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String Player Performance Assessment
Performance Test
59 pts / D
69 pts / C
79 pts / B
89 pts / A
100 pts
Note Accuracy / F
Music has too many errors in note accuracy and intonation. Piece needs attention. / D
Several errors occur. Most of the intonation is incorrect. There are many wrong notes. / C
Occasional note is missed, due to key signature, shift or accidental. Basic Tonality can be heard. / B
Few notes are missed. Mistakes do not detract from music. Most of the intonation is correct. / A
Excellent accuracy, no mistakes were made. Therefore, music was performed as written.
Rhythm / F
No sense of pulse. Rhythms are incorrect. Unable to show basic understanding of relationships between different rhythms. / D
Inconsistant pulse. Most rhythms are incorrect. / C
Basic sense of pulse. Some rhythms are incorrect. / B
Secure pulse with minor rhythmic problems / A
Strong sense of pulse. All rhythms performed accurately
Tone / F
Poor sound. Needs more bow and better weight distribution. Needs better contact point. Left hand needs to be secure for good sound / D
Sound not developed. Must work towards more volume and consistency in tone / C
Tone is generally consistant. Continue to expand on good bow principles / B
Tone is developed. Good basic use of the bow and left hand. / A
Tone is excellent. Great use and distribution of the bow. Steady contact point. good arm weight.
Articulation / F
Bowing is consistently backwards. Articulations are consistently ignored. Bow management, or the specific section of bow that is to be used is consistently incorrect. / D
Bowing is correct some of the time. A few of the articulations are observed but most are not. Bow management is correct some of the time. / C
Bowing is correct half of the time. A few of the articulations are observed but most are not. Bow management is correct some of the time. / B
Bowing is correct most of the time. Most of the articulations are observed. Bow management is correct most of the time / A
All bowings and articulations are observed. Bow management is consistently correct.
Left Hand/Right Hand / F
Does not demonstrate
basic left hand structure. Left hand is always in the incorrect position when playing. Does not demonstrate
basic right hand structure / D
Basic structure beginning but not consistent.
Bow arm needs attention. No flexibility. Arm needs to be relaxed. Address contact point and arm weight / C
Left hand has correct shape and design but has too much tension, limiting
success. Bow arm has beginning basic structure. Contact point, weight and speed are inconsistent. / B
Left hand has good basic structure. Wrist is relaxed. Arm moves fluidly. Intonation is limited by left hand. Bow arm has beginning basic structure. Contact point, weight and speed are consistent. Able to get enough volume consistently. / A
Left hand is excellent. The hand is consistent, accurate, relaxed and allows for success. Intonation and expressive playing are evident and not inhibited by left hand in any way. Excellent bow arm. Right hand is flexible and fluid. Elbow and shoulder are aiding sound. Great contact point and natural weight
Dynamics / F
No distinguishable difference between any of the dynamic markings. / D
A few of the dynamics are observed but most are ignored. There is little distinguishable difference between dynamic markings. / C
Half of the dynamic markings are observed. There is some distinguishable difference between markings. / B
Most of the dynamic markings are observed. There is a clear and distinguishable difference between dynamic markings. / A
All of the dynamic markings are observed. there is artistic, clear distinguishable difference between all of the dynamic markings.
Posture / F
Student is not seated properly at all and is not maintaining appropriate head, arms, elbow, wrist and torso position. / D
Student is not always sitting properly or has difficulty maintaining good form for head, arms, elbow, wrist and torso. / C
Student is seated properly most of the time while trying to maintain for head, arms, elbow, wrist and torso. / B
Student is maintaining proper seating position and mostly maintains good form for head, arms, elbow, wrist and torso. / A
Student is maintaining proper seating position while maintaining correct positioning of head, arms, wrist and torso.

1 = F 2 = D 3 = C 4 = B 5 = A

A score from 1-5 in given for each category. The scores are added together to get a total. Divide the total score by 7 (number of categories) to get an average score.

0-7 = F 8-14 = D 15-21 = C 22-28 = B 29-35 = ABottom of Form