3rdcall for proposals
regional bio-asia programME
To complete this application, please see instructions for the call for proposals in the attached document.
Please read paragraph D on best practices attentively. It will be attached to the application without changes: if you send in the proposal it means you adhere to the recommendations of this best practice guide.
Please send electronic versions to:
Project leaders may send a copy of their applications to the International Relations Department of the research body to which they are attached.
To ensure due receipt of proposals, project leaders are requested to send applications exclusively asPDF files less than 2 Mb in size.
Deadline for applications: 25 June 2012
A. General presentation
A1 / Project institution / Project leaderAttention: If the project leader (A1) is attached to an Asian institution, a co-leader attached to a French institution must be indicated below (A1a) so that the managing institution based in France, co-signatory of the financing agreement with the French Development Agency (AFD), is clearly identified.
A1a / Project co-leader institution in France / Project co-leaderin France (project administrative management)A2 / Project title / Project initials, abbreviation or acronym
A3 / Scientific field
A4 / Purpose of the project (basic research/targeted research with or without participation of a company)
A5 / Project summary
A6 / Information about project participants*
Asian partner A: / Asian partner B:
Body / Body
Project leader’s name / Project leader’s name
Address / Address
Tel/Fax / Tel/Fax
E-mail / E-mail
Asian partner C: / Asian Partner D:
Body / Body
Project leader’s name / Project leader’s name
Address / Address
Tel/Fax / Tel/Fax
E-mail / E-mail
French partner A: / French partner B:
Body / Body
Project leader’s name / Project leader’s name
Address / Address
Tel/Fax / Tel/Fax
E-mail / E-mail
* Every project should include at least one French team and at least two teams from two different Asian countries, with at least one of them from one of the following countries: Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand or Vietnam.
A7 / Other associated institutions (optional): Teams participating in the project who are not attached to any body in France or the eligible Asian countriesB. Project details
B1. Main direction of the project (describe the nature of the project: basic research/targeted research with or without the participation of a company) - 200 words maximum.
B2. Project description - 2 pages maximum.
-Scientific project
-Brief history and objectives of the collaboration
-Project scope and expected outcome
B3.Participants’ qualifications - 1 page maximum.
-Brief overview of each partner body and researchers participating in the project
-Experience of project leaders implementing similar projects
B4. Timeline and main implementation stages
-Describe the work programme and the way it fits in with the provisional programme of exchanges
B5. Partners’ contributions - 1 page maximum.
-Presentation of the different partners’ contributions (in terms of staff, financial, material, etc.) according to the work and exchange programme. Thesequantitative contributions are to be summarised in the table in section C.
B6. Other useful information - 1 page maximum.
-Ongoing projects or existing activities in correlation with the main objective of the project
C. Provisional budget
- The contribution requested from the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MAEE) for the Bio-Asia Regional Programme may only be used to cover the additional international costs of the projects, i.e. mobility of researchers, doctoral students or post-doctoral students (travel and living expenses) or organisation of the international workshops and seminars (mobility and logistics).
- The MAEE has allocated between €23,000 and €40,000 for the two years of the project (€11,500 minimum and €20,000 maximum per project per annum).
- Co-financing of the French partner institution* is mandatory.
- Contribution of other French and Asian bodies participatingmust be specified (nature and estimated amount).
Expenses / Amount (in Euros) of contributions by:
Reason / Type / MAEE / Partner institution in France* / Other participating bodies
Year 1 / Mobility (travel and living expenses) / Researcher
Post-doctoral student
Doctoral student
International seminars / Logistics
Equipment / To be determined / Non-eligible expenses
Operation / To be determined
Other / To be determined
Sub-total year 1:
Year 2 / Mobility (travel and living expenses) / Researcher
Post-doctoral student
Doctoral student
International seminars / Logistics
Equipment / To be determined / Non-eligible expenses
Operation / To be determined
Other / To be determined
Sub-total year 2:
Project total =
* FrenchResearch bodies and higher education institutions which are programme partners currently include the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the Centre for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD), the Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER), the Research Institute for Development (IRD), the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), the Pasteur Institute, the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) and the National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA).
D. Best practice guide
The research bodies and universities with which the researchers wish to work under the Bio-Asia Programme shall adhere to a guide that sets out principles including intellectual property rules with co-property issues mind.
This best practice guide establishes general rules that must be adapted on a case-by-case basis, according to the research projects that are under way or planned. A cooperation agreement will be drawn up for each project accepted in compliance with the rules set out by this guide. This framework has been drawn up so that researchers can conduct joint research with flexibility, freedom and responsibility, while protecting their findings.
In participating in this joint research project, each researcher, acting on behalf of his or her institution referred to as a “Party” (research body or university) accepts the following principles:
Confidentiality - publications
Each Party undertakes to request that members of its staff involved in the programme comply with the confidentiality rules on information that is shared during their collaboration.
The Parties undertake to request that their permanent staff and students approve and accept these rules and if necessary sign a confidentiality agreement.
Oral and posted publications and presentations
Any oral and posted publications and presentations must mention the names of the researchers of the Parties involved in obtaining scientific findings, and the institutions to which they are attached.
The Parties will inform each other of the draft oral and posted publications and presentations before disclosing them publicly.
If a proposed publication or presentation contains information of industrial, commercial or strategic importance, its disclosure may be postponed temporarily so that the appropriate protective measures can be taken.
Intellectual property and protection of findings
The principles below apply to research findings and intellectual property resulting from joint research projects conducted under specific agreements between Parties:
Rights acquired outside the framework of joint research
Rights acquired outside the framework of joint research before or during joint project conducted by the Parties, remains the property of each Party.
Rights concerning the findings resulting from joint research - Principles
All the original data and research, including the intellectual property rights concerning them, obtained by the staff of the Parties during the research project belong to both Parties.
Each Party undertakes to transmit to the other Parties the information needed to conduct the joint research work and the findings that result from such work.
Joint inventions shall be joint property of the Parties proportionally to their respective contributions unless a specific agreement changes that.
The Parties shall decide jointly on a specific agreement to protect their joint inventions, particularly for countries in which patent applications are filed, and on the sharing of patent filing and maintenance costs, and for the Party responsible for the protection and transfer of technologies resulting from the inventions.
Unless otherwise indicated, each Party shall grant the other Parties, for education and research purposes, free use and without royalties of any findings, even those that may be protected by copyright, after the authors give their written consent.
Transfer of technology
The Parties shall define in a specific agreement, and within a reasonable time period, specific terms and provisions for use of joint findings.
Unless otherwise indicated, royalties shall be distributed proportionally to the Parties’ contributions to the findings that may be the subject of a transfer of technology.
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