Subject:Math 11
Outcome:M11.1 - Extend understanding of arithmetic operations to rational numbers to solve problems.
Beginning – 1 / Approaching – 2 / Proficiency – 3 / Mastery – 4
With assistance I can compare and order negative numbers.
With assistance I can apply arithmetic operations to whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percents.
With assistance I can compare or convert among fractions, decimal and percents concretely, pictorially or symbolically.
With assistance I can determine rounding of decimals to the nearest unit, tenth and hundredth. / I can compare and order negative numbers.
I can apply arithmetic operations to whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percents.
I can compare or convert among fractions, decimal and percents concretely, pictorially or symbolically.
I can determine rounding of decimals to the nearest unit, tenth and hundredth. / I can compare and order positive and negative numbers.
I can apply arithmetic operations to whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percents with word problems.
I can compare and convert among fractions, decimals and percents concretely, pictorially and symbolically.
I can determine rounding of decimals to the nearest unit, tenth and hundredth and make a decision as to what unit is appropriate to round to in a given situation. / I can determine rounding of decimals to the nearest unit, tenth and hundredth and make a decision as to what unit is appropriate to round to in a given situation and explain my choice.
I can apply my understanding of combined percents or percents of percents in a given situation.
I can justify the reasonableness pf calculations and problem-solving situations, using a variety of tools and/or strategies.
Subject: Math 11
Outcome: M11.2 – I can demonstrate understanding of reasoning by analyzing puzzles and games.
Beginning – 1 / Approaching – 2 / Proficiency – 3 / Mastery – 4
With assistance I can determine some strategies to solve a puzzle or win a game.
With assistance I can identify if a set of objects fits the pattern of a game or puzzle.
With assistance I can observe errors in a solution to a puzzle or in a strategy for winning a game. / I can determine some strategies to solve a puzzle or win a game.
I can identify if a set of objects fits the pattern of a game or puzzle.
I can observe errors in a solution to a puzzle or in a strategy for winning a game. / I can determine and verify strategies to solve a puzzle or win a game.
I can analyze puzzles or games for patterns and describe the properties of a given pattern and identify if a set of objects fits the pattern or not.
I can observe and analyze errors in a solution to a puzzle or in a strategy for winning a game.
I can describe a strategy for solving a puzzle or winning a game. / I can determine, explain and verify strategies to solve a puzzle or win a game.
I can analyze puzzles or games for patterns, describe the properties of a given pattern, identify if a set of object fits the pattern or not and explain why.
I can observe and analyze errors in a solution to a puzzle or in a strategy for winning a game and explain my reasoning.
I can create a variation on a puzzle or a game and explain how a strategy works to solve a puzzle or win a game.
Subject: Math 11
Outcome: M11.3–I can demonstrate understanding of data collection and analysis.
Beginning – 1 / Approaching – 2 / Proficiency – 3 / Mastery – 4
With assistance I can find examples of graphs of data in the media.
With assistance I can identify examples of misrepresentations of data found within different media. / I can find examples of graphs of data in the media.
I can identify examples of misrepresentations of data found within different media. / I can independently suggest alternative ways to represent data from a given situation.
I can independently find examples of graphs of data in media and interpret the information in the graphs.
I can independently provide examples of misrepresentations of data found within different media. / I can suggest alternative ways to represent data from a given situation and explain the choices made.
I can provide examples of misrepresentations of data found within different media and explain what types of misinterpretations might result from such displays.
Subject: Math 11
Outcome: M11.4 – I can show understanding of measurement using Metric and Imperial systems relative to home and travel.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
Only with help I can measure objects and distances.
Only with help I can convert within and between measurement sytsems. / I can convert within the same measurement system.
I can use a variety of measurement devices.
I can estimate using personal referents. / I can convert within the same measurement system and between systems.
I can justify a variety of measurement devices and strategies.
I can solve problems and verify reasonableness of solutions incuding problems with: 1. linear measurement including perimeter, circumference, length. 2. Weight and mass. / I can determine the operation that should be used to solve a linear and mass measurement problem and explain the reasoning.
Develop, generalize, explain, and apply strategies to determine
the midpoint of a linear measurement, such as the length, width,height, depth, diagonal length, or diameter of a 3-D object
Subject: Math 11
Outcome: M11.5 – I can demonstrate understanding of angles to solve problems within the home.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can use provided referents for angles measuring 22.5 ̊, 30 ̊, 45 ̊, 60 ̊, 90 ̊, and 180 ̊ to estimate angle measurements.
With assistance I can identify, classify, or sketch angles of various measures.
With assistance I can identify adjacent angles that are complementary or supplementary.
With assistance I can identify vertically opposite angles. / I can use provided referents for angles measuring 22.5 ̊, 30 ̊, 45 ̊, 60 ̊, 90 ̊, and 180 ̊ to estimate angle measurements.
I can identify, classify, or sketch angles of various measures.
I can identify adjacent angles that are complementary or supplementary.
I can identify vertically opposite angles. / I can use personal referents for angles measuring 22.5 ̊, 30 ̊, 45 ̊, 60 ̊, 90 ̊, and 180 ̊ to estimate angle measurements.
I can measure angles in different orientations using a variety of instruments.
I can illustrate how angles can be replicated and drawn.
I can identify, classify, or sketch angles of various measures.
I can bisect angles in various orientations.
I can identify adjacent angles that are complementary, supplementary, or neither in situational problems.
I can identify vertically opposite angles and solve situational problems. / I can justify my choise of personal referents for angles measuring 22.5 ̊, 30 ̊, 45 ̊, 60 ̊, 90 ̊, and 180 ̊ to estimate angle measurements.
I can explain, using home construction examples, how to measure angles in different orientations using a variety of instruments.
I can explain and illustrate how angles can be replicated and drawn.
I can bisec angles in various orientations and explain the strategy used.
I can identify adjacent angles that are complementary, supplementary, or neither including parallel and perpendicular word problems and explain the reasoning.
Subject: Math 11
Outcome: M11.6–I can show understanding of Pythagorean Theorem to solve problems within the home.
Beginning – 1 / Approaching – 2 / Proficiency – 3 / Mastery – 4
With assistance I can find examples of graphs of data in the media.
With assistance I can identify examples of misrepresentations of data found within different media. / I can find examples of graphs of data in the media.
I can identify examples of misrepresentations of data found within different media. / I can independently suggest alternative ways to represent data from a given situation.
I can independently find examples of graphs of data in media and interpret the information in the graphs.
I can independently provide examples of misrepresentations of data found within different media in situational problems. / I can suggest alternative ways to represent data from a given situation and explain the choices made.
I can provide examples of misrepresentations of data found within different media and explain what types of misinterpretations might result from such displays.
Subject: Math 11
Outcome: M11.7 – I can show understanding of the math involved in planning and justifying a travel route.
Beginning – 1 / Approaching – 2 / Proficiency – 3 / Mastery – 4
With assistance I can apply understanding of the math related to time including:
- converting units of time measurement
- 24-hour clock
- time zones
- flight arrival and departure times
- elapsed time
- converting units of time measurement
- 24-hour clock
- time zones
- flight arrival and departure times
- elapsed time
I can interpret directions and analyze locations using maps. / I can plan a route on the basis of a variety of factors and justify according to those factors.
I can solve problems involving the comparison of information concerning transportation by airplane, train, bus, and automobile in terms of variou factors.
Subject: Math 11
Outcome: M11.8 – I can demonstrate understanding of proportional reasoning relative to rate and ratio.
Beginning – 1 / Approaching – 2 / Proficiency – 3 / Mastery – 4
With assistance I can recognize and represent equivalent rates and ratios.
With assistance I can calculate or compare the unit rate of items or the unit cost of items.
With assistance I can calculate or compare costs of items. / I can recognize and represent equivalent rates and ratios.
I can calculate or compare the unit rate of items or the unit cost of items.
I can calculate or compare costs of items. / I can calculate and compare the unit rate of items and the unit cost of items.
I can calculate and compare costs of items.
I can estimate and calculate conversions between Canadian and American currency using proportional reasoning. / I can explain strategies to solve ratio and rate problems.
I can describe applications of proportional reasoning.
Subject: Math 11
Outcome: M11.9 – I can demonstrate understanding of income.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can caluate hours worked including tips and bonuses.
With assistance I can read and interpret pay stubs.
With assistance I can determine the difference and calculate net and gross pay. / I can caluate hours worked including tips and bonuses. I can read and interpret pay stubs. I can determine the difference and calculate net and gross pay. / I can determine my net pay based on basic deductions (income tax, EI, CPP). I can calculate hours worked including based wag, overtime, piece work and commsion. / I can research, describe, and justify the advantages and disadvantages of variuos methods of earning. I can determine my net pay on my taxable income (eg union dues, health plan, etc.)
Subject: Math 11
Outcome: M11.10 – I can demonstrate understanding of responsible spending habits.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can identify personal expenses.
With assistance I can determine PST and GST on purchases. / I can identify personal expenses.
I can determine PST and GST on purchases. / I can estimate the cost of a desired purchase.
I can determine PST and GST on purchases and discuss exemptions.
I can create a personal spending log over a set period of time.
I can compare and contract the cost of purchasing items or services at various vendors.
I can compare various sale incentives. / I can justify personal expenses.
I can explain considerations made when prioritizing spending money.
I can estimate the cost and justify affordability of a desired purchase.
I can create a personal spending log over a set period of time and explain the advantages.
I can compare various sale incentives and discuss the value of estimating incentives.
I can investigate and analyze …”what if…” questions related to personal spending.