Partial Description of Contents of THE JOHNSON METHOD Resources
Includes: advertising, marketing, patient education; in-office procedures; reference material on therapies and more. 488 pages all indexed for your review!
QUICK START DVD: Watch this DVD to get started fast!
•True, “secret” causes of fibromyalgia, dizziness, chronic pain conditions
•New insights into fibromyalgia patients’ chronic fatigue, chronic pain, dizziness, “Dizzy-Fog”, migraines, insomnia, sensitivity to light and sound, difficulty expressing themselves, “Fibro-Fog”, tacy-arrythmia, IBS, acid reflux, swollen joints
•Little-known link between cerebellum and dizziness, chronic back pain and disc herniations – and how to better treat these conditions
•How to EXAMINE THE CEREBELLUM – a ‘Must!’ if you are treating low back pain, sciatica, herniated discs or dizziness
•What the patient’s eyes reveal about their condition
•Why ‘blind-spot mapping’ is important
•How to use an Optokenetic Tape to diagnose chronic conditions
•How to treat DIABETIC NEUROPATHY and peripheral neuropathy
(Diabetics are the fastest growing chronic-condition population in America. 1 in 8 aging “boomers” have or will soon suffer from diabetic neuropathy. This is an important key to new patients and new patient referrals.)
•THE INSIDER’S VIEW: Exactly how Dr. Johnson processes new patients….organization of visits, tour, exam, diagnosis….scripts he uses to routinely secure commitment and $5,000.00+ cash payment from each new patient
•Optimum-Efficiency Treatments, often 3 to 4 minutes per patient
•In-depth understanding: why oxygen is important in treating chronic pain, low back pain, sciatica, herniated discs, dizziness
•If you are using SD, you need to use 02 Therapy WHILE YOUR PATIENT IS ON THE TABLE.
•Do NOT use an oxygen tank; why you should use an Oxygen Concentrator and proper rates (LPM)…what levels of oxygen are right for best results with different conditions…which Oxygen Concentrator is best and where to purchase them at greatly reduced prices. YOU DO NOT NEED TO USE O2 TO SUCCESSFULLY TREAT CHRONIC CONDITION PATIENTS, TREAT THEM METABOLICALLY AND YOU WILL SEE MASSIVE CHANGES!!! DON’T SWEAT IT IF YOU CANNOT USE O2 IN YOUR STATE. IT’S NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL!
(JOHNSON METHOD Members have access to a direct supplier offering special rates and service.)
•Treatment recommendations: how often to use oxygen with fibromyalgia and chronic pain patients
Patients’ questions and answers
TAKE NOTE…in my competitive, chiropractor-saturated community, my practice thrives by offering unique treatment ‘systems’ for specific conditions – including
The usual….The unusual…
Chronic neck painPeripheral neuropathy
Headaches – migraine, clusterBalance Disorders/dizziness
Chronic low back painRestless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
Carpal TunnelDisc problems/spinal stenosis/failed back surgeries
Stroke rehab
Early Stage Alzheimer’s
Hashimoto’s Disease (Surprising #s!)
Diabetes/Insulin Resistence
Autoimmune Disorders (RA, Lupus, etc.)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Hardware patients
Thyroid Conditions (This condition alone is RED HOT!!!)
…with highly advanced treatment options – including:
Unilateral adjustmentsEWOT – Exercise With Oxygen Therapy
Specific Metabolic Treatments ReBuilder
Vibration therapyVisual stimulation therapy
Auditory stimulation therapy Warm Calorics
IM – Interactive Metronome ATM2
Glutathione treatmentsAuriculo therapy
Nutritional supplementsLaser therapy
Non-surgical spinal decompression*Nutrition (via specific metabolic testing)
(*Not necessary if you don’t have it)
Because of the focus on these specific conditions, the therapies provided and extraordinary results achieved, we enjoy a very high level of referrals and do not need to do much advertising or external marketing. But to jump-start the re-engineered practice, there are practice-building strategies that work incredibly well (but don’t work well for an ordinary, traditional chiropractic practice)…
•LEAD GENERATION ADVERTISING for specific, chronic health conditions.
•GOOGLE ADWORDS AND FACEBOOK AD CAMPAIGNS – there are patients in your area right now actively searching for help with these chronic conditions, and our internet strategy enables them to find you. (One of the doctors in my Network gets as many as 80 NEW PATIENTS A MONTH from this online strategy plus referrals, nothing else.) This is a separate program and cost, please see page 5 of the FREE REPORT.
•PATIENT REACTIVATION MARKETING that actually works – not “standard” reactivation postcards, notices or outbound calls forced onto the staff. There’s “GOLD” sitting right inside your file cabinets that can’t be mined with ordinary “It’s time for a check-up” reactivation messages but CAN be “cashed in” – fast – with chronic condition specific messages and news about new, advanced therapies. THIS ALONE CAN REPAY YOUR ENTIRE INVESTMENT IN MY PROGRAM!!!!!! Plus, we’ve just created our “Success Secrets” series that you can send to patients with thyroid problems, diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, migraines, ADD/ADHD, Austim and Dyslexia.
•Dr. Johnson’s ‘Treating Extreme Cases with Decompression and Oxygen Therapy’ – how to treat hardware patients, stenosis patients, RLS patients…and you do NOT NEED a decompression table. If you have one, so much the better. When and if you are ready, you can lease a fully functional table for as little as $150.00 a month.
•Dr. Johnson’s Fibromyalgia and Dizziness Treatment
•The ATM2 – discover the latest neurological treatments using ATM2. Preview at: If you don’t have an ATM2, JOHNSON METHOD MEMBERS are eligible for special discounts from a preferred vendor.
•GLUTATHIONE Treatments – using ‘the mother-lode of antioxidants’ to get the patients with the toughest conditions better, faster. THIS IS POWERFUL! Note: Glutathione does NOT work in pill form.
•Special Situations Treatment: how to treat the patient who has undergone multiple surgeries….never let a spinal stenosis patient walk out of your door again, because you are unable to treat them!....learn about: unilateral adjusting, auricular-therapy, olfactory stimulation (aromatherapy), auditory stimulation, visual stimulation, vibration therapy.
•DR. Johnson’s OFFICE TOUR
•THE PATIENT COVERSION PRESENTATION was recorded at one of Dr. Johnson’s seminars….I “show ‘n tell” and demonstrate the three free visits…days one, two and three….exactly how a patient goes from first consultation through exam, presentation, and securing his commitment to treatment, as a fee for service, cash patient. You need to understand that we have an unusual, patient” approach to patient conversion: there are three no-charge visits. In the first, I do screening and take an X-ray. In the second, I explain the diagnosis and if I can help, and how I can help. There are tools – a “re-focus questionnaire”, a book, CD’s they take home to listen to. The third visit is their treatment plan. As a bonus, Dr. Johnson also covers his 2-day conversion process as a bonus on a separate DVD, watch this DVD and start collecting large case fees!
•CLOSING CASES: Step-by-step, how Dr. Johnson secures patient commitment and closes cases for $9995.00 to $16,500.00. Even if you feel such case sizes are “too much”, you can start lower – just like Dr. Barlow and other Members have – and grow into the bigger fees. Warning: if you can’t confidently, comfortably and persuasively present comprehensive treatment plans and close cases, you “will be toast” in the coming chiropractic crisis brought on by insurers more desperate than ever to shrink patients’ claims and by socialized, nationalized health care.
•Dr. Johnson’s DINNER WORKSHOP – he consistently has 40 attending (room capacity is 40), converts 10 to 13 of them to new patients at average case value of $7,200.00. Many doctors are having massive success using this as their own. It alone could be a “quick cure” for any new patient or cash flow blues that ail you!
•Dr. Johnson’s TV INFOMERCIAL – which you can use as a template to produce your own inexpensive ½-hour or 1-hour infomercial. This show pulls in patients every time it runs, and in many markets, there are opportunities to air it for as little as $30.00 to $300.00. Dr. Johnson pays $30/show. TV is ‘the rising tide that lifts all boats’ when done right! You can also use your infomercial as an online webcast or take-home DVD for new patients…it has strong pass-along, to generate referrals.
•Dr. Andy Barlow’s ‘Million Dollar’ Tuesday Night In-Office HEALTH CLASS. In Tupelo, Mississippi, Dr. Barlow collects well over $1-MILLION A YEAR – with many of his best new patients coming from this class. He began with case-value average of $3,300.00…is up to $14,000.00. Dr. Barlow is also providing treatment for ADD/ADHD, Autism and Dyslexia. And you’ll learn more from Dr. Barlow on THE JOHNSON METHOD Private Message Board and Forum.
•Dr. Andy Barlow’s Tupelo Bootcamp. Get up to speed FAST by watching Dr. Andy Barlow’s Bootcamp. Dr. Barlow covers EVERYTHING from the examination of the patient to treatment. You get an complete A to Z look at one of the MOST successful neuro-metabolic offices in the country.
•METABOLIC TESTING AND TREATMENT DVD: This DVD is a MUST if you are serious about correcting these chronic health conditions! It will show you how to treat tough conditions by using specific metabolic testing and treatments. Watch this DVD to help chronic condition patients get better like thyroid conditions, diabetes, IBS, and auto immune disorders to name a few.
You don’t need to pay other consultants $10,000 plus $2500/month to learn how to treat these tough cases!
OFFICE/PATIENT COORDINATION AND CHOREOGRAPHY: a smart question is – how do you manage complicated patient flow at this high of a level in an extremely busy office? – and I’ve got answers! Patients get a Disney-like emotionally satisfying experience, you get amazing efficiency.
Each of these DVD/CD’s may be purchased separately for $997.00. Contact the office at 920.739.6971 to purchase individual titles. In total, this is a $5,970.00 value.
Permission for use of certain of the proprietary, copyright-protected advertising, marketing and patient education copy and materials, in-office hand-outs and tools, and other materials.
(4): EXCLUSIVE WEBINARS/Teleconferences
These online resources connect Johnson Method Network Doctors with each other – as you’ll see, excitedly sharing what works for them, even their own power-points presentations and lectures and more.
The message board:
If you are feeling alone in chiropractic because you are not able to brainstorm with the other doctors to see how they are doing, I will hook you into the HOTTEST network now operating in our profession that will allow you to tap into insider information!
Join our community chiropractors dedicated to helping one another. This may sound a little weird to you because most chiropractors consider every other chiropractor in their city or town a competitor. I am inviting you to our mastermind group where we don’t have that starvation mindset but instead, we share the ultimate, state-of-the-art, most sophisticated, cutting edge and effective information in the chiropractic profession. The message board covers advertising and marketing, closing cash cases, patient care, billing and coding, business management, spinal decompression, O2 therapy, and many more topics.
This “insider” information is the cutting edge of the profession! It is a brotherhood (sorry, and sisterhood) within chiropractic. Our mastermind message board is LOADED with an uplifting, positive, abundant mentality that will help you to explode your practice!
Our webinars cover the latest, up-to-date information on everything from how to close high case fees for $7000 to $14,000 per case to time management to how to handle office flow to how to use Google Adwords effectively. You name it and we cover it AND if you don’t see it, just ask and we can do a webinar on it!
Start Strong.....Finish Stronger
by Stephen Herto on 03 Aug 2009 03:56 pm
“Just a quick celebrate to get the month going. Closed 4 paid in advances this morning and had 7 New Patients (3 from DW's, 4 referrals) in a two hour shift. Love to see the place packed to the walls. Here's to a great month to all "providers of exceptional care" on this incredible message board. Many thanks to all!”
8 times during the 6-Month Program, you are invited to attend Dr. Johnson’s personal coaching calls, including open question-answer opportunities.
The first Friday of every month is open for our Free Doctor Workshop, space is limited due to the fact that we hold it at my office and eat dinner at my home, please call for availability.
when you most need them to move forward!
IN ADDITION, FOR LEVEL 2 PARTICIPANTS YOU RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING… (Level 2 is my Best Recommendation for complete access to me via phone and email!)
– 6 RED HOT marketing methods to get those chronic patients in YOUR OFFICE!
(10): Use of Dr. Johnson and affiliation with Dr. Johnson
•Dr. Johnson’s book What Do You Do When the Medications Don’t Work?—A Non-Drug Treatment ofDizziness, Migraine Headaches, Fibromyalgia and Other Chronic Conditions with a customized insert introducing you
(11): Extra E-Mail Support and Unlimited Calling
(12) Monthly PERSONAL Coaching Call
(13) Network Membership, presence in Online Directory, opportunity for direct referrals
(14) Dr. Andy Barlow’s Bootcamp DVDs! Dr. Andy Barlow in Tupelo, MS collects over $100,000.00/month and he shows you HOW he does it in these DVDs!
(14): The complete ADD/ADHD/AUTISM/DYSLEXIA SYSTEM including access to the private message board.
JOHNSON METHOD Reference Manual X X X
DVD/CD Program $6,970.00* X X X
Use License X X X
Webinars $600.00 X X X
Private Message Board & Forum – 6 months $1,595.00 X X X
Group Coaching Calls – Eight in 6 Months $1000.00 X X X
In-Person Workshop$2,500.00 X X X
911 – Personal Coaching Calls$1,000.00 X X X
$13,665.00Fee: only $7987.00
Tool Kit CD/Electronic File $1995.00 XX
Affiliation with Dr. Johnson (DVD, Book, Ctfctn) $6,000.00XX
Extra E-Mail (and phone) Support – 6 months$1,500.00XX
Monthly PERSONAL Coaching Call$3,000.00XX
Network Membership$1,200.00XX
$27,360.00Fee: only $9487.00
SAVINGS: $17,873.00
Individual values above based on products/services typical fees/prices in two dozen popular coaching and practice management programs and educational resource packages sold to chiropractors. Dr. Johnson is proud to offer exceptional value. *CD’s/DVD’s may be purchased separately at $997.00 each
WARNING: How much money have you spent? much will you spend?...trekking off to seminar after seminar? “Piece-meal” buying different speakers’ and consultants’ “packages”? – hoping the next one may contain the “magic beans”? Heck, going to just one seminar, its fee, your airfare and hotel costs as much or more than my entire 6-Month Program. Isn’t it time to “stop the insanity” of endlessly spending in dribs and drabs, on seminar after seminar, without ever getting a solid, step-by-step Method for practice transformation with full implementation support? And a guarantee. THIS IS NOT ABOUT “A BOX OF STUFF” TO GATHER DUST ON A SHELF. NOT ABOUT VAGUE, FEEL-GOOD TELE-SEMINARS WITH INTERVIEWS AND IDEAS (BUT WHAT COMES OF THEM?) NOT ABOUT YET ANOTHER 2 OR 3 DAY SEMINAR THAT IS FUN WHILE IT LASTS BUT SOON FADED MEMORY WITH NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT BUT CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS. THIS IS ABOUT: RESULTS. REAL CHANGE. CONFRONTATION with present and future realities demanding change. Are you ready?
You can decide this is not for you at any time, from the 2nd month all the way through to the 6th month of the Program….and receive a full refund. Let me say that again: anytime after the 2nd month, you can decide The Johnson Method isn’t for you, return everything, and receive a full refund. If you purchased the program on June 1st, you have until December 1stto return the program. I don’t think there’s anybody else in our profession who will let you complete their entire program and still, then, decide on a refund. But before you question my sanity, know this: I’ve personally guided 149 doctors through this process and seen the results. New doctors are joining, quickly reporting breakthroughs – daily! I know what I’m doing but I recognize you really can’t have complete confidence in me or in this Program until you get it implemented and see results in your own practice, so I’m happy to guarantee those results. ---Dr. Michael L. Johnson
Because I am limiting the total number of new doctors I’m accepting into the Program, limiting the number in any given geographic area, and committed to not only the participating doctors’ success but also transformational change in the chiropractic profession and in health care at the community level, I ask that you provide some information about yourself – and I reserve the right to refuse your Application entirely at my thoughts, or to call and interview you before acceptance. The information you provide is, of course, confidential.
Dr. Name:
Practice or Clinic Name:
Street Address (No P.O. Boxes):
City, State, Zip:
If you would prefer having your Method packages and communications sent to your home:
Home Address:
City, State, Zip:
Date of birth:______
Years in your own practice: ___1-5 __6-10 ___11-15 ___16-20 ___21+
__Single office ___2 or more offices
__Solo practice ___Multi-doctor practice/you employ associate doctors