The Academic Standards Committee


Clarence Robertson


Andrew Hubner, English
Edward King, Allied Health Sciences
Anna Manukyan, Natural Sciences
Cynthia Morales-Delbrun, Office of the Registrar
Celestina Cayetano, Student Government Association
Clara Nieto-Wire, Mathematics
Clarence Robertson, English
InzamamdeenKassim, Student Government Association
Michael Cisco, English
Michelle Castro, Student Life
Salem Rayman, Allied Health Sciences
Zvi Ostrin, Natural Sciences


December 14, 2017
February 5, 2018
February 26, 2018
March 26, 2018
April 09, 2018


December 14, 2017
  • Professor Clarence H. Robertson was nominated and elected Chair of the Academic Standards Committee. This vote was unanimous.
  • Professor Clarence H. Robertson was nominated and elected Recording Secretary of the Academic Standards Committee. This vote was unanimous.
  • It was decided that minutes to be uploaded to the Senate website will be kept separately from records detailing appeals and complaints to protect the confidentiality of both students and faculty members. A case number will be assigned to each item that appears in the minutes. This number will link that item to the records kept by the Chair of the Academic Standards Committee. This decision was unanimous.
February 5, 2018
  • The calendar for future meetings by the Academic Standards Committee was finalized.
  • The current procedure for a student appealing a charge of academic dishonesty made by a faculty member was reviewed.
  • Furthermore, the current procedure for a faculty member making a charge of academic dishonesty against a student was reviewed.
February 26, 2018
  • A procedure for protecting the confidentiality of both the student and the faculty member named in a complaint or grade appeal was approved by the committee.
  • Case: Sp2018-1, a grade appeal, was adjudicated.
  • Case: Sp2018-2, a grade appeal, was adjudicated.
  • Case: Sp2018-3, a grade appeal, was adjudicated.
March 26, 2018
  • The decision regarding Case: Sp2018-2, a grade appeal, was upheld in the absence of the student who requested to appear before and to address the committee directly.
April 09, 2018
  • Voted on protocols and procedures drafted by the committee chair for a student appearing in person to address the Academic Standards Committee.
  • Voted to deny the request regarding Case: Sp2018-2 to reschedule after the student failed to appear, without notification, at a previously scheduled meeting of the Academic Standards Committee which was requested by the student and whose intent to attend had been confirmed by the student.
  • Continued the review the policies and procedures regarding charges of Academic Dishonesty, but the committee is not yet ready to make recommendations regarding these policies.

Let us know if you are planning on stepping down as chair. If so, who will be replacing you?

If this Senate Committee is holding its election in the fall, please let the chairs of the Committee on Committees know as soon as possible the election results.

I will continue serving as chair of the Academic Standards Committee


One student, Inzamamdeen Kassim, has attended all meetings. Celestina Cayetano, who was a late appointee, is yet to attend a meeting.


Please advise us to any members of the committee who are having attendance issues. According to the Hostos Charter of Governance, any member who has been absent 3 meetings without written notification shall be asked to resign and will be replaced by the Committee on Committees.

We are at full capacity for faculty members of the committee. I am unsure of the status of Celestina Cayetano.

COMMITTEE MEMBERS recommending to continue on in AY 2018 - 2019

Andrew Hubner, English
Edward King, Allied Health Sciences
Anna Manukyan, Natural Sciences
Cynthia Morales-Delbrun, Office of the Registrar
Clara Nieto-Wire, Mathematics
Clarence Robertson, English
InzamamdeenKassim, Student Government Association
Michael Cisco, English
Michelle Castro, Student Life
Salem Rayman, Allied Health Sciences
Zvi Ostrin, Natural Sciences

Do you have any concerns that need to be addressed?

I have no concerns at the moment.

Attach any additional information to this form and send it by May17, 2018 to:

Professor Julie Trachmanand Professor Michael Gosset, Co-Chairs,

Committee on Committees as well as Prof. Ernest Ialongo, Chair, Hostos College Senate

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