Chemistry Common Exam Study Guide and Checklist
Objective 1 - Matter: Properties and Change
Chem. 1.1 Big Idea: Analyze the Structureof Atomsand Ions.
(9 Instructional Days)
Analyzethe structureofatoms, isotopes, and ions.
Analyze an atom in terms of the location of electrons.
Explain the emission of electromagnetic radiation inspectral form in terms ofthe Bohrmodel.
Explain the process of radioactivedecayusingnuclear equations and half-life.
□Characterizeprotons, neutrons, electrons bylocation, relative charge, relative mass (p=1, n=1,e=1/2000).
□Usesymbols: A=mass number,Z=atomic number
□Usenotation forwritingisotopesymbols:
or U-235
□Identifyisotopeusingmass number and atomic number and relateto number ofprotons, neutrons and electrons.
□Differentiate average atomicmass of an elementfrom the actual isotopicmass and mass numberof specific isotopes. (Use example calculations to determineaverage atomicmass ofatoms from relativeabundanceand actual isotopic mass to develop understanding).
□Analyzediagrams relatedto theBohr model of thehydrogen atomin termsof allowed, discrete energylevels in the emission spectrum.
□Describethe electron cloud ofthe atomin terms ofaprobabilitymodel.
□Relatethe electron configurations of atoms to theBohrand electron cloud models.
□Understand that energyexists in discrete units called quanta.
□Describethe concepts ofexcited and groundstateof electrons in theatom:
1. Gaining energyresults in the electron movingfrom its groundstateto a higher energylevel.
2. When the electron movesto a lower energylevel, it releases theenergydifferenceinthe two levelsas electromagnetic radiation(emissions spectrum).
□Articulatethat this electromagnetic radiation isgiven off as photons.
□Understand the inverserelationship between wavelength and frequency, and the direct relationship betweenenergyand frequency.
□Usethe “Bohr ModelforHydrogen Atom”and “ElectromagneticSpectrum”diagrams from the ReferenceTables to relate color,
frequency, and wavelength of thelight emitted to the energyof thephoton.
□Explain that Niles Bohr produced amodel of thehydrogen atombased onexperimental observations. This model indicated that:
1. an electroncircles thenucleus onlyin fixed energyranges called orbits;
2. an electroncan neithergain or lose energyinsidethis orbit, butcould moveup ordown to anotherorbit;
3. that the lowest energyorbitis closest to thenucleus.
Objective 1.1.4
□Usethe symbols for anddistinguish betweenalpha ( 24He), and beta( -10e) nuclear particles, andgamma() radiation include relative mass).
□Useshorthand notation of particles involved in nuclearequations to balance and solve for unknowns.
□Comparethe penetrating abilityof alpha, beta, andgammaradiation.
□Conceptuallydescribenuclear decay, including:
1. Decayas a random event, independent of other energyinfluences
2. Usingsymbols to represent simplebalanced decayequations
3. Half-life (includingsimple calculations)
□Compare radioactivedecaywith fission and fusion.
Chem. 1.2 Big Idea:Understand theBondingThatOccursin Simple Compoundsin TermsofBond Type,Strength,and Properties.
(9 Instructional Days)
Compare (qualitatively) therelative strengths of ionic,covalent,and metallic bonds.
Infer thetypeofbond and chemicalformula formed between atoms.
Compareinter- and intra-particle forces.
Interpret thename and formulaof compounds using IUPAC convention.
Comparethe properties ofionic,covalent, metallic, and network compounds.
Objective: 1.2.1
□Describemetallicbonds: “metal ions plus ‘sea’ ofmobile electrons”.
□Describehow ions are formed and whicharrangements arestable(filled d-level, or half-filled d-level).
□Appropriatelyuse theterm cationas a positivelycharged ion andanion asnegativelycharged ion.
□Predict ionic charges forrepresentative elements based on valence electrons.
□Applytheconcept that sharing electrons form acovalent compound that is a stable (inertgas) arrangement.
□DrawLewis (dot diagram) structures for simple compounds and diatomic elements indicatingsingle, doubleor triplebonds.
Objective: 1.2.2
□Determinethat abond ispredominatelyionicbythe location ofthe atomson the PeriodicTable (metals combined with nonmetals) or when EN1.7.
□Determinethat abond ispredominatelycovalent bythe location ofthe atoms on the PeriodicTable(nonmetals combined with nonmetals)orwhen EN1.7.
□Predict chemical formulas of compounds using Lewis structures.
Objective: 1.2.3
□Explain whyintermolecular forces areweaker than ionic, covalent ormetallicbonds
□Explain whyhydrogen bonds arestronger than dipole-dipole forces whicharestronger than dispersion forces
□Applytherelationship between bond energyand length of single, double, and triplebonds (conceptual, no numbers).
□Describeintermolecular forces for molecularcompounds.
oH-bond as attraction between molecules when His bonded to O, N, or F. Dipole-dipole attractions between polar molecules.
oLondon dispersion forces(electrons of onemolecule attracted to nucleus ofanothermolecule)– i.e. liquefied inertgases.
oRelative strengths (HdipoleLondon/van der Waals).
Objective: 1.2.4
□Write binarycompounds of two nonmetals:use Greek prefixes (di-, tri-, tetra-, …).
□Write binarycompounds of metal/nonmetal*.
□Write ternarycompounds(polyatomic ions)*usingthe polyatomic ions onthe referencetable.
□Write, with charges, thesepolyatomic ions: nitrate, sulfate, carbonate,acetate, and ammonium.
□Knownames andformulas forthesecommon laboratoryacids:HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, HC2H3O2,(CH3COOH)
*TheStocksystem is thecorrect IUPACconvention for inorganic nomenclature.
Objective: 1.2.5
□Explain how ionic bondingin compounds determines their characteristics: high MP, highBP, brittle, and highelectrical conductivity either in molten stateor in aqueous solution.
□Explain how covalent bondingin compounds determines their characteristics: low MP, low BP, poor electrical conductivity, polarnature, etc.
□Explain how metallicbondingdetermines the characteristics of metals: high MP, high BP, highconductivity, malleability, ductility,and luster.
□ApplyValence ShellElectron Pair Repulsion Theory(VSEPR) fortheseelectron pairgeometriesand moleculargeometries,and bond angles-Electron pair -Molecular (bondangle);Linear framework– linear; Trigonal planarframework–trigonal planar, bent;Tetrahedral framework– tetrahedral, trigonal pyramidal, bent;Bond angles(include distortingeffect of lonepairelectrons– no specific angles, conceptuallyonly)
□Describebond polarity. Polar/nonpolar molecules (relateto symmetry) ;relatepolarityto solubility—“likedissolves like”
□Describemacromolecules andnetworksolids:water (ice),graphite/diamond, polymers(PVC, nylon), proteins (hair,DNA)intermolecular structure asa class ofmolecules with unique properties.
Chem. 1.3 Big Idea:Understand thePhysicalandChemicalPropertiesof AtomsBasedon Their Positionon the Periodic Table.
(6 Instructional Days)
Classifythecomponents of aperiodictable (period, group, metal, metalloid, nonmetal, transition).
Infer thephysical properties(atomic radius, metallic and nonmetallic characteristics)of an element based on its position on the PeriodicTable.
Infer the atomic size, reactivity,electronegativity, and ionization energyofan element from its positiononthe PeriodicTable.
Objective 1.3.1: Using thePeriodic Table, Groups( families)
□Identifygroups as vertical columns on the periodictable.
□Knowthat main group elements in the samegrouphavesimilar properties, thesamenumberof valence electrons, and the same oxidation number
□Summarize that reactivityincreases asyougo down within a group formetals and decreasesfornonmetals.
- Periods
- Identifyperiods as horizontal rows on theperiodictable.
- Metals/Nonmetals/Metalloids
- Identifyregions of theperiodictablewheremetals, nonmetals, and metalloids arelocated.
- Classifyelements as metals/nonmetals/metalloidsbased on location.
3. Representativeelements(main group)and transition elements
- Identifyrepresentative(main group) elements asA groupsor asgroups 1,2, 13-18.
- Identifyalkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, and noblegases based on location on periodictable.
- Identifytransition elements as B groupsorasgroups 3-12.
Objective: 1.3.2 Using thePeriodicTable
□Define atomicradius andionic radius.
□Knowgroup and periodgeneral trends foratomic radius.
□Applytrends to arrangeelements in order ofincreasingor decreasingatomic radius.Explain the reasoningbehind thetrends.
□Comparecationandanion radius to neutral atom.
□Write electron configurations, includingnoblegasabbreviations (no exceptions to the general rules). Included hereareextended arrangements showingelectrons in orbitals.
□Identifys, p, d, and f blocks on PeriodicTable.
□Identifyan element based on its electron configuration. (You should be able to identifyelements which follow thegeneral rules, not necessarilythosewhich areexceptions.)
□Determinethe number ofvalenceelectronsfrom electron configurations.
□Comparethe metallic character ofelements.
□Use electron configuration andion formationto justifymetallic character.(Metals tend to lose electrons in order to achievethestability ofa filled octet.)
□Relatemetallic characterto ionization energyandelectronegativity.
□Predict the number ofelectronslostor gained andthe oxidation number based on the electron configuration of an atom.
□Explain how thegeneralsizeof an atomcontributes to its reactivity‒sharing,gainingor losingelectrons.
□Compare reactivity of elements within groups and periods of the periodic table.
□Defineionization energyand knowgroup and period general trends forionization energy.Explain the reasoningbehind thetrend.
□Applytrends to arrangeelements in order ofincreasingor decreasingionization energy.
□Define electronegativityand knowgroup and period general trends forelectronegativity.Explain the reasoningbehind thetrend.
□Applytrends to arrangeelements in order ofincreasingor decreasingelectronegativity.
Objective 2 - Energy: Conservation and Transfer
Chem. 2.1 Big Idea:Understand theRelationship AmongPressure,Temperature, Volume,and Phase.
(15 Instructional Days)
Explain the energeticnatureof phasechanges.
Explain heatingandcooling curves(heat of fusion, heat ofvaporization, specific heat,meltingpoint, and boilingpoint).
Interpret thedata presented in phasediagrams.
Infer simplecalorimetric calculations based on the concepts of heat lost equals heatgained and specific heat.
Explain the relationships amongpressure, temperature, volume,and quantityofgas, bothqualitative and quantitative.
Objective: 2.1.1
□Explain physical equilibrium: liquid water-watervapor.Vapor pressuredepends on temperature and concentration ofparticles in solution. (conceptual only– no calculations)
□Explain how the energy(kinetic and potential) oftheparticles ofasubstance changeswhen heated, cooled, or changingphase.
□Identifypressure as wellas temperature asadeterminingfactor forphaseof matter.
□Contrast heat and temperature, includingtemperature as a measureof averagekinetic energy, and appropriatelyuse theunitsJoule, Celsius, and Kelvin.
Objective: 2.1.2
□Define and usethe termsand/or symbols for: specificheat capacity, heat offusion, heat of vaporization.
□Interpret thefollowing:
Oheating and coolingcurves (notingboth significanceof plateaus and the physical statesofeach segment
OPhasediagrams for H2O and CO2,
□Complete calculations of: q=mCpT, q =mHf,and q =mHvusingheating/coolingcurvedata.
□Explain phase changecalculations in terms ofheatabsorbed orreleased (endothermicvs. exothermicprocesses).
Objective: 2.1.3
□Draw phasediagrams ofwater andcarbondioxide (shows how sublimation occurs).Identifyregions, phases andphase changes usinga phasediagram.
□Usephasediagrams to determineinformation suchas (1)phase at agiven temperatureand pressure, (2)boilingpointor meltingpoint at agiven pressure, (3) triplepointof amaterial.
Objective: 2.1.4
□Recognizethat, for aclosed system,energyis neither lost norgained onlytransferred betweencomponents of the system.
□Complete calculations of: q=mCpT, q =mHf , q =mHv, and qlost=(-qgain)in water, includingphasechanges, usinglaboratorydata.
Objective: 2.1.5
□Identifycharacteristics ofideal gases.
□Applygeneralgas solubilitycharacteristics.
□Applythefollowingformulas and concepts of kineticmoleculartheory:
1. 1 moleof anygas at STP=22.4L
2. Idealgasequation (PV=nRT), Combined gas law (P1V1/T1= P2V2/T2) and applications holdingonevariable constant: forPV=k, P1V1= P2V2; forV/T=k, V1/T1=V2/T2; forP/T=k,P1/T1=P2/T2.Note:You should beable to deriveand usethesegas laws, but arenot necessarily expected to memorize their names.
3. Avogadro’s law (n/V=k), n1/V1=n1/V2
4. Dalton’s law (Pt=P1+P2+P3…)
5. Vapor pressureofwateras afunction oftemperature (conceptually).
Chem. 2.2 Big Idea: Analyze ChemicalReactionsin Termsof Quantities,Product Formation,and Energy.
(17 Instructional Days)
Explain the energycontent ofa chemical reaction.
Analyzethe evidenceofchemicalchange.
Analyzethe law of conservation ofmatter and how it applies tovarious types of chemical equations (synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, and combustion).
Analyzethe stoichiometric relationships inherent in a chemical reaction.
Analyzequantitativelythe composition of asubstance (empirical formula, molecularformula, percentcomposition, and hydrates).
Objective: 2.2.1
□Explain collisiontheory– molecules mustcollide in order to react, and theymustcollide in the correct or appropriateorientation and with sufficient energyto equal or exceed the activation energy.
□Interpretpotentialenergydiagrams forendothermic and exothermic reactions includingreactants, products, and activatedcomplex‒with and withoutthe presenceofa catalyst.
Objective: 2.2.2 Be able to determineif achemicalreaction has occurred based on the following criteria:
□Precipitate formation (tieto solubilityrules)
□Product testing-Know thetests forsome common products such as oxygen, water, hydrogen andcarbondioxide: burningsplintfor oxygen, hydrogenorcarbon dioxide, and lime waterforcarbondioxide.Include knowledgeand applicationof appropriatesafety precautions.
□Color Change–Distinguish between colorchangeas a resultofchemical reaction, and achangeincolor intensityas aresultof dilution.
□Temperature change – Tieto endothermic/exothermic reaction. ExpressHas (+)for endothermicand (–) forexothermic.
Objective: 2.2.3
□Write and balancechemical equations predicting product(s) in areaction usingthe referencetables.
□Identifyacid-baseneutralization as doublereplacement.
□Write and balanceionic equations.
□Write and balancenet ionic equations fordoublereplacement reactions.
□Recognizethat hydrocarbons (C,H molecule) andothermolecules containingC, H, andO burn completelyin oxygen to produceCO2
□and water vapor.
□Use referencetable rulesto predict products foralltypes ofreactions to show the conservation ofmass.
□Use activityseries to predict whetherasinglereplacement reaction willtakeplace.
□Usethe solubilityrules to determinethe precipitate in adouble replacement reaction if areaction occurs.
Objective: 2.2.4
□Interpretcoefficients of abalancedequation as mole ratios.
□Usemole ratios from thebalancedequation to calculatethe quantityofonesubstancein a reactiongiven the quantityof another substancein the reaction.(given moles, particles,mass, orvolume and endingwith moles, particles,mass, orvolumeof thedesired substance)
Objective: 2.2.5
□Calculate empiricalformula from mass or percentusingexperimental data.
□Calculate molecularformula from empiricalformulausingmolecular weight.
□Determinepercentage composition bymass ofagiven compound.
□Perform calculations based on percent composition.
□Determinethecomposition of hydrates usingexperimental data
Objective 3 - Interaction of Energy and Matter
Chem. 3.1 Big Idea: Understand theFactorsAffectingRate ofReactionand ChemicalEquilibrium.
(17 Instructional Days)
Explain the factors that affect therate of a reaction (temperature,concentration, particlesize and presenceofa catalyst).
Explain the conditions of asystem at equilibrium.
Infer theshiftin equilibriumwhen astress is applied to a chemical system (LeChatelier’sPrinciple).
Objective: 3.1.1
□Understand qualitativelythat reaction rate is proportional to numberof effective collisions.
□Explain that natureof reactants can refer to their complexityandthe number ofbonds that must be broken and reformed in the courseof reaction.
□Explain how temperature(kinetic energy), concentration, and/or pressureaffectsthe numberof collisions.
□Explain how increased surface areaincreases numberof collisions.
□Explain how a catalyst lowers theactivation energy,so that at agiven temperature, moremoleculeswillhave energyequal toorgreater than the activation energy.
Objective: 3.1.2
□Define chemical equilibrium for reversible reactions.
□Distinguish betweenequalrates andequal concentrations.
□Explain equilibrium expressions foragiven reaction.
□Evaluate equilibrium constants as ameasureof theextent that the reaction proceeds tocompletion.
Objective: 3.1.3
□Determinetheeffects ofstresses on systems at equilibrium. (Adding/ removingareactant orproduct;adding/removingheat;increasing/decreasingpressure)
□Relate the shift that occurs in terms of order/disorder of the system.
Chem. 3.2 Big Idea:Understand Solutionsandthe Solution Process.
(11 Instructional Days)
Classifysubstances usingthe hydronium and hydroxide concentrations.
Summarizetheproperties of acids andbases.
Infer thequantitative natureof asolution (molarity, dilution, and titration with a 1:1 molar ratio).
Summarizetheproperties of solutions.
Interpret solubilitydiagrams.
Explain the solution process.
Objective: 3.2.1
□Distinguishbetweenacids andbases based on formula and chemical properties.
□Differentiate between concentration (molarity)and strength(degreeof dissociation). No calculation involved.
□UsepH scaleto identifyacids and bases.
□Interpret pH scale in terms of the exponential natureof pHvalues in termsof concentrations.
□Relatethe color ofindicator to pH usingpH ranges provided in a table.
□ComputepH, pOH, [H+],and [OH-].
□Distinguish properties ofacids and bases related to taste, touch, reaction with metals, electrical conductivity, and identification with indicators such as litmus paper andphenolphthalein.
Objective: 3.2.3
□Compute concentration (molarity)ofsolutions in moles perliter.
□Calculate molaritygivenmass ofsolute and volumeof solution.
□Calculate mass of soluteneeded to createasolution ofagiven molarityandvolume.
□Solve dilution problems:M1V1=M2V2.
□Perform 1:1 titration calculations: MAVA=MBV
□Determinetheconcentration of an acid or baseusingtitration.Interpret titration curve forstrong acid/strongbase.
Objective: 3.2.4
□Identifytypes of solutions (solid, liquid, gaseous,aqueous).
□Definesolutions as homogeneous mixtures in a single phase.
□Distinguish betweenelectrolytic and nonelectrolytic solutions.
□Summarize colligativeproperties (vapor pressurereduction, boilingpointelevation, freezingpointdepression, and osmoticpressure).
Note:Conceptualunderstanding only - no alculations.
Objective: 3.2.5
□Usegraph of solubilityvs. temperatureto identifyasubstancebased on solubilityat a particular temperature.
□Usegraph to relatethe degreeof saturation ofsolutions to temperature.
Objective: 3.2.6
□Develop aconceptual model forthe solutionprocess with a causeand effectrelationship involvingforces ofattraction between solute and solvent particles. Amaterial is insolubledueto a lack of attraction between particles.
□Describethe energetics of the solutionprocess as it occurs andthe overallprocess asexothermicor endothermic.
□Explain solubilityin terms of the natureof solute-solvent attraction, temperatureand pressure (forgases).