Setting Goals & Objectives
Semester Hours Credit: 3
Lecture Hours: 32
Location: Camp Arifjan, Kuwait
Course Dates/Days/Times:
January 17 – February 04, 2016[AF1]
Tu, We, Th 1800-2115
Instructor:Nickea K. Fludd
Office Hours:1900-2000
Instructor Email:
Phone: 9971-6843


I am mother of threechildren [AF3]and reside in Colorado Springs, CO, when I’m not deployed. I currently hold a MA in Procurement and Acquisitions Management, BS in Human Resource Management and AS in Business Administration and currently working towards my PhD in Management.I feel education is a lifelong process and the military offer unique programs that all personnel should take advantage of in order to achieve their goals. When I joined the military in 2002, I established both long term and short term goals I wanted to accomplished, to include setting realistic objectives to help me attain those goals. By having a structure plan, being proactive, assisted me to develop as a leader, mentor, counselor and to advance in both ranks and positions. Learning, training and development is a continuous process, you can learn something new everyday.


A. This course combines formal instruction with practical exercises in establishing goals and objectives. Several scenarios and group discussions will be used to comprehend the intricacies of developing a strategic plan. Short term and long term action plans will be created by the students outlining their goals and objectives after separating from the military. The course will provide students with an opportunity to think critically about their future and engage in public speaking.

B. MTMS 1271 is a required course for the Associate in Applied Science degree in Applied Management, Military Science Specialization and may be used as an elective in other programs.


Upon successful completion of this course, Setting Goals and Objectives, the student will be able to:

A. Explain what a well-written organizational mission statement should accomplish

B. Describe the planning process, list three different types of plans, and explain why it is important to link planning with the organizations’ mission.

C.Demonstrate the importance of goals, list four different types, write SMART goals, and create personal goals

D.Describe two tools for prioritizing

E.Explain the planning and control cycle and discuss the importance of assessing performance and measuring outcomes.

F.Explain how supervisors can increase accountability to achieve positive results.

G. Demonstrate the skills and techniques for an effective presentation.

H Design a strategic plan for life after the military and present to the class.

I.Conceptualize starting a new business using information from lectures.


  1. No student textbook required.
  2. Supplemental:

Cassidy C & Kreitner, R. (2010). Supervision: Setting People Up for Success Cengage. Chapter 3.

Lussier, R. N., & Achua, C. F. (2010). Leadership: Theory, application, & skill development . (4 ed.). Cengage Learning

Lussier, R. (2009). Management fundamentals: Concepts, applications, skill development. (4 ed.). Cengage Learning

  1. References:

Otlacan, O. (2005).Rules to Setting Business Goals and Objectives: Why and How to be SMART.


A.Your first responsibility is scholarship. The grade you receive for this course will not be the grade of the instructor, but rather the grade you and you alone make.

B.You should attend class regularly and be prepared to participate in classroom discussions and to take unannounced quizzes relating to text assignments and lecture material presented from the beginning of the course. Please refer to ‘Class Attendance and Course Progress’ under the Academic Policies section in our current Central Texas College (CTC) Course Catalog.

C.You are encouraged to give your best effort throughout the course. From the beginning, you should plan for a steady, organized, and continuous effort, which in the long run will prove more effective for your final grade than a last minute crash-cram policy. Your course grade is not determined solely by exam grade. Such factors as class participation, initiative, attendance, and individual research papers or projects will be considered in grade computation.

D.From time to time, special library and/or outside assignments will be made to members of the class individually and/or in groups. You are expected to read all assignments and fulfill your responsibilities to any group assignment.

E.You are expected to read all assigned material and bring your reading materials to class. Keep informed on all assignments, especially after an absence.

F.Good class notes are indispensable for earning a good grade, since both the material assigned and that discussed in class will be the basis for examination material.

G.Scholastic Honesty: All students are required and expected to maintain the highest standards of scholastic honesty in the preparation of all coursework and during examinations. The following are considered examples of scholastic dishonesty:

Plagiarism: The taking of passages from the writing of others without giving proper credit to the sources.

Collusion: Using another’s work as one’s own, or working together with another person in the preparation of work, unless such joint preparation is specifically approved in advance by the instructor.

Cheating: Giving or receiving information on examinations.

H.Special Work: A term paper or other project, per requirements of the instructor, will be required. The subject must be appropriate for the course material. Check with the instructor when you have made a selection. The value is indicated in the semester grade computation and has considerable weight on your final average.


  1. There will be a minimum of two major examinations and a project as follows:

1.Mid-term exam on 26 Jan 2016[AF4]

2.Final exam on 04 Feb 2016

3. Presentations on 02 Feb 2016

B.A student must be present for all examinations. Students who know in advance that they will be absent from an examination due to valid reasons must arrange to take an early examination. Unexpected absences due to illness or extenuating circumstances will require the student to see the instructor about individual make-up work.

C.Students without excused absences will be given a zero for the missed examination.

D. Examinations will consist of both objective (true/false, multiple choice, fill in-the-blank, and matching) and subjective (short answer and essay) questions. Students must be able to communicate both orally and in written form, thus some questions requiring the composition and writing of an essay answer will be required.



Quizzes-2 100 900-1000 A=4 pts/sem hr

Mid-Term Exam 300 800- 899 B=3 pts/sem hr

Final exam 300 700- 799 C=2 pts/sem hr

*Incentive Points 100 600- 699 D=1 pt/sem hr

Project 200 0- 599 F=0 pts/sem hr


TOTAL 1000

A term project is expected from all students.

Students may vary in their competency levels on these abilities. You can expect to

acquire these educational abilities only if you honor all course policies, attend classes

regularly, and complete all assignment work in good faith and on time.


  1. Tuition refunds are made only in the case of class cancellation or official and timely withdrawal from CTC or from a course. Please refer to the current course catalog for more details, at
  2. GoArmyEdstudents should contact their education counselor before withdrawing and are required to withdraw through the GoArmyEd portal.

Please note: a military withdrawal does not override CTC’s grading policy.

For self-pay students, refunds are computed from the date the Application for

Withdrawal or Refund is filed with the CTC Field Representative or designated Student

Services Officer. Special conditions apply to students who receive federal, state, and/or

Institutional financial aid.

Tuition and fees paid directly to the Institution by the Veterans Administration, Title IV (Financial Aid Programs, a sponsor, donor, or scholarship shall be refunded to the source rather than directly to the students.

  1. Course Withdrawals, Student Responsibilities: It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from a course. The instructor cannot initiate a withdrawal based upon a student’s request. Rather, students must initiate the withdrawal with the designated Education Center Representative, through the CTC Field Representative or the Student Services Officer for that region.

Applications for Withdrawal will be accepted at any time before the completion of 75% of the course, after which time the student will be assigned an “FN”- “Failure for Non-attendance.”

  1. Incomplete / Course in Progress Grade Policy: An “IP” or “Incomplete” grade may be assigned by an instructor if a student has made satisfactory progress in a course with the exception of a major quiz, final exam, or other project. The “IP” grade may also be assigned based on circumstances beyond a student’s control, such as personal illness, death in the immediate family, or military orders. Notice of absences, with supporting documentation, may be required by the instructor. The instructor makes the final decision concerning the granting of the incomplete grade. With an “Incomplete” grade, students are required to complete a set amount of work before the instructor will submit an official letter grade.
  2. Cellular phones, beepers, and other electronic devices will be turned off while the student is in the classroom or laboratory unless the student is using the device for class purposes. No texting or social networking is allowed during class.
  3. Instructor Discretion: The instructor reserves the right of final decision in course requirements.
  4. Civility: Individuals are expected to be cognizant of what a constructive educational experience is and respectful of those participating in a learning environment. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.



The instructor has the right to change the course schedule. Any changes will be announced in class. If the student misses a class period and changes are announced, it is the student’s responsibility to receive the missed information from a classmate or the instructor.

A. January 17, 19[AF5]Unit One:

Discuss the importance of setting goals and objectives, and identify and describe the processes used to identify and implement them.

1. Unit Objectives; Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:

a. Explain the importance of a mission statement and demonstrate the ability to write an effective mission statement.

b. Understand types of planning, including intermediate, operational, and strategic.

c. Describe the meaning of goal setting, and explain the importance

of written goals

d. Explain types of goals and how to write them.

e. Demonstrate the importance of prioritizing, and how to prioritize.

2. Learning Activities:

a. Classroom lecture/discussion

b. Reading assignments

c. Instructor-prepared materials

d. Case study

3. Equipment and Materials:

a. Cassidy & Kreitner, Supervision, Chapter 3

b. Instructor prepared materials.

B. January 20, 21 Unit [AF6]Two: The Planning and Control Cycle

1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:

  1. Explain the basic planning and control cycle.
  2. Describe how to assess and measure performance outcomes.
  3. Discuss how to encourage accountability for results.

2. Learning Activities:

a. Classroom lecture/discussion

b. Reading assignments

c. Instructor-prepared materials

d. Case study

3. Equipment and Materials:

a. Cassidy & Kreitner, Supervision, Chapter 3

b. Instructor prepared materials.

C. January 26, 27Unit Three: Explain the 5 rules of setting goals and objectives using the SMART model.

1. Unit Objectives: upon successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:

a. Explain the “specific” and easily understood objectives.

b. Discuss “measures” used to track actions associated with objectives.

c. Identify the principle of “attainability”.

d. Discuss the reason for “relevancy” when setting goals.

e. Describe the purpose for setting “timely” objectives.

2. Learning Activities:

a. Classroom lecture/discussion

b. Reading assignments

c. Instructor-prepared materials

d. Case study

Equipment and Materials:

a. Otlacan, O. (2005).Rules to Setting Business Goals and Objectives: Why and How to be SMART

b. Instructor prepared materials.

D. January 28, February 02 Unit Four: Design a SWOT model and apply it to an action plan.

1. Unit Objectives: upon successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:

a. Describe the “strength” principle.

b. Discuss “weaknesses” associated with action plans.

c. Define “opportunities” involved with setting goals.

d. Identify possible “threats” with developing action plans.

  1. Design effective short term goals for a career after the military

f. Describe and explain long term goals for a career after the military.

g. Explain techniques to measure these goals and objectives.

2. Learning Activities:

a. Classroom lecture/discussion

b. Reading assignments

c. Instructor-prepared materials

d. Case study

e. Student role playing activity

3. Equipment and Materials:

  1. Instructor prepared materials.
  2. Cassidy, Supervision, Chapter 3

E. February 02-03Unit Five: Demonstrate the skills and techniques for an effective presentation.

  1. Unit Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
  1. Brief your personal strategic plan to the class.
  2. Answer questions and provide answers to the class.
  3. Demonstrate public speaking techniques.
  1. Learning Activities:

a.Handouts –IT Placements, Effective Presentation Techniques;Tyrrell, Mark, Public Speaking Tips

b. Reading assignments

  1. Course Project Due

F. February 04 Final Exam

MTMS 1271Page 1 of 8

[AF1]Please insert the dates of the course in your syllabi.

[AF2]I recommend that you provide your personal experience in setting goals and objectives, three of military experience

[AF3]If you'd like to provide students with a hint of personal information, I would include the number of children you have. It may flow better.

[AF4] Was this supposed to be January 26?

[AF5]I would recommend that you list the meeting dates to avoid confusion

[AF6]I would also recommend that you list the meeting dates for accountability purpose. We have to make sure to meet for 32 hours.