Loveland High School Cover Sheet

Course Title: Principles of Economics (2012-2013)

Instructor: Mr. Jedadiah Coley

Voicemail:---- Office Hours: 7-7:30am, 3-3:30pm (may vary)

Open Blocks: 4th & 5th Email:


Course Overview:

This course will present a framework used to study economics. In addition, the American economic system, other types of economic systems, their functions, and their effects around the world will be discussed. The course brings into focus both microeconomics and macroeconomics and will assist the student in the processes of individual and global decision-making.

Economics and personal financial literacy teach students the skills, knowledge, and habits that they must master in order to contribute in a positive manner to society. Economics and personal financial literacy teach how to understand personal responsibility, set goals, create plans, evaluate choices, value entrepreneurship, comprehend globalization and international connections, and learn to make rational decisions through critical analysis.

Economics teaches students how society manages its scarce resources, how people make decisions, how people interact in the domestic and international markets, and how forces and trends affect the economy as a whole. Personal financial literacy applies the economic way of thinking to help understand how to manage scarce resources using a logical decision-making process that involves prioritization based on analysis of the costs and benefits of every choice.

Economics and personal financial literacy are essential to function effectively in personal lives, as participants in a global economy, and as citizens contributing to a strong national economy. As citizens, workers, consumers, savers, and investors, members of society must have a level of economic and personal financial literacy that enables them to understand how economies function and to apply economic analysis in their own lives.

Prepared Graduates:

The prepared graduate competencies are the preschool through twelfth-grade concepts and skills that all students who complete the Colorado education system must master to ensure their success in a postsecondary and workforce setting.

Prepared Graduate Competencies in the Economics Standard are:

-Understand the allocation of scarce resources in societies through analysis of individual choice, market interaction, and public policy

-Acquire the knowledge and economic reasoning skills to make sound financial decisions

Concepts and Skills Students Master:

1.) Productive resources – natural, human, and capital – are scarce; therefore, choices are made about how individuals, businesses, governments, and societies allocate these resources.

2.) Economic policies affect markets.

3.) Government and competition affect markets.

4.) Design, analyze, and apply a financial plan based on short- and long-term financial goals.

5.) Analyze strategic spending, saving, and investment options to achieve the objectives of diversification, liquidity, income, and growth.

6.) To manage components of personal credit and debt.

7.) Identify, develop, and evaluate risk-management strategies.

Recommended Student Materials:

1.)Notebook 2.)Writing Utensils (#2 pencil for tests) 3.)Textbooks are issued if needed.

Text: ECONOMICS, Author: Dr. Robert L. Pennington. Published by Holt, Rinehart and Winston Publishers, Harcourt Brace & Company, 1998.

Student Responsibilities:

1.) BE IN CLASS!! You are expected to be in class just as you would be expected to be at a place of employment.

2.) Be prompt, prepared, and ready to learn!! POINT OF EMPHASIS: NO TARDIES!!!!!

*NO TRIPS TO THE LOCKER OR TO THE CAR ARE GRANTED!! (Should you forget something, you may borrow it from a classmate or RENT it from the instructor for $.50.)

3.) Complete the assigned work and complete it on time.


4.) Adhere to the stated LHS Code of Conduct at all times, which this class strictly adheres to. Economics is a life philosophy that one needs to be a part of in life beyond LHS. Effective time management is needed in your future jobs thus is needed at LHS. Respect For Self, For Classmates, For the Instructor. (You’re allowed think it, but you definitely don’t have to say it!!)

Other Classroom Semantics:

1.) If students are polite with their phones, or other electronic devices, they may use them when the instructor in not in the middle of lecture! This is a compromise that expects students to be responsible and practice proper phone etiquette. If students prove to be irresponsible with the privilege the instructor has given, then all use on any device will be revoked. (Items will be confiscated and their return CANNOT be guaranteed. These items include, but are not limited to: cell & /or camera phones, IPODS)

2.) Snacks & drinks are allowed provided trash/recycles are disposed of properly.

3.) Bathroom breaks are allowed--only one person on the pass at a time; Restrooms in the 800 hall are ours.

4.) No trips to cafeteria for food or drink are allowed.

5.) Lockers are negotiable depending upon the situation.

6.) Students must be inside the classroom at the bell to counted as “on time.”

7.) Honesty, respect, tolerance, and patience are to be modeled at all times.

8.) Harassment in any form will not be tolerated. Furthermore, students are obligated to report any and all issues of any type of harassment to the instructor.

8.) Any issue, situation, or dilemma not directly addressed in this cover sheet or by school policy will be handled at the professional discretion of the teacher. Issues that persist will require the teacher’s assistance of the Administration.

9.) FIRE ALARM EXIT: Exit west to 800 hall doors. Move to “court jester” sculpture across the parking lot. Please be calm, and stay together.

ATTENDANCE INCENTIVE: To achieve this incentive, the student must meet the following criteria:

*96% or better attendance rating, no tardiness & no unexcused absences=Drop your lowest score on any quiz, or test, and replace it with the highest. (School-related absences are excluded provided they are not excessive.) THIS DOES NOT COUNT FOR THE FINAL OR EXIT INTERVIEW!!!!!