St Katharine’s Church, Savernake Forest

The Annual Parish Meeting

was held in the church at 12 noon on Palm Sunday 13 April 2014

The meeting was chaired by The Team Rector, The Reverend Michael McHugh

30 people were present.

The Annual Meeting of Parishioners.

1. The minutes of the 2013 Annual Meeting of Parishioners were accepted, having been previously accepted by the PCC, signed and displayed for the required period.

2. Elections of Churchwardens for the ecclesiastical parish

One nominationwas received.

Rosemary Cook was proposed by Catriona Christie and seconded by Sylvia Thompson

Rosemary Cook was duly appointed as churchwarden.

Teresa Brudenell-Bruce stated that she is willing to continue to undertake churchwarden duties until her successor is appointed. It is hoped that this appointment will be through cooption. Lady Brudenell-Bruce stated that it had been a privilege to serve as a church warden to St Katharine’s Church for the past two years and expressed particular gratitude to those who had helped her, notably The Rev. Michael McHugh for his spiritual guidance.

This meeting was followed by the

Annual Parochial Church Meeting


This meeting was chaired by the Savernake Team Rector, The Reverend Michael McHugh who commenced the meeting with a prayer.

Present:26 persons were present.

1.Apologies:Martyn and Rosemary Cook. ( Rosemary Cook – church warden - was unavoidably absent visiting an ailing relative in Australia).

2.Minutes of the previous AnnualParochialChurch Meeting:

had been displayed for the obligatory period.There were no amendments and the minutes were adopted having previously been approved by the PCC.

3.Matters Arising:

There were no matters arising from those minutes.

4.The Elections and Appointments:

a.Deanery Synod representatives: Rosemary Cook was appointed as a representative to the Pewsey Deanery Synod. It is hoped to co-opt a second person, who need not be a PCC member. Caroline Davies has been a representative for the past year but feels unable to continue in this role while leading the Acorn group and helping on the fete committee.

b.Three PCC members: Nigel Christie, Julianne Smith and Teresa Brudenell-Bruce had each been proposed as members for the PCC to serve for the next three years by Rosemary Cook and seconded by Rosemary Davies, and were duly elected.

c.Sidesmen/women: Alix Booth, Tyrrel Davis, Denise Nott-Bower, Norman Smith, Sally Thompson, Rosemary Davies and Carolyn Bartlett were appointed. The team rector stated that it is time the PCC re-considered how this role is executed.

d.Appointment of independent examiner: Alastair Buchaan was re-appointed as the independent examiner for the PCC’s accounts.

5.The Reports:

a.The Electoral Roll Report on amendments, additions and deletions:

The Electoral Roll Officer, Julianne Smith, reported that the Electoral Roll number remains unchanged at 78. This means the number of deanery synod representatives from St Katharine’s PCC to the Pewsey Deanery Synod continues to be two.

b.The Annual Report:

The Rev. Michael McHugh (team rector) gave the annual report. In regard to the Savernake Team he stated that with the licensing of Jo Reid on 13 March 2014 the team has a full complement of stipendiary clergy who can spend more time in areas of pastoral concern, allowing each parish to be under the care of one stipendiary priest. The split is based on congregation numbers, not on numbers of churches. However, there should also be an increase in clergy working to their strengths, rather than to short needs or demands. The team rector reported that Matthew Cookson will be missed; he is leaving to take up a post in the Oxford Diocese. The split is:

Daile WilshereJo ReidMichael McHugh

Rob GristAlan Deboo

BurbageCollingbourne Ducis and EverleighEast Grafton

ChuteCollingbourne KingstonGreat Bedwyn

Ham, Buttermere and ShalbourneLittle Bedwyn

TidcombeSt Katharine’s

The team rector expressed thanks to the many people who work in varying ways for St Katharine’s Church and, while hesitating to give names, he expressed particular thanks to Teresa Brundenell-Bruce who has, unfortunately, had to stand down as a Church Warden due to pressures of work.

In looking to the future, the team rector said St Katharine’s challenge is to offer something different from

what is available elsewhere in the team. He recalled the successful ‘healing service’ that had been well

received and demonstrated that something different does not have to mean something worse. He stated that ‘we need to enliven this church or see it die’.

Michael went on to outline his three personal targets for the coming year. These are:

l)To implement ‘Open the book’ in our village school. He stated that to do this, he needs volunteers who are willing to read or act out a bible story maybe once a month. This would, he said, help children to see ‘church’ as not solely the vicar or building, but as a collection of people. Several people indicated a willingness to do this.

ll) To increase our relationship with families.Michael stated that there are families that are interested in coming to church, but found a mismatch with what we are providing. He stated that there are questions around timing, style and purpose that need to be asked and addressed. He hopes that the lead in this will come from others, but that he can facilitate any new developments.

lll) To increase contact with the local communities. Michael reported that time has been a key constraint and that his visiting of people has been largely a matter of responding to emergencies over the 100 square miles of the team. He stated that this needs to change, and soon.

He expressed to hope that those present will be happy to take up the challenge of meeting these goals. In taking questions, Michael reiterated the point that encouraging families, and making them feel welcome, it is important to reconsider the timing, style and purpose of services offered. He suggested, for example, a Christmas workshop, to attract families.

c. Financial Report:

Nigel Christie, treasurer to the PCC, stated that the Annual Accounts had been audited; copies had been displayed and made available in the church.Those providing the treasurer with an email address had received the accounts in that format. Anyone not on the mailing list was asked to provide the treasurer with an email address.

There were no questions about the accounts. The treasurer reminded everyone that the most effective way of giving to the church is to do so through standing order. This provides a regular and easier way of giving.

Carolyn Hill proposed the accounts be adopted; Lise Hudson seconded this with all in favour.

The treasurer was thanked for his considerable work in keeping the finances in good order.

d. The Church Wardens’ Fabric Report:

Teresa Brudenell-Bruce reported that the model of St Katharine’s Church had been enclosed in an acrylic case at a cost of £306. It is planned to have a free-standing cabinet to hold a Memorial Book, which together will cost £2000 and is being funded by the Portal family. Roof Right are currently repairing the

chancel roof at a cost of approximately £10,000. The clapper fell off Bell No 5 and was repaired at £341

(plus VAT). The PCC received a grant from the Llewellyn Edwards Bell Restoration Fund of £200 towards

this repair. At the same time, there was an inspection of the bells that indicated some work may need to

done within the next five years or so. The Diocesan Advisory Committee bell expert is coming next month to have a look and give his opinion and advice. A hole has opened in the ha-ha, probably owing to exceptionally wet weather, and is due to be repaired shortly. Teresa reported that the church wardens had taken the annual inventory.

Teresa stated that both church wardens are deeply appreciative of the work that so many people do to help maintain the church premises and the running of services. Alix Booth, who is retiring as a PCC member, was thanked warmly for not only her work on the PCC, but in the considerable task of organising

readers for all services, keeping the lavatory in hygienic order and helping to lay-up for services. Tyrrel Davis has taken on the task of brass and silver cleaning, along with his wife Georgina. Tyrell also provides a welcoming face for services and continues to provide much of the produce to adorn the church at harvest, and to help prepare the church for services with the help of his son-in-law, Stuart Sheldon. Sally Thompson organises hymns, liaising with the organists, and particularly with John Horsey and David Stuart, with Theresa Horsey providing support. Sallycontributes significantly to musical occasions too, and Julia Hudson leads the choir at Christmas. Lise Hudson and Victoria Ker contribute significantly to fundraising by organising the annual Music for Awhile concert. Judith Hiller continues to open and close the church so reliably, and to ensure the altar has the correct frontal cloth. Pamela Fletcher has laundered the altar cloth for several years, while Lise Hudson, in taking on this role again, also launders communion linen beautifully. Catriona Christie ably organises not only the weekly cleaning and flower rotas, but also decorating the church for major festivals – with thanks to all who take a turn on these rotas. Joan Chapman helps with flowers and, particularly, creates the advent wreath. Catriona has kindly taken on the lead role on the Fete Committee, too. Rosemary Davies continues as secretary to the PCC, while Alan provides guidance on matters relating to the church premises. Teresa thanked all members of the PCC for their work noting particularly the substantial input of Nigel Christie as treasurer, Heather Leask who undertakes the considerable task of being in charge of the fabric of the church, and Caroline Davies for leading the Acorn group and being a deanery synod representative.Fiona Good continues to both support and help organise the annual Ride and Stride event. Denise Nott-Bower and Pamela Fletcher were thanked for their organisation of, and contribution to, the monthly ‘soup lunches’.

8.Any other business: There was none.

A meeting of the new ParochialChurch Council followed immediately

Rosemary Cook was absent.

1.Election of officers of the new PCC:

a.Deputy-chairperson: It was agreed that two churchwardens should share this role, with Rosemary Cook undertaking it until a second church warden is appointed.

b.Secretary:Rosemary Davies (not a PCC member)

Proposed by Teresa Brudenell-Bruce, seconded by Lise Hudson

c.Treasurer: Nigel Christie

Proposed by Lise Hudson, seconded by Carolyn Hill

d.Electoral Roll Officer: Julianne Smith

Proposed by Caroline Davies, seconded by Fiona Good

e. Two Savernake Team Council Representatives (usually church wardens):

Rosemary Cook

Proposed by Julianne Smith, seconded by Carolyn Bartlett

2.Dates of next meeting to be held at 7.30pm in the Long Room

13 June and 12 September 2014