Access to Care Committee

October 14, 2010

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Access to Care Committee

Conference Call

October 14, 2010



Dr. Mark Goldstein (1)Dr. Gary Davis (5)

Dr. Joseph Greenberg(2), ChairDr. Ross Wezmar (3), consultant

Dr. Bernadette Logan (2)Dr. Geoffrey Wozar (2)

Dr. Craig Pate (5)


Dr. Christopher Luccy (10)

Dr. Wade Newman (7), Trustee Liaison

Marisa Swarney, director of government relations

Welcome/Chair’s Remarks

Dr. Joseph Greenberg called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Approval of Minutes

The committee unanimously approved the minutes from the July 25, 2010, meeting.

Update on Department of Education’s SAS system

Dr. Bernadette Logan reported that the Department of Education (DOE) now has an electronic version of Kids Smiles curriculum to add to the SAS system. However, there will be a delay in posting Kids Smiles on DOE’s website because it is one of forty programs that DOE still needs to post. DOE will add a link to PDA’s Virtual Dental Van when it is completed.

Discussion on revising PDA’s Virtual Dental Van

Dr. Greenberg reported that Dr. Amid Ismail, dean of Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry, gave PDA permission to link to his DVD on dental health literacy. PDA also has permission to link to the National Museum of Dentistry’s website.

Dr. Greenberg is working on a power point presentation to educate dentists about biofilm control, which will also be posted with the Virtual Dental Van. He also will revise the patient section so that it will provide assistance to any patient seeking dental care, not just patients on Medical Assistance (MA) or CHIP. (10/10ACCDA1)

The committee discussed the difficulty obtaining a list of current MA providers to post with the Virtual Dental Van to assist patients seeking dental care. The committee agreed to post information that encourages patients to contact managed care companies directly or the Department of Public Welfare for a list of MA providers in their area.

The committee also discussed the issue that many general dentists feel pressured to treat pediatric patients as a way to solve barriers to care and they may not be cognizant of the current standards of care in treating pediatric patients. The committee will consult with pediatric dental specialists in drafting an article about appropriate care and referral for pediatric patients, for posting as part of the Virtual Dental Van. (10/10ACCDA2)

Staff will consult with the Communications Department to determine whether it can list sponsors of the Virtual Dental Van on PDA’s website. These sponsors would be willing to advertise the Virtual Dental Van to the public. (10/10ACCDA3)

The committee will continue revising the Virtual Dental Van for patients and providers and will vote on the revised draft at its January 28, 2011, meeting.

Legislative Initiative on School Dental Examinations

The committee discussed the feasibility of passing legislation that would require schools to disallow students to attend school until they have passed their dental examinations. Currently, schools abide by regulations in the Pennsylvania School Code, which do not carry any weight in enforcing a policy that would require students to have the necessary dental care as determined during their school examination.

Dr. Wade Newman will present the committee’s proposal to advocate for legislation that would require schools to disallow students to attend school until their have passed their dental examinations to the Board of Trustees at its November 20, 2010, meeting, and report back to the committee. (10/10ACCDA4)

Oral Health Literacy

Dr. Greenberg requested that each committee member submit one idea for an oral health literacy initiative to better educate the public. Dr. Craig Pate suggested partnering with an insurance company to market healthy lifestyles and oral health prevention. It was suggested that oral health messages should focus on educating patients on the consequences of eating too many times during a day.

The committee should submit ideas for oral health literacy aimed at better educating the public through the social networking site by October 29, 2010. (10/10ACCDA5)

Dental Examinations/iPhone technology

The committee discussed whether to pursue funding for dentists to use iPhones to conduct and report on dental examinations for school children. Dr. Greenberg is working with the appropriate officials to implement this technology and use the available funding for dentists to provide the screenings and examinations on school children.

The committee questioned whether dental hygienists have the ability to sign the current dental examination form and if they would then have the ability to also use iPhones.

Dr. Christopher Luccy will submit a request to the State Board of Dentistry for its opinion on whether the current Department of Health’s (DOH) regulations on dental school examinations allows dental hygienists to sign DOH’s school dental examination forms. (10/10ACCDA6)

New Business

The committee scheduled a meeting for January 28, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. at the PDA central office. Another meeting is scheduled for May 20, 2011, in conjunction with the PDA Leadership Symposium.

The conference call adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
