School to SchoolSupport including NLE,NLG LLESLE DeploymentReport
Thisformistobeusedbyschoolstosupportthedeploymentbrokeringprocessforschooltoschoolsupport.Itisintendedthatthedocument isagreedbyall parties.The formsetsoutthecontractedarrangementsandtheagreedobjectivesofthedeployment.Italsosupportsthecompletionofthe termly monitoring report and the final deploymentevaluationform.
The action plan pro-forma is the key document for return on a termly basis, with RAG rating of activity and ongoing impact judgement. This is reported through the local arrangements and on to the BBCL School Improvement Board in order to determine effectiveness of support and ongoing brokering arrangements. The NW School Improvement Board oversees these arrangements for the region.
Please ensure that you complete the following four sections:
- School to Support Details
- Action Plan
- School improvement professionals
- Judgement of Impact
Schoolto School SupportDetails
INITIAL REPORT/INTERIM REPORT/FINAL REPORT (please delete as appropriate) Date: ______
SupportedSchoolDetailsSupportedschoolname: / Localsupport category:
OFSTED support category: / Date:
Nameofschool leader(s)being supported:
Assigned NLG:
Amount of funding allocated: / Source of funding:
Deploymentdate: / Startdate: / Reviewdate: / Enddate:
Name / School / Area of Support / Number of
days deployed / Cost / Total cost
Action Plan
School to School Support Action Plan / Deployment Progress Review Statement / RAG RATINGKey Improvement
Priorities to be addressed
(Priorities to be placed under relevant area) / Current Position / Improvement/Impact Intention / Critical action(s) needed – by whom? / Timescale(s) / A short statement to be made against each improvement priority every half term and a RAG progress rate (towards the intended outcome/impact) indicated.
Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare
Outcomes for pupils
Leadership & Management
Termly/Final Judgement of Impact
Levels of Impact / 1-4Please select an appropriate level of impact from the options below and enter a number in the box on the right.
1 / Very limited or no progress in implementing action plan with little or no evidence of impact
2 / Significant proportion of action plan implemented or being implemented. Evidence of impact in relation to action plan activity. Some but not extensive, evidence of link between actions and impact on pupil performance and/or leadership
3 / Majority of all of action plan implemented successfully. Strong evidence of link between actions and impact on pupil performance and/or leadership
4 / External evidence that deployment has resulted in significant shift in pupil performance, leadership or whole school performance
4a / Reference to positive impact of deployment in OFSTED or other monitoring reports
4b / Improvement in OFSTED grades at a new inspection where a very strong link can be made between the deployment and this improvement
4c / School maintained a ‘Good’ OFSTED grade as a consequence of effective support. A clear link between support and OFSTED grade can be shown
4d / Significant improvement in published pupil performance figures where a very strong link can be made between the deployment and the improvement
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