Overview of Curricular Revision
Department of Special Education
Fall 2014
The Department of Special Education is requesting multiple revisions to our undergraduate licensure program due to changes in teacher assessment required by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI), as well as a departmental consensus to make updates to courses based on self-assessment. Specifically, teacher candidates must now complete the edTPA (Teacher Performance Assessment) prior to receiving teacher licensure from the state of Wisconsin. The edTPA is completed during the student teaching semester as part of the Phase 4 portfolio. Other aspects of the Phase 4 portfolio remain in place, including observations of classroom teaching and artifacts demonstrating proficiency in Wisconsin Teaching Standards. Preparing teacher candidates for the edTPA takes place throughout the curriculum, requiring changes to existing courses. In addition to changes necessitated by the edTPA, a review of our program’s goals identified a desire to alter the program to better prepare teacher candidates to work with all learners in inclusive settings. Thus, a second change to the program is to prepare all teacher candidates in all emphasis areas, even though (per DPI requirements) they will still select an emphasis area for initial licensure (in addition to cross-categorical). As stated above, this will better prepare them to work with all learners. In addition, should a candidate want to add categorical licensure beyond their initial license, they may return to UWW to complete a field experience in the additional area.
Included in this packet are course proposals for 24 courses along with changes to degree (form 2) for the major’s two emphasis areas, three new course proposals (form 3), and changes to existing courses (eight form 4A, and twenty4R) with changes in pre-reqs, course numbers, as well as content, and in some cases a change to credits. A master list of forms submitted is included as Appendix A to insure that curriculum committees have all appropriate documents. Appendix B includes the old program plans for the undergraduate teacher licensure program as well as a new program plan that reflects these changes. This curricular change is specific to our undergraduate licensure program. Included are proposals for ten courses that are dual-listed courses for both undergraduate and graduate programs. These ten proposals will go forward to the graduate curriculum committee following their approval with the undergraduate committee. The changes being made at the undergraduate level do not significantly impact the graduate licensure program and will work in concert with forthcoming curricular revisions at the graduate level.
Consultations were conducted with the Chairs of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction; Educational Foundations;and Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Coaching; and Communication Sciences & Disorders. These departments were consulted to confirm that the changes would not negatively affect enrollments or offerings to their students and for general information purposes.
Any questions regarding this curriculum revision should be directed to the department chairperson, Dr. Rowand Robinson (5819, ) or the coordinator of the special education curriculum revision, Dr. Lana Collet-Klingenberg (5380, ).