2 Sutter Street, Suite D, Red Bluff, California 96080

Minutes of the

Regular Board Meeting

July 24, 2014

8:30 AM

USDA Service Center

2 Sutter St, Suite D, Red Bluff

Directors Present: Jack Bramhall, Walt Williams, Anne Read, Ryan Sale, and Eric Willard

Directors Absent: None

Associate Directors Present: None

Staff Present: Vicky Dawley, Kris Lamkin, Rob Rianda, Brin Greer, Abigail Dan, Mark Ewing, and intern Scott Graham

Staff Absent: Tom McCubbins

NRCS Staff Present: Larry Branham

Visitors Present: Randy Baker; SRDC Volunteer

I.  Introductions - Opened Meeting: Vice President, J. Bramhall called meeting to order at 8:35 a.m.

II.  Public Communications: Introductions and swearing in of new Director Eric Willard.

III.  Minutes: Approval of the May 20, 2014 Minutes. Action item modifications of approvals are placed in the minutes of the agenda item’s discussion narrative. The board requested altering the minutes format for clarity as follows; the content of modifications in the action item approval process are to be placed after the Director who made the motion, as opposed the stating ‘as modified.’

Motion: A. Read moved to approve the minutes with new formatting in which the content of modifications in the action item approval process are to be placed after the Director who made the motion, as opposed the stating ‘as modified.’

Second: R. Sale

Vote: Unanimous

IV.  Action Items:

A.  Elect Officers of the Board for 2014-2015

R. Sale nominated J. Bramhall for President, W. Williams for Vice-President, A. Read for Secretary, and that he would serve as Treasurer.

Motion: R. Sale moved to Elect the Nominated Officers of the Board for 2014-2015

Second: A. Read

Vote: Unanimous

B.  Review Associate Directors for 2014-2015

The board discussed various members of the community that may have interest in serving the District as an Associate Director to include Chuck Schoendienst, Dennis Possein and Randy Baker. J. Bramhall noted he will contact C. Schoendienst and R. Baker voiced interest. The item was tabled and will revisit this discussion after contacting potential Associate Directors.

C.  Billable Rates for 2014-2015 FY

K. Lamkin discussed increased Workers Comp rates and noted that two employees were added to the billable rates from the previous fiscal year rates.

Motion: A. Read moved to Approve Billable Rates for 2014-2015, as Presented

Second: W. Williams

Vote: Unanimous

D.  New Logo for RCDTC

B. Greer shared logo concepts produced by District staff and presented an opportunity to work with The Copy Center (TCC) to design a professional digitized logo to suit the needs of the District’s outreach material. TCC estimates a maximum cost of $350 depending on graphics. A. Read stated preference of the current logo and to simply switch the wording to reflect the new District name. Staff shared the basic nature of the current logo’s illustrated format does not speak to the professionalism of the District. E. Willard showed preference toward a simple logo featuring the District’s full name with a modern undertone. R. Sale shared spelling out the RCD as the Resource Conservation District is of value. A sub-committee was formed to assist staff in logo modifications and selection of the final product with TCC. E. Willard and A. Read volunteered to sit on the sub-committee.

Motion: R. Sale moved to Engage TCC to Design a Logo for RCDTC

Second: W. Williams

Ayes: J.Bramhall, R.Sale, E.Willard, W.Williams

Noes: A.Read

E.  Approval to Submit Proposal to the Central Valley Project Conservation Program

A. Dan presented two concept proposals, a vernal pool restoration project or a land acquisition to support Least Bell’s Vireo reintroduction, to apply for funding made available from the Bureau of Reclamation and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service serving as administrators of the Central Valley Conservation Program and Central Valley Project Improvement Act Habitat Restoration Program. She noted we can only apply for one project and requested direction from the board as to which to submit. The board agreed the District has the experience and capacity to expand vernal pool monitoring services and restoration.

In regards to the second concept, V. Dawley stated the longevity of the land acquisition project would be beneficial to multiple staff and diversify the District’s portfolio through property stewardship and song bird reintroduction activities. Utilizing the cabin for various financial opportunities such as a wildlife lab, an immersed educational outreach center, and a sportsperson’s retreat were discussed. The grant funds would be used to purchase the property and restore Least Bell’s Vireo within the riparian willow corridor. Project performance measures, the need for Safe Harbor, the possibility of hiring a property management entity, and access to the creek for riparian corridor restoration were mentioned. A. Read reflected the acquisition project derails the District’s foundation in landowner assistance and rangeland conservation. J. Bramhall found it could be an attractive nuisance. R. Sale stated the acquisition project is a ‘game changer’ and is in support of the acquisition concept, however, would like to review more information on both projects before selecting one. The board requested staff to prepare a budget to review the financial aspects of the two concept proposals that will be determined during the August board meeting.

V.  Finance:

R. Sale reported the Finance Committee discussed the financial status of the District including assets, liabilities, revenue, expenditures, profit and loss, outstanding invoices with resolution and paid warrants without discrepancies. V. Dawley added the approval of funding for the TCC logo design can be categorized as Supplies and is already covered in the approved 2014-2015 budget.

A. Approval of the Finance Reports, as presented.

Motion: R. Sale

Second: W. Williams

Vote: Unanimous

VI.  Warrant Orders:

Approval of the Warrant orders to be paid in July, as presented.

Motion: R. Sale

Second: A. Read

Vote: Unanimous

VII. Discussion/Report Items:

A.  NRCS Staff Report

L. Branham reported new contracts are being developed through the new Farm Bill. He extended an invite to the board to participate in the Sacramento Valley Regional Working Group in Orland. He reported the Area Office (NRCS) will leave their north Main Street office in Red Bluff and will be moving to the USDA complex on Sutter Street, thus displacing the RCD. This will likely occur next year. V.Dawley is considering the possibility of the RCD moving to the building that currently houses the Area Office. NRCS has allotted office space for two RCD employees at the Sutter St. location. R. Sale stated there is now an urgent need to budget for rent where ever the new office may be.

B.  District Manager Report

V. Dawley reported the Antelope Creek/Edwards Dam project is back in negotiation as the landowners have agreed to cover the long-term management of the infrastructure. The lack of funds in the current SWRCB contract doesn’t allow for project completion, so TCRCD will research other funding opportunities.

C.  TCRCD Staff

R. Rianda shared the NEPA process has continued to delay the Patton Mills project and despite the demand for shaded fuel breaks in the Benson and Basler community, there is no funding to continue. It is likely PG&E will be able to provide the in-kind service. He reported the Rancho Tehama Association fuel break project is in a holding pattern due to illegal grow harvesting and confirmation of PG&E funding some of that project. B. Greer shared local articles featuring the District during June and July as well as insight from the climate adaptation trainings and updated the board on her STWEC and fuel break activities. A. Dan provided an update regarding her progress with the WCB project and M. Ewing spoke of the new storage facility and his fuel break project work.

D.  Land Use Reports

No comments.

E.  Other Reports

R. Baker provided a SRDC update.

F.  Board of Directors Comments

J. Bramhall inquired how closely the District is associated with River Partners having read their journal entry ‘Rewilding California’s Rivers.’ V. Dawley clarified TCRCD’s association with River Partners is through CEQA document preparations. E. Willard requested to reschedule the meeting dates from Tuesdays to Wednesdays so that he can participate.

VIII. Correspondence:

Correspondence items were reviewed at the close of the meeting.

IX. Closed Session: District Manager Annual Performance Evaluation

Closed session began at 10:50 a.m.

X. Return to Open Session: Report on Closed Session

Returned to open session at 12:30 p.m. and reported that the Board will deliver a written version of the District Manager's Annual Performance Evaluation at the next board meeting.

XI. Next Meeting Dates:

Regular Meeting: August 19, 2014 8:30 a.m.

Finance Committee: August 19, 2014 7:45 a.m.

X. Adjourned meeting at 12:33 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,


Brin Greer, Office Administration Anne Read, Board Secretary

Minutes of July 24, 2014 pg. 2 of 4