Miss Smith Hamnavoe Primary School Primary 1/22016/2017
Literacy and English
/ Reading will continue on from Primary 1. The reading targets are the same as last term which are to read with more expression and to notice punctuation. Primary 2 will be spending more time completing comprehension activities as a group. We will be retelling stories and predicting what will happen next in stories.
Writing will be focussed on improving sentence structure and vocabulary used when writing. We will continue to write weekly in news jotters. We will be revising the basics of Jolly Phonics and spending time revising alternative spelling patterns and spelling rules. We will be learning more about different types of punctuation and how to use it.
Listening and Talkingwill be encouraged through all areas of the curriculum. Dates will be going into children’s diaries soon with a date for them to take in something for Show and Tell. We will be thinking about different types of questions and how and when to ask them.
Maths and Numeracy
/ Number work will be focused on numbers within 20. We will be adding and subtracting within 20 to gain a deeper understanding of number processes and different mathematical strategies.
Topic - Shape
The class will be exploring simple 3D objects and 2D shapes. They will be working on identifying, naming and describing the features of shapes.
Social Studies / Decision Making
Everyone will have the chance to make their own decisions throughout their learning this term.
Science / Science
We will be learning about the human body and it’s skeletal and organ functions. We will also be exploring the 5 senses.
Expressive Arts
/ Art: The class will continue art with Mrs Burr on Monday mornings. In class we will be working on adding detail to black line drawings during news writing.
Drama: The role play area this term will be a kitchen and then a dentist surgery.
Music:The class will continue music with Mr Bennett on Wednesday mornings.
/ This term we will be working on promoting independence when working on laptops or ipads.
We will be working on how to switch on laptops, how to open a word document, how to change fonts, sizes and colours, how to type and how to print documents. We will also be working on how to independently log onto Skoolbo, Education City and Active Learn.
RME / This term we will be learning about Harvest festival and will be reading some Bible stories including The Good Samaritan.
Health and Wellbeing
/ We will be learning about the human body and how we can look after our body. We will be thinking about healthy food and will be making a healthy snack. We will also be looking at similarities and differences of the human body and noticing that everyone is unique.
The class will be working on improving gross and fine motor skills with Mr Kirkness on Tuesday afternoons. During class PE on Thursday afternoons, we will be doing various activitiesfrom the ‘Better Movers and Thinkers’ programme and the early years ‘Connections’ resource.
Modern Languages
/ French
The class will be learning basic French vocabulary such as greetings, numbers, colours and the weather. When doing topic work, we will be learning how to say different parts of the body in French.