1. Name of the District : Tiruchirappalli
  2. Geographical Position*

North Latitude Between 10 and 11  30’ (KVK-1053’)

East Longitude Between 77 ’ and 78 ’ (KVK-78’)

Altitude 78.17m MSL

Average Rainfall 730mm


  1. Total Geographical area : 4,403.83 Sq.km
  2. District Headquarters name : Tiruchirappalli
  3. Demographic details (2001cen)

S. No / Particulars / Value
i) / Population / -
Male / 12,08,534
Female / 12,09,832
Total Population / 24,18,366
Rural / 12,79,204
Urban / 11,39,162
ii) / Population density / Sq. km / 549
iii) / Literates / -
Male (%) / 76.75
Female (%) / 61.75
Total (%) / 69.75
iv) / Details on SC/ST population
Male / 207513
Female / 210892
Total Population / 418405
Literacy rate (%)
Male / 76.65
Female / 61.75
Total / 69.2
v) / Labour profile (2008-09) / -
a) / Total workers / 10,64,521
b) / Male workers / 6,87,814
c) / Female workers / 3,76,707
d) / Rural workers / 6,71,320
e) / Urban workers / 3,93,201
f) / Cultivators / 2,03,874
g) / Agricultural Labourers / 2,45,875
h) / Household industry / 36,676
i) / Other workers / 4,41,363
j) / Marginal workers / 1,36,733
j) / Non-workers / 13,53,845
vi) / Major languages spoken in the district / Mostly Tamil, English, Hindi, Arabic, French and Sanskrit.
vii) / Details on Birth-Death Rate
(per 1000 population)
Birth Rate / 15.15
Death Rate / 5.92
Infant Mortality Rate / 21.01
Expectation of life in years
Male / 67
Female / 70

Taluk details

S. No / Name of the taluk / Total area in ha
1 / Manapparai / 99.02
2 / Srirangam / 35.815
3 / Tiruchirapalli / 33.988
4 / Lalgudi / 59.498
5 / Manachanallur / 37.149
6 / Thuraiyur / 80.842
7 / Musiri / 66.269
8 / Thottiyam / 27.802


  1. Block details

S. No / Name of the taluk / Name of the block / Total area in ha (Sqkm) / Number of village Panchayats / Total Population inclusive of
SC / ST population / SC / ST population
Male / Female / Total / Male / Female / Total
1 / Manapparai / Manapparai / 277.61 / 21 / 64470 / 64555 / 129025 / 9880 / 10047 / 19927
Vaiyampatti / 267.42 / 18 / 43075 / 43229 / 86304 / 6479 / 6694 / 13173
Marungapuri / 445.17 / 49 / 57595 / 58331 / 115926 / 11376 / 11628 / 23004
2 / Srirangam / Manikandam / 214.14 / 22 / 102377 / 102082 / 204459 / 14808 / 14851 / 29659
Andanallur / 144.01 / 25 / 86213 / 86588 / 172801 / 13843 / 14234 / 28077
3 / Tiruchirapalli / Thiruverumbur / 339.88 / 24 / 364295 / 361724 / 726019 / 44985 / 45095 / 90080
4 / Lalgudi / Lalgudi / 206.46 / 45 / 71921 / 72956 / 144877 / 17252 / 18026 / 35278
Pullambadi / 388.52 / 33 / 49832 / 50989 / 100821 / 7674 / 7782 / 15456
5 / Manachanallur / Manachanallur / 371.49 / 35 / 78944 / 80069 / 159013 / 14738 / 15285 / 30023
6 / Thuraiyur / Thuraiyur / 475.23 / 34 / 66859 / 66902 / 133761 / 16563 / 16779 / 33342
Uppliliapuram / 333.19 / 18 / 48729 / 49007 / 97736 / 14739 / 14726 / 29465
7 / Musiri / Musiri / 349.03 / 33 / 61856 / 62546 / 124402 / 13087 / 13567 / 26654
Thathayangarpettai / 313.66 / 25 / 48907 / 47746 / 96653 / 8767 / 8606 / 17373
8 / Thottiyam / Thottiyam / 278.02 / 26 / 63461 / 63108 / 126569 / 13322 / 13572 / 26894


  1. Block wise Literacy Rate (%) (2001 cen)

S. No / Name of the block / Total Literacy Rate
Male / Female / Total
1 / Manapparai / 47991 / 34027 / 82018
2 / Vaiyampatti / 26866 / 18508 / 45374
3 / Marungapuri / 38167 / 24233 / 62400
4 / Manikandam / 79933 / 67263 / 147196
5 / Andanallur / 69746 / 59018 / 128764
6 / Thiruverumbur / 303996 / 269183 / 573179
7 / Lalgudi / 56732 / 46892 / 103624
8 / Pullambadi / 36324 / 27896 / 64220
9 / Manachanallur / 58941 / 46378 / 105319
10 / Thuraiyur / 48309 / 37126 / 85435
11 / Uppliliapuram / 34239 / 25483 / 59722
12 / Musiri / 45555 / 34398 / 79953
13 / Thathayangarpettai / 35167 / 24946 / 60113
14 / Thottiyam / 44388 / 31773 / 76161
  1. Educational and other infrastructural facilities

S. No / Particulars / Numbers / Values
01 / Educational facilities
a) / Primary / 1018
b) / Middle / 325
c) / High / 103
d) / Higher-Secondary / 146
02 / Professional colleges
a) / Medical / 1
b) / Engineering / 19
c) / Agriculture / 2
d) / Veterinary / Fisheries / -
e) / Others (Please specify) Law college / 1
03 / Number of Arts and Science Colleges / 21
04 / Institutional Credit Facility (2007-08)
a) / Name of the Lead Bank / Indian Overseas Bank
b) / Number of branches of lead bank in the district / 48
c) / Other Commercial Banks / 229
d) / Primary Land Development Bank / 5
e) / District Central Co-operative Banks* (along with branches) * 1no. / 30
f) / Urban Banks / 5
g) / Primary Agricultural Co-operative Credit Society / 146
h) / Housing Co-operative Societies / 18
i) / Employees Co-operative Societies / 99
j) / Weavers Co-operative Society / 30
k) / Industrial Co-operative Society / 12
l) / Khadi and Village Industries Societies / 69
m) / Industrial Co-operative Societies / 12
n) / Primary Co-operative Stores / 18
o) / Co-operative Sugar mills / nil
q) / Other Marketing Society (please specify)
Co-operative marketing society / 5
Labour contract society / 3
Lift irrigation society / 1
05 / Agricultural Marketing and Processing (08-09)
a) / Number of Regulated Markets / 9
b) / Number of Co-operative Marketing Society / 5
c) / Number of storage godowns / 3
d) / Number of cold storage units for agricultural produce / 1
  1. Agro-climatic features

a)Rainfall pattern during 2009-10

S.No / Month / Rainfall in m.m
01 / 2009, June / 59.9
02 / July / 0
03 / August / 116.4
04 / September / 146.6
05 / October / 27.6
06 / November / 257.6
07 / December / 55.1
08 / 2010, January / 2.4
09 / February / 0
10 / March / 0
11 / April / 0
12 / May / 171

b)Temperature prevailed during 2009-10

S.No / Month / Mean Maximum ° C / Mean Minimum ° C
Actual / Normal / Actual / Normal
01 / 2009, June / 36.0 / 35.0 / 25.7 / 25.8
02 / July / 34.8 / 34.7 / 25.1 / 25.8
03 / August / 34.9 / 35.3 / 25.3 / 25.0
04 / September / 35.0 / 34.4 / 25.8 / 24.8
05 / October / 34.5 / 31.3 / 24.3 / 23.6
06 / November / 31.5 / 30.7 / 23.3 / 21.8
07 / December / 29.1 / 31.6 / 20.8 / 20.4
08 / 2010, January / 31.2 / 30.2 / 20.3 / 19.5
09 / February / 33.4 / 32.2 / 18.8 / 20.7
10 / March / 37.1 / 34.2 / 21.0 / 20.8
11 / April / 38.9 / 36.5 / 25.2 / 25.1
12 / May / 33.2 / 37.6 / 23.1 / 25.4

c)Relative humidity during 2009-10

S.No / Month / Average Relative humidity (%)
(8.30 hrs.) / Normal
(17.30 hrs.)
01 / 2009, June / 66.8 / 41.8
02 / July / 65.8 / 41.4
03 / August / 66.7 / 44.0
04 / September / 76.0 / 45.0
05 / October / 69.9 / 42.6
06 / November / 81.0 / 64.0
07 / December / 82.0 / 58.6
08 / 2010, January / 80.1 / 46.5
09 / February / 85.6 / 44.7
10 / March / 74.9 / 39.3
11 / April / 71.7 / 42.5
12 / May / 64.6 / 38.1
  1. Land details

a)Nine fold classification of land and other land details during 2008-2009

S.No / Particulars / Area in ha / % to the Total geographical area
01 / Total geographical area / 440383
02 / Area under Forest / 17167.47 / 3.9
03 / Barren and uncultivable land / 12620.3 / 2.9
04 / Land put into non-agricultural uses / 84975.4 / 19.3
05 / Cultivable waste / 7184.785 / 1.6
06 / Permanent pastures and other grazing lands / 658.995 / 0.1
07 / Miscellaneous tree crops and grooves not included in the net area sown / 2347.415 / 0.5
08 / Current Fallow / 23227.315 / 5.3
09 / Other Fallow / 97906.14 / 22.2
10 / Net Area Sown / 174689.45 / 39.7
11 / Area sown more than once / 18896.855 / 4.3
12. / Gross Cropped Area / 193586.305

b)Details on operational holdings 2005-2006

S. No / Classification category / Category area* / Operational area in ha / % to total operational area / Number of holdings / % to total number of holdings
01 / Marginal / < 1ha / 90422 / 37.4 / 219933 / 75.0
02 / Small / 1-2 ha / 68300 / 28.3 / 49263 / 16.8
03 / Small-medium / 2-5 ha / 61012 / 25.2 / 21295 / 7.3
04 / Medium / 5-10 ha / 15233 / 6.3 / 2323 / 0.8
05 / Large / >10 ha / 6793 / 2.8 / 311 / 0.1
Total / 241760 / 100 / 293125 / 100

*Category area varies between states

12) Irrigation Resources (2008-2009)

S. No / Particulars / Number
01 / Canals
Government / 135
Private / -
02 / Tanks / 1767
< 40 ha / 1652
=>40 ha / 117
03 / Wells / 80480
Open wells / 26827
Bore wells / 53653
Dug cum bore wells / 46777
Tube wells / 6558
Filter point tube wells / -
Artisan wells / -
04 / Other major sources if any – Domestic wells / 7849

13) Soil resources

S. No / Name of the taluk / Soil series / Major nutrients which are deficient / Micro-nutrients which are deficient
1 / Lalgudi / Irugur, Puvalur, Kallakkudi, kallagam, pilamedu, / Nitrogen / Zinc
2 / Manapparai / Irugur, palaviduthi, Madukkur, Pilamedu, Vayalogam, pattukkottai, Palathurai / Nitrogen / Zinc
3 / Manachanallur / Irugur, Pilamedu, Mixed alluvium, Omandur, Puvalur / Nitrogen / Zinc
4 / Musiri / Tulukkanur, Thuraiyur, Kallanpatti, Solampatti, Uppliyapuram, Thinnakonam, mangaraipatti, Tholurpatti, Govindapuram, Thondipatti, Manmalai / Nitrogen / Zinc
5 / Srirangam / Mixed alluvium, Vayalogam, Alathur, Adhanur, Irugur, Periyanayakkanpalayam, Kalathur / Nitrogen / Zinc
6 / Trichy / Vayalogam, madukkur, Alathur, Kalathur, Adhanur, Mixed alluvium, Irugur / Nitrogen / Zinc
7 / Thottiyam / Thondipatti, Tholurpatti, Solampatti, Thinnakonam, Tulukkanur, Kallanpatti / Nitrogen / Zinc
8 / Thuraiyur / Govindapuram, Uppliyapuram, Thuraiyur, Manmalai / Nitrogen / Zinc

District Soil Profile Map

14) Area (ha), production (tonnes) and productivity (kg/ha) of major Agriculture crops (2009-2010)

S. No / Crop / Area
(ha) / Production
(MT) / Productivity (kg/ha)
Paddy / 72250 / 298765.715 / 4092.71
Cholam / 30169 / 29556.19 / 850
Cumbu / 1699 / 1757.583 / 1111.50
Ragi / 15 / 28.7 / 1996.67
Maize / 8203 / 32224.937 / 3027.75
Varagu / 19 / 8.889 / 472.33
Other millets / 85 / 69.78 / 780
Total millets / 40190 / 63646.079 / 1439.979
Redgram / 2131 / 1461.686 / 587.538
Greengram / 1037 / 805.844 / 618.667
Blackgram / 20292 / 14807.443 / 693.462
Horsegram / 869 / 298.847 / 428.286
Cowpea / 1314 / 496.632 / 458
Bengalgram / 158 / 80.354 / 517.444
Other pulses / 871 / 496.782 / 550.375
Total pulses / 26672 / 18447.588 / 654.997
Groundnut / 18023 / 31774.025 / 1564.615
Gingelly / 4968 / 3535.889 / 677.643
Sunflower / 3205 / 5518.388 / 1761.545
Castor / 544 / 485.548 / 842.111
Total oilseeds / 26740 / 41313.85 / 1365.345
Cotton / 11099 / 106454.665 / 1494
Sugarcane / 6386 / 754729.15 / 113296.429

Area, production and productivity of major crops

(Details from JDA, Trichy)

Sl.No. / Name of the Crop / 2010-11
Area (ha) / Productivity (kg/ha) / Production (LMT)
1 / a) Kuruvai / 4750 / 4778 / 0.227
b) Samba/ Thaladi / 62824 / 4503 / 2.829
c) Navarai / 4039 / 3809 / 0.154
Total / 71613 / 4482 / 3.210
2 / Total Millets / 44214 / 1540 / 0.681
3 / Pulses
a) Red Gram / 4204 / 432 / 0.018
b) Black Gram / 20330 / 593 / 0.121
c) Green Gram / 1850 / 0 / 0.000
d) Other Pulses / 3679 / 512 / 0.019
Total Pulses / 30063 / 524.1 / 0.158
4 / OilSeeds
a) Groundnut / 19498 / 1610 / 0.314
b) Gingelly / 3529 / 0 / 0.000
c) Sunflower / 1637 / 1381 / 0.023
d) Castor / 884 / 0 / 0.000
Total Oilseeds / 25548 / 1317.2 / 0.337
5 / Cotton / 14523 / 891 / 0.129
6 / Sugarcane / 6505 / 101137 / 6.579
All Crops Total / 192466 / 11.093

Area (ha), production (tonnes) and productivity (kg/ha) of major Horticulture crops (2009-10)

S. No / Crop / Area
(ha) / Production
(MT) / Productivity (kg/ha)
Mango / 5478 / 3420.87 / 63135.02
Banana / 6299 / 448556.4 / 249949.4
Papaya / 171 / 0 / 5160
Grapes / 22 / 180.6 / 33130
Aonla / 942 / 4664 / 50570
Tomato / 3325 / 3770.9 / 159920.3
Potato / 333 / 0 / 120000
Brinjal / 561 / 2978.75 / 155139.7
Moringa / 45 / 1920 / 250150
Bhendi / 290.5 / 631.02 / 59768.5
Onion / 4794 / 78907.9 / 152075.6
Gourds / 126 / 375.29 / 55345
Carrot / 1 / 78495 / 10
Cabbage / 2 / 40 / 20
Tapioca / 5999 / 119599 / 247400
Turmeric / 772 / 3990.65 / 6837.93
Chillies / 1082.7 / 878.74 / 45098.75
Corriander / 584 / 115.8 / 3001.2
Tamarind / 2499 / 1378.2 / 10023.5
Cashew / 681 / 337.8 / 2.15
Cocoa / 835 / 25 / 70.7
Jasmine / 449 / 1902.2 / 64563.4
Crossandra / 180 / 111.3 / 16018
Loose Flowers / 409 / 1384 / 58063

15) Area under irrigation for major crops for 2008-09

S. No / Crop / Irrigated area (000’ha)
Paddy / 72.308
Cholam / 1.675
Cumbu / 0.062
Ragi / 0.007
Maize / 0.742
Bengalgram / 0.004
Greengram / 0.014
Redgram / 0.041
Blackgram / 0.183
Chillies / 1.605
Turmeric / 0.736
Sugarcane / 4.962
Onion / 4.895
Gingelly / 0.457
Groundnut / 6.030
Castor / 0.011
Coconut / 5.774
Sunflower / 1.801
Cotton / 0.413
Plantain / 8.465
Mango / 0.781
Lemon / 0.920


16) Livestock and poultry population 18th censes (no.s)

S. No / Name of theBlock / Cattle / Buffalo / Sheep / Goat / Poultry / Others if any Pl. specify
Dog / Pig / Horse / Rabbit
1 / Manapparai / 39503 / 2418 / 11487 / 54346 / 113456 / 0 / 0 / - / -
2 / Vaiyampatti / 2062 / 3565 / 975 / 22248 / 59322 / 2250 / 1641 / - / -
3 / Marungapuri / 70328 / 309 / 29082 / 48002 / 75102 / 3819 / 0 / - / -
4 / Manikandam / 13002 / 1908 / 3840 / 19263 / 21304 / 3813 / 25 / - / -
5 / Andanallur / 20847 / 1159 / 4555 / 23105 / 37273 / 3171 / 46 / 5 / -
6 / Thiruverumbur / 16242 / 1348 / 7191 / 19242 / 26561 / 3583 / 519 / 2 / -
7 / Lalgudi / 26278 / 535 / 1913 / 34763 / 44412 / 2270 / 98 / 4 / 23
8 / Pullambadi / 16351 / 131 / 10292 / 25315 / 10132 / 1314 / 1368 / - / -
9 / Manachanallur / 24165 / 1077 / 21524 / 41989 / 22266 / 2418 / 252 / 11 / 6
10 / Thuraiyur / 56146 / 4576 / 14465 / 31495 / 11699 / 1438 / 1488 / - / -
11 / Uppliliapuram / 22787 / 2464 / 3602 / 17295 / 15675 / 945 / 456 / - / 10
12 / Musiri / 23791 / 2877 / 26180 / 36005 / 31361 / 1454 / 499 / - / 69
13 / Thathayangarpettai / 29370 / 6228 / 11275 / 33368 / 36933 / 2965 / 80 / - / -
14 / Thottiyam / 23346 / 9060 / 24033 / 34840 / 47097 / 3035 / 1770 / - / -
No. of Taluks/ blocks / 14
No. of Gram panchayats / 505
No. of villages / 327
No. of farm families / 2,94,000