs advertising a political candidate, political party or a campaign for a Commonwealth, State or Local Government election, (election advertisements), are self-assessable under Council’s Interim Local Law (Advertising Devices) No. 1 2017provided they are displayed in accordance with the self-assessable requirements.
Self-assessable signs can be displayed without any prior application for Council approval.
Displaying election advertisements on public land
Public land includes land owned and/or managed by a Commonwealth, State or Local Government entity. Election advertisements displayed on public landare self-assessable if they are displayed in accordance with the General Self-Assessable Requirements (refer to Schedule 9, Table 2), and the following Specific Requirements:
Election Advertisements must:
- be temporary and portable; and
- have a maximum face area of 1.5m2(double sided signs may have a face area of 1.5m2 on both sides and will constitute one sign only); and
- not be joined together or placed side by side so as to give the impression that the signs are of a larger face area than that permitted; and
- not, in the opinion of a person authorised under the local law, obstruct or distract vehicular or pedestrian traffic; and
- not be fixed to any tree, light pole, power pole, or infrastructure on public land; and
- not be displayed on public land unless they are displayed at a Political Information Booth.
Election advertisements at a Political Information Booth
A Political Information Booth is a person, or gathering of persons, advertising a political candidate, political party or a campaign for a government election or referendum.Political Information Booths must not be installed within a 500m radius of another Political Information Booth.
Election advertisements displayed at a Political Information Booth must:
- not exceed a total of 6 election advertisements which must be located within a 20m radius of the Political Information Booth; and
- not be displayed in unsafe locations such as traffic islands, roundabouts, within a traffic intersection or any other location deemed to be unsafe by an authorised person under this local law; and
- if installed on a road, be placed on one side of the road only; and
- be attended by a person over the age of 17 years at all times.
Election advertisements requiring approval (licensable signs)
Election advertisements that are not displayed in accordance with the above requirements are licensable signs underCouncil’s Interim Local Law (Advertising Devices) No. 1 2017. Persons wishing to display licensable signs must apply for Council approval and pay the associated application fee.
Contravention of the Council’s local law requirements may result in fines, confiscation of the sign or both.
Further information
This fact sheet is to be read in conjunction with Council factsheet Election advertisements on private land.
For further information about election advertisementson public land, please contact Council during business hours on07 3205 0555 or lodge a request via the Council website -
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