The Metuchen Relays
@ Metuchen High School
April 7th , 2018
Varsity Boys and Girls
Hopefully you can join us for a day of great performances and good competition.
Order of EventsField Event (3 Man Teams)
5000 Meter run (9:00 am)Shot Put
400 IH (Individual)Discus
4x100 RelayJavelin
4x800 Relay
4x200 RelayField Individual Events
1600 Meter Run (Individual)Triple Jump
110/100 Meter Hurdles (individual)High Jump
Sprint Medley Relay (200-200-400-800)Long Jump
400 Meter Dash (Individual)
Super Sprint Medley (100-100-200-400)
Distance Medley Relay (1200-400-800-1600)
4x400 Relay
* All Events Begin at 9:00 am (running and field)
ROSTERS : Milesplits roster will be used this year… sure to have your kids listed on the milesplits website before you attempt to enter the meet.
Coaches : I need the following from each school by March 30th
1. Paper Entry for the meet— faxed or mailed to me by March 30th
2. Entries and seed time on milesplits by March 30th for every event (Relay or Individual)
(coaches will input seed times – please be realistic so that kids are placed in the proper heats)
Meet information:
2 division for all RELAYS
( A = group 1-2 Par. B)( B = group 3-4 Par. A)
-All events will be seeded and contested combined….medals will be giving out according to group classification in the RELAYS.
-Unlimited relay entries (only one may medal)
-Unlimited individuals per individual running events
-¼ inch spikes
Medals to the top 6 in each relay event (per division)
Medals to the top 10 in each individual event
Meet Order
( I will produce a time schedule after all entries are received )
-Boys will follow Girls in each running event
-Boys Discus and Girls Shot will be first
Javelin – 2 sites
-Girls will throw at site 1 (side of the school) first
-Boys will throw at site 1 or 2 after Discus
Long Jump
-Boys will jump 1st (9:00 – 10:30) Girls will jump 2nd (10:30 – 12:00)
Triple Jump
Boys will jump 1st (12:00 – 1:30)Girls will jump 2nd (1:30 – 3:00)
High Jump
Girls firstBoys to Follow
Metuchen Relays Entry Form
April 7th , 2018
School ______
School Division______
Coach ______
School Phone ______
Coaches Phone______
Coaches email ______
Events (unlimited entries)
Relays Boys Girls
Super SM______
Field Relays (1 Team only) 3 man teams
Individuals (unlimited)
5000 Meters______
1600 Meters______
400 Meters______
400 IH______
110/100 H______
Long Jump______
Triple Jump______
High Jump______
______Relays @ 20.00 per relay = ______
______Individuals @ 6.00 per event ______
Total Entry Fee: ______
Entry deadline March 30th, 2018
Make Checks payable to : DREAM IT ATHLETICS (LLC # 27-0449224)
Mail Entries To: Marty Holleran
Metuchen High School
400 Grove Ave.
Metuchen, NJ 08840
Fax Entries To: Marty HolleranFax # 732-549-6415
orFax # 732-635-0760
Any Questions Call: Marty Holleran @ 732-567-0969
Email address: