Izet Porobic
Honors English 3
Mr. Jennings
Tobacco companies and tobacco related products are doing an excellent job in today’s world. When people think about tobacco they usually always associate it with death, cancer, coughing, and money consuming. I’m here to tell you the bigger picture of how these companies and products are helping the world by controlling the population.
For starters, our ever-growing planet called Earth keeps accumulating more and more humans each year. Billions of people live on this planet and hundreds of thousands more are born each and every day worldwide. Soon all our resources will be used up and gone forever, then what? That’s where the cigarette industry comes into play. Selling legal toxins to millions of people worldwide is going to decrease and control the population. Approximately 400,000 people die from smoking each year and that’s not even including second hand smoking. Unfortunately, that’s not enough to keep control of the population
There is need to worry though, tobacco companies do an unbelievable job at advertising their deadly, but useful products. They spend billions and billions of dollars each year just for you and its paying off. More and more teenagers are smoking each year. It's almost become a mandatory trait in teenagers to buy packs of cigarettes. By advertising through tattoos and movies, you can make most of the teen population start smoking, and if we are lucky, the pre-teen population as well. Peer pressure can be a powerful motivator. Many will be persuaded to join their cigarette friends. And forget about those protesters saying that those cigarettes are addictive: it only makes the plan for controlling the population more effective.Why stop there? Why not target evenyounger people? After all, children are the future, but we just don’t need that many. A child's lungs are much weaker than a full grown adult. By advertising tobacco product through ice cream and candy, tobacco companies can control the population even more effectively. Besides, it’s not like little kids never see these advertising anyway.
How can we forget the other effects of cigarettes? Second hand smoke kills 1700 children a year. Smoking is also the leading cause for house fires, which adds to the death list. 1000 infants die every year in the U.S. alone because pregnant mothers smoke. Black lung disease is also a large effect from smoking, and 445 new cases of lung cancer are being created every year just from tobacco based products. Also, look at the ingredients of cigarettes: arsenic, cyanide, carbon monoxide, tar, benzene, and even the radioactive isotope polonium-120. All of these are normally deadly chemicals, which are put to proper use. Not only do we not waste these otherwise harmful chemicals, but they also add to the effectiveness of the overall plan.
Once more and more people start buying cigarettes, the prices of cigarettes can be lowered to make them even more accessible to the poor. And once these advertising go international, we should start to see changes within the next year. By the way, no one will be able to file charges against these tobacco companies, because technically, they’re not the ones killing these people. So no need to worry about the lawsuits, we just need to concentrate on controlling the population. Everyone will come around eventually.
In conclusion, tobacco products are the biggest asset required to protect the environmental state of the planet. Humans are growing endlessly, and are taking up too many of the planet's resources. Cigarettes not only provide a solution to this predicament, but also use chemicals that would otherwise be wasted. This way, they're put to an acceptableuse, if only for a short while, and are stored safely in tobacco products. There’s no need for tobacco companies to feel guilty right? Even though they’re killing people, at least they’re giving them a pleasanttime before they die as well as helping to control the population. Let them continue with their work as if nothing bad is happening. We'll all come around eventually.