Reviewed July 8, 2014
Reviewed October 11, 2016
POLICY: The County will investigate such complaints and provide the complainant or his/her designee with a written response, if requested. Confidentiality of all information concerning complaints will be maintained.
PURPOSE: To ensure that Early Intervention families are aware of, understand, and are informed of how to exercise their right to express complaints about the care and services provided, without fear of reprisal.
REFERENCES:NYCRR Title 10 – section 69-4.17
NYSDOH - A Parent’s Basic Guide to the Early Intervention Program
NYS Health Code 405.7 Patient Rights
Every attempt will be made to resolve concerns/complaints at the local level.
All families receive and are to review, as part of their introductory information, The Early Intervention Program – A Parent’s Guide, which contains information regarding parental rights in the program.
Early Intervention staff and contracted employees are to answer any questions the parent(s)/guardian(s) may have pertaining to the complaint process and document all parent/guardian education.
All staff and contracted employees are to follow the guidelines below should they receive a complaint:
- When a parent/guardian indicates they wish to lodge a complaint, they are instructed to contact the EIO/D so that the complaint can be investigated or they may send their written complaint to the EIO/D.
- Utmost confidentiality with respect to all complaints will be maintained. Once the EIO/D has received a complaint (whether verbal or written) the following process will be followed:
a)Enter complaint on Complaint Log (see attached). All conversations between EIO/D and complainant/designee should be summarized on the log sheet. The log sheet is considered confidential information and should be handled as such.
b)The EIO/D will complete top portion of the Early Intervention Complaint Form (see attached)
c)The EIO/D will respond to the complainant/designee within 24 hours or the next business day of receipt of initial written or verbal complaint.
d)The complaint process will be explained to the complainant and how concerns will be addressed.
e)Every effort will be made to resolve the complaint to the complainant’s satisfaction as quickly as possible.
- The EIO/D will investigate the complaint and will complete the EI Complaint Form, indicating the resolution and whether the complainant was satisfied or dissatisfied with the resolution. A letter will be sent to the complainant at the conclusion of the complaint process within 15 days after the receipt of the initial complaint.
- On rare occasions, when more than 15 days are required to resolve a complaint, the EIO/D will keep the complainant apprised of progress in the investigation and the reason for delayed resolution. Document reason for the delay on the Complaint Form.
- The letter will not discuss specifics of disciplinary action, if any. However, it will include the following:
A description of the complaint investigation, findings, and the decisions rendered to date by the County;
Advise the complainant of the right to mediation and/or impartial hearing and the procedure to be followed;
Notification to the parent/guardian that if they are not satisfied with the County’s response, they may make a systems complaint to the NYS Department of Health. The County will provide the complainant with the following address:
Director, Bureau of Early Intervention
NYS Department of Health
Albany, NY 12237
DateReceived / Nature of Complaint / Date
Received by: / Resolved by:Date: / Time: / Date: / Time:
Complaint Investigation:
Report initiated by: / Date of Incident:Complainant’s Name: / Phone:
Complainant’s Address:
Child receiving Early Intervention Services:
Nature of Complaint:
Complaint Designee Contacted: Yes No / Date:
Corrective Actions: / Date: / Time:
Investigation Findings: / Complainant Contacted: Yes No / Date: / Time:
Complainant Notified: Yes No / Date: / Time:Comments:
Complainant Satisfied: Yes No
Family notified of right to appeal if unsatisfied: Yes No
EIO/D Signature: / Date: