CONDITIONS UNDER INVESTIGATION (i.e those that are not yet included in Schedule A of the Procedure notes, but for which information is being actively sought by examination of the breeds for the conditions specified). These conditions should be commented upon only in the middle section of the eye certificate.

1. Akita - GPRA26.Irish Setter - GPRA (late onset)

2. Australian Shepherd - C 27.Lancashire Heeler - HC (early developing), PPM

3. Basenji - PPM28.Leonberger - G

4. Beagle - MRD29.Norwegian Elkhound - MRD

5. Bloodhound - MOD 30.Old English Sheepdog - MOD, CHC

6. Border Collie - HC (early developing), G31.Papillon - GPRA

7. Border Terrier - HC (late onset) 32.Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen - PPM

8. Bullmastiff - PPM 33.Polish Lowland Sheepdog - RPED

9. Cairn Terrier - APD 34.Poodle (Miniature) - ONH

10. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - MOD 35.Poodle (Standard) - MOD

11. Collie (Rough) - MOD, MRD 36. Poodle (Toy) - ONH

12. Dachshund (Miniature Long-Haired) - ONH 37.Retriever (Flat Coated) - GPRA

13. Dachshund (Miniature Smooth-Haired) - GPRA 38.Retriever ( Golden) - MOD, CHC, G

14. Dachshund (Miniature Wire-Haired) - PPM 39.Retriever (Labrador) - APD

15. Dandie Dinmont Terrier - G 40.Rottweiler - MOD, PPM

16. Dobermann - MOD 41.Siberian Husky - PPM

17. Finnish Lapphund - MRD, PHPV, HC, PPM 42.Spaniel (Cocker) - MOD, PPM.

18. French Bulldog - HC (early developing) 43. Spaniel (Field) - HC (early developing), MRD

19. German Shepherd Dog - MRD 44. Spaniel (Sussex) - MRD

20. German Spitz - MRD 45 Staffordshire Bull Terrier - HC (variable age of onset)

21. Giant Schnauzer - MRD 46. Tibetan Terrier - HC (early developing)

22. Great Dane - G 47. Welsh Terrier - G

23. Greenland Dog - HC (early developing) 48. West Highland White Terrier - MOD, CHC, PPM

24. Griffon Bruxellois - HC (early developing) 49. Yorkshire Terrier - HC (late onset), GPRA

25. Hungarian Vizsla - G

APD Abnormal Pigment Deposition G Goniodysgenesis/Primary Glaucoma MRDMultifocal Retinal Dysplasia PHPV Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous

C Coloboma GPRA Generalised Progressive Retinal Atrophy ONHOptic Nerve Hypoplasia RPED Retinal Pigment Epithelial Dystrophy (formerly Central Progressive Retinal Atrophy (CPRA)

CEA Collie Eye Anomaly HC Hereditary Cataract PLLPrimary Lens Luxation

CHCCongenital Hereditary Cataract MOD Multi-ocular defects PPM Persistent Pupillary Membrane
