Name______Section Color______
Due Date______
Seventh Grade Health
Physical Fitness Project
It is important to make a conscious choice to develop, improve and maintain fitness. This commitment is certainly not an easy one with all of the things that teenagers have going on in their lives. However, it is an important choice and its outcomes could have a lifelong effect. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has identified childhood obesity as being an epidemic. It is projected that childhood obesity may shorten the current the lifespan of an entire generation- today’s children- by two to five years. This would be the first time a generation would have a shorter life span than the previous. It is essential that adolescents and their families are proactive in their approach to their health.
To complete the Seventh Grade Health Physical Fitness Project, you will have two options: Personal Fitness Plan or Interview a Fitness Professional. Each option is explained below.
Personal Fitness Plan
You may create a practical fitness plan that will span a month. Using the information you received in class, create a realistic plan that you could follow. Take into consideration the weather, available resources, required equipment, physical limitations, and personal interests. You will also need to work with your families as you create this. Your parents will be able to guide you, and give you reminders of what types of prior commitments might be obstacles to work around. As you are working, remember to give yourself rest. Plenty of rest and recovery is just as important as the activities you are doing.
As you create your personal fitness plan, you will need to remember:
· The five components of health related fitness
· The FIT Principle
· The Key Physical Activity Guidelines
· Breakdown of physical activity into categories
· Ways to evaluate your current fitness levels
You will need to answer the following questions. You may choose to hand write the responses to each question or you may use your computer. You must include the prompt and thorough response in full sentences to earn credit. The final project MUST be neat and free of errors. 2 points each.
1. How does your plan address muscular strength?
2. How does your plan address muscular endurance?
3. How does your plan address flexibility?
4. How does your plan address cardiorespiratory endurance?
5. How does your plan address rest and recovery; are you giving yourself days off?
6. What equipment and facilities will you need in the four weeks to stay active on your plan?
7. How are you going to assess the effectiveness of your fitness plan?
8. What types of goals could you use to stay motivated so that you won’t abandon your fitness plan; what are obstacles that you may encounter to stay committed to the plan?
9. Are you able to stay on your plan alone or will you need to participate with others?
10. Is your plan safe?
In addition to the prompts listed above, you will receive points based on the following ratings:
· Creativity 5 points
· Neat Presentation 5 points
· Realistic 5 points
15 Points Program a creative and effective 4 week fitness plan. Your plan may be programmed for any month. Use the following calendar to plot the planned fitness activities and exercises. On each day, you will need to specifically identify what the workout is, what time you plan to start, where it will take place and how long you plan to be active.
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / SaturdayInterview a Fitness Professional
You also have the option of interviewing a Fitness Professional. An example of a fitness professional may be:
· Certified Personal Trainer
· Health and PE Teacher
· Gym Owner
· Fitness Instructor (Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, CrossFit, Body Pump, Aerobics)
· Physical Therapist/Certified Athletic Trainer
· Professional, College or High School Coach
· Speed or strength trainer
· Program Coordinator at a Fitness Club, Recreation Center, or YMCA
As the interviewer, you will have to answer each of the following prompts (3 points each):
1. What is your subject’s full name and job title?
2. How do you know (meet) the subject of your interview?
3. Why did you choose to interview him or her?
During the interview, you are required to ask your subject each of the following questions (3 points each):
4. What is your current involvement with fitness?
5. How long have you been involved in the fitness industry?
6. What got you involved in fitness?
7. Why is fitness important to you?
8. How are you able to share your knowledge, skills and passion for an active lifestyle on to others?
9. As someone who is committed to helping others become healthier, what is your biggest success story?
10. What is your biggest challenge you encounter in your job?
11. What do you see as the biggest barrier to people leading active lives?
In addition to the interview questions above, you must create four original questions of your own (3 points each).
To submit your interview, you may (5 points):
· Type or neatly handwrite the prompts and your subject’s responses.
· Video record and submit your interview on a DVD
· Audio record and submit your interview as an MP3 on a CD
Mr. Collins Seventh Grade Health