Computer Applications

Ms. Ozdemir / Ms. Incardona

Course of Study/Grading Policy

This class runs for ½ of the year and roughly 45 days. Your grade is determined by many factors, not just you showing up on time.

Course Description:

The objective of this course is to prepare students with the technical knowledge, digital literacy, and software proficiency required for success in college and career. Students will gain practical experience with the electronic and on-line skills necessary to fulfill their roles as digital citizens driving today’s market of technology development. They will create a resume and learn how to apply their skills in word processing, spreadsheet, presentation software, desktop publishing, web applications and social media to achieve these goals. Internet safety, digital responsibilities, and identity theft will also be addressed in this course. Ultimately, each student will create a website, hosted internally, that will showcase all of their work.

Grading Policy:

Your grade in this class will be assessed using A WEIGHTED POINT SYSTEM

Assignments will be worth different points, depending on the difficulty level of the assignment, and then averaged together using a numerically weighted point system. Your grade will be assessed as follows:

Class Assignments 25%

Teacher Observations 20%

Individual and group projects 40%

Quizzes 15%

Per LRHS policy, there will be a final assessment which will account for 10% of your overall class grade

If you miss class, for any reason, it is your responsibility to contact me about what work you may have missed and to make it up in a timely manner. Typically, this is 2 class days max. All missed or non-handed-in work is recorded as a zero until made up and will significantly impact your grade for the class.

We will investigate many forms of technology in this class and you will be given a lot of freedoms. Misuse or abuse of this technology or freedoms will result in disciplinary action.

Classroom Rules & Policies


R - Rules of the Class/Lab are

E – Equally-How everyone is treated

S – Security-In an emergency do follow directions given

P – Politeness at all times

E – Enthusiasm about lessons

C – Courteous to each other and visitors

T – Timely-Complete all projects in a timely fashion


Do not bring food or drink to class

Do not leave the classroom without a
pass and signing out

Do not bring HATS, IPODS or CELL
PHONES to class

Do not use offensive language

Do not play GAMES on the computer

Do not line up at the door to leave

Extra help days are Wednesday and Thursday in room 412 from 2:35 – 3:30 but you can request another time if needed. You are welcome to come any time but must inform me ahead of time (that day in class is sufficient).