August18th 2015 Minutes

Members: Lisa Arkin, George Grier, Julie Knurowski, William Lackey, Glenn Miller, Joel Miller, Ellen Mooney, James Mough, Bitty Roy

Absent:Julie Knurowski, Joel Miller

Guest: James Lakehomer

Staff:Orin Schumacher


6:04p.m.–Chairperson Mooney called the meeting to order


A.Orin Schumacherdiscussed the following:

1.Mentioned the lack of attendance at meetings by Julie Knurowski and response from email requests leaves us short a member. Schumacher proposed the idea of having Jim Lakehomer fill this position as he has attended every meeting. The motion was put forth by James Mough and passed unanimously by the Task Force members.

B.Meeting Discussion Items and Review

1.The Task force members reviewed changes made at the July meeting to the Last Resort Policy document and decided this meeting (August) would work to continue edits where we left off in May, all agreed.

2.A copy of the previous edits was desired for further review by committee members, it was agreed that I would send a digital copy to all members for further review. Task Force members decided to continue with edits until previous document could be reviewed.

3.Task Force members started edits on the Last Resort Policy starting with Section 15.501 Environment. It was revised to the current language by a consensus vote. Section 2 was added to include other species outside of Salmonids.

4.Task Force Members as a group decided to add a new section in the Policy titled Data Collection and Analysis, Section 15.502. Two items were added and the section was left open for further additions.

5.George Grier voiced concerns with removing the word “emergency” from the policy, as it is a definition defined at the State level. The committee decided that the definition of emergency would require more discussion and review, all agreed. The term Threshold was also left for further definition as we move through the policy document.

6.The edits listed below were made by consensus vote of the Task Force

1) Prevention Techniques. Vegetation prevention techniques encourage the desired plants, animals, and other organisms and discourage unwanted ones. Prevention techniques and least-toxic pest controls include:

(a) Maintain a monitoring program sufficient to enable a data driven process promoting effective and timely vegetation management practices.

(b) Increasing vegetation tolerance thresholds, while maintaining current roadside safety and infrastructure standards.

7.The Edits below were made by a consensus vote of the Task Force

(2) Mechanical, manual and other alternative vegetation control methods to evaluate and address existing vegetation problems or problems that may develop on county roadsides in spite of prevention techniques, the Department of Public Works shall follow the approach outlined below:

(a) Monitor roadside vegetation growth to determine if thresholds have been exceeded and/or control is needed (See Section 15.502)

(b) Use physical, mechanical and other alternative methods to control vegetation to prevent impairments or damages to roadway.

8.The Task Force reviewed Section 3 “Use of Herbicide Products” and made the edits listed below. There was a consensus from members that a future committee or addition to an existing committee would require further discussion before providing a final recommendation to the County Administrator.

(3) Use of Herbicide Products.

(a) The Board of Health shall adopt by resolution a Permitted Products list for use of herbicides by the Department of Public Works for roadside management. The Board of Health shall solicit review and comment from the Vegetation Management Advisory Committee and the Public Health Administrator who will work with the Public Health Advisory Committee. (Need to review future committees, such as renewing the VMAC or bringing this work into the RAC.)

(b) The Board of Health may periodically review the Permitted Products List and after receiving public comment, add products to that list that meet the criteria in this chapter or delete products if new information becomes available indicating that the products do not meet those criteria.

9.Task Force members agree to end the meeting after edits were made to the above listed sections in the Last Resort Policy. All voted in favor to start further edits at the September meeting, starting from Section 15.503


A.No members of the public were in attendance


A.Motion: Move to approve the July minutes without amendments, all in favor


1.There were no adjustments to the agenda.


A.Review the “Roadside Vegetation Management and Last Resort Herbicide Use Policy (Lane Code 15.500 – .530)”

1.Discussed updating the policy title, as “Last Resort” considered not to be an accurate description

a) Policy title change discussion postponed until after content reviewed

(a)Text revised


A.Continue review and update to the “Roadside Vegetation Management and Last Resort Herbicide Use Policy (Lane Code 15.500 – 15.530)”


A.Chair Mooney adjourned the meeting at 7:58 p.m.

Orin Schumacher, Minutes Recorder

Vegetation Management Task Force – May 19, 2015 MinutesPage 1 of 3