MS Word-Page Setup: Paper size: A4 (210mm x 297mm); Page margins: 25mm all sides (normal margins) Font: Times New Roman, Spacing: single spacing
Title of the Paper (Times New Roman 12 pt. bold, Center)
A. Author11, B. Author21, C. Author32, D. Author43 (Times New Roman 12pt, Bold, Center, underline the name of presenting author)
1Radiation Safety Systems Division, 2Health Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai 400085, India
3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai – 400076, India
(Corresponding Author: Email: abcd#; Phone: +91-xx-xxxxxxxx)
(Times New Roman 10 pt, center)
MS Word-Page Setup: Paper size: A4 (210mm x 297mm); Page margins: 25mm all sides (normal margins) Font: Times New Roman, Spacing: single spacing
Introduction: (Times New Roman 12 pt bold): Text Materials of the extended abstract should be in Times New Roman 10 pt. in justify format. The objective of the paper should be clearly stated in the introduction of the abstract. The extended abstract should be of two column type containing Title, Affiliation, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussions and References, strictly as per the template. Neither the sections nor the subsections need to be numbered. A single spacing separates the section headings from the preceding.
Authors are advised to maximize the information content utilizing the full space available.
Material and Methods: (Times New Roman 12 pt): The text in this section should be of Times New Roman, 10 pt. The template of the abstract can be downloaded from the IARP website. The contribution can be submitted online through the abstract submission facility. A maximum of only three most relevant references should be included in the abstract and listed as per the template. References in text should be indicated as given in the template. In the reference list, the author’s name should be followed by initials, year of publication within parentheses, followed by comma, title of the paper, the journal in which it appeared, volume number and the page numbers. SI units should be used throughout.
Results and Discussion: (Times New Roman 12 pt): The text in this section should be of Times New Roman, 10 pt. The illustrations such as figures and long tables should be avoided as far as All Figures/Photographs/Tables and Equations should be numbered in Arabic numerals separately in the order of appearance in the text. The references in the text can be cited as author’s name followed by year of publication (Martin, 2004). The figures / photographs and tables should be planned for one column width (84 mm). Two column widths can be used if required in which case; they should be placed at the top or bottom of the page. All Tables should be numbered with a descriptive title at the top in Times New Roman font 10 pts. (Typical formats for table and figure are given below).
Table 1: Detection limits of radionuclides in marine biological samples.
Nuclide / CountingTime (s) / MDA (mBq/kg) / System
137Cs / 100,000 / 8.5 / HPGe
60Co / 100,000 / 4.6 / HPGe
239+240Pu / 400,000 / 0.2 / PIPS-alpha
137Cs / 80,000 / 9.4 / NaI- Well
Fig.1. Typical alpha spectra of Po-isotopes in water sample.
All Figs. / photographs should be numbered with captions in Times New Roman font 10 pt. bold at the bottom.
A4 = Dg × G4 + Dn × N45 (1)
Equations should be left justified and numbered in the order of occurrence in the text and to be made with equation editor. The equation numbers should appear in 10 pt. bold on the right hand side of the column enclosed by parentheses.
References: (Times new roman font 10 pts)
1. IAEA (1989), Measurement of radionuclides in food and the environment: A guidebook. Technical Report Series 295. Vienna.
2. Manickam, E., et. al., (2008), Method design and validation for the determination of uranium levels in human urine using high resolution alpha spectrometry, J. Environ. Radioact., 99, 491–501.
3. Martin Paul, et. al., (2004), Peak resolution and tailing in alpha-particle spectrometry, Appl. Radiat. Isot., 61, 161–165.