ENG 1113-108 Instructor: Ernie Raynor, MS-HRMD, M.Div
Call# 51591 Available by appointment only
Freshman Composition II Eve. Operations, MC-1008, #595-7154
Tuesday & Thursday 12:00 – 2:50 p.m. June 6 – July 27 MC-324
Associate Dean of Communications: Mary P. Walker, MC-423, 595-7064
Appropriate CPT or ACT score, or completion of ENG 0923 and ENG 0933 with a grade of “C” or better, or permission of the division chair.
Fowler, Ramsey, H., and Jane E. Aaron. The Little Brown Handbook.
9th ed. New York: Pearson, 2004.
Nadell, Judith, John Langan, and Eliza A. Comodromos. The Longman
Reader. 7th ed. New York: Pearson, 2005.
Composition I guides students through the writing process with regular practice and analysis of effective writing. It is the first in a sequence of two freshman composition courses. Lecture
3 hours. Self-paced laboratory may be required.
The student should be able to do the following:
1. Restrict a subject and define a clear purpose (thesis/topic sentence)
2. Write well-developed, coherent, and unified paragraphs and essays
3. Adapt style to a particular audience
4. Compose sentences that are effective, concise, and varied in structure
5. Choose words that are precise and appropriate
6. Use mechanics of English correctly (grammar, punctuation, and spelling)
7. Understand, analyze, and evaluate assigned readings
8. Format and document submitted papers using MLA format
9. Identify and avoid plagiarism
Compositions will be evaluated on the basis of the course objectives. Each assignment will have a grading sheet that explains how these standards apply to your particular papers.
Serious Errors in Mechanics
1. Unjustified sentence fragment
2. Comma splices or fused sentences
3. Misused semicolon
4. Failure in subject and verb agreement
5. Confused or unclear pronoun reference
6. Wrong pronoun case
7. Excessive spelling or mechanical errors
Evaluation will be based on poetry, graded paragraphs, essays, class participation and attendance.
Grading formula: Grading Scale:
Haiku (x2) 050 points
Sonnet or Free Verse 050
Narrative 100 1000-900 A
Definition/Example paragraph 100 899-800 B
Process/Cause and Effect essay 200 799-700 C
Compare and Contrast essay 200 699-600 D
Argumentative essay 200 599-000 F
Attendance 100
Total points = 1000
In some cases, students may be required to make corrections or changes in their essays before a grade is awarded. Independent
work in the Writing Center may also be required. Grammar work will not be awarded letter grades, but all assigned remedial work must be completed, or the student’s semester score will be lowered by 100 points.
Please follow these guidelines to enhance the learning environment:
1. Do not bring your children or other visitors to class.
2. Keep cell phones and pagers turned off during class sessions.
3. Be on time for class to avoid disrupting the learning process.
4. Cease any activity the instructor deems disruptive.
Failure to follow these guidelines may result in a lower grade or removal from the class.
Narrative Paragraph Assignment Sheet
You are to write a narrative paragraph that illustrates a personal lesson that you have learned during your life. Your story may be fictionalized for comfort’s sake, but it must have the elements of a good story built into the narrative. Create an attention grabbing title. Lead with a topic sentence that makes the reader want to continue reading. Be descriptive when telling the story. Wrap up the story with a lesson learned. This lesson or insight should have been hinted at in the topic sentence. This story should have at least 12 complex sentences. Consult pages 105-117 and 70-82 in Longman for narrative and descriptive techniques; there is a good example on pages 113-14. Use the heading format provided on page 775 of the Handbook for this assignment. This assignment must be typed.
This assignment will employ your skills in grammar and critical thinking. The following objectives will demonstrate your critical thinking skills:
1. Use narrative techniques to convey a moral or practical lesson
2. Develop a clear topic sentence as the story’s “lead”
3. Employ action and description to keep the reader’s interest
4. Use judgment to apply moral or practical criteria to a situation
5. Communicate the concept of a lesson learned
6. Smoothly integrate that lesson into the concluding sentence
The following measurements will assess how well the objectives were met:
1. Is there a story told in the paragraph? (1 2 3 4 5)
2. Does the story clearly progress towards the concluding lesson? (1 2 3 4 5)
3. Does this story demonstrate a lesson learned? (1 2 3 4 5)
4. Is the topic sentence clearly written? (1 2 3 4 5)
5. Does the topic sentence establish the parameters of the story? (1 2 3 4 5)
6. Does the content of the story relate to the topic sentence? (1 2 3 4 5)
7. Do transitions used between the story’s events enable the flow? (1 2 3 4 5)
8. Does the use of description enhance or distract from the story? (1 2 3 4 5)
9. Was sound judgment used to apply the moral or practical lesson? (1 2 3 4 5)
10. Does the concluding sentence bring closure to the story’s lesson? (1 2 3 4 5)
This assignment will be scored on a 100 point scale:
50 points for the critical thinking component
50 points for grammar and format
Total 100 points
Definition Paragraph Assignment Sheet
You are to write an extended definition paragraph that uses examples to illustrate the definition. Analyze a recent issue covered in the news and select an unfamiliar word or term connected with the news item. Tell me what the term means in this assignment. Create an attention grabbing title. Lead with a topic sentence that provides a dictionary style definition. Develop the definition with examples containing data, description, and narrative material. Make sure your concluding sentence summarizes how the examples given support the definition. This paragraph should have at least 12 sentences. Consult pages 138-152 and 319-331 in Longman for information on the example and definition modes of development. Use the heading format provided on page 775 of the Handbook for this assignment. This assignment must be typed.
This assignment will employ your skills in grammar and critical thinking. The following objectives will demonstrate your critical thinking skills:
1. Use the techniques of definition to explain a concept
2. Develop a clear topic sentence that serves as a dictionary definition
3. Use judgment in the employment of examples that illustrate the definition
4. Communicate the concept--clearly
5. Smoothly summarize the definition in the concluding sentence
The following measurements will assess how well the objectives were met:
1. Is there a concept clearly defined in the paragraph? (1 3 5 7 10)
2. Is there a dictionary style definition provided? (1 3 5 7 10)
3. Is the topic sentence clearly written? (1 2 3 4 5)
4. Do the examples provided support the definition? (1 3 5 7 10)
5. Are transitions used between sentences? (1 2 3 4 5)
6. Does the concluding sentence summarize the definition? (1 3 5 7 10)
This assignment will be scored on a 100 point scale:
50 points for the critical thinking component
50 points for grammar and format
Total 100 points
Comparison and Contrast Essay Assignment Sheet
You are to write a five (5) paragraph essay that compares and/or contrasts something point-by-point. You are free to select any two objects for this assignment. Your introductory paragraph must contain a thesis statement with a developmental plan. The three (3) paragraph body of this essay will examine the similarities and/or differences of your objects. The concluding paragraph must contain a rephrased form of the thesis and developmental plan. Remember to deal with both objects in each of the body paragraphs. This essay should be between 300 and 400 words in length. Consult pages 253-266 in Longman for information on this mode of development. Use the heading format provided on page 775 of the Handbook for this assignment. This assignment must be typed.
This assignment will employ your skills in grammar and critical thinking. The following objectives will demonstrate your critical thinking skills:
1. Write a coherent five paragraph essay
2. Use comparison and contrast mode of development to examine two objects
3. Select comparable objects for the examination
4. Use the point-by-point method to study the objects in light of three criteria
The following measurements will assess how well the objectives were met:
1. Is the thesis (with developmental plan) clearly written? (1 10 20)
2. Does each body paragraph address both objects? (1 10 20)
3. Are the objects comparable to each other? (1 10 20)
4. Does each body paragraph contain a topic and concluding sentence? (1 10 20)
5. Are the transitions within the paragraphs smoothly written? (1 5 10)
6. Are the transitions between the paragraphs smoothly written? (1 5 10)
7. Is the thesis (with developmental plan) rephrased in the conclusion? (1 10 20)
This assignment will be scored on a 200 point scale:
120 points for the critical thinking component
80 points for grammar and format
Total 200 points
Cause and Effect Essay Assignment Sheet
You are to write a three to four paragraph essay that combines the process mode of development with cause and effect. Select an incident for analysis. It may be historical, current, personal, or fictional. Your first paragraph must contain a thesis statement that establishes the boundaries of the chain of events discussed in your paper. The three to four paragraph body of this essay will examine a cause and effect relationship as a process. The final paragraph must contain a rephrased form of the thesis (boundaries). This essay should be between 350 and 450 words in length. Consult pages 217-232 and 283-298 in Longman for information on both the process and the cause and effect modes of development. Use the heading format provided on page 775 of the Handbook for this assignment. This assignment must be typed.
This assignment will employ your skills in grammar and critical thinking. The following objectives will demonstrate your critical thinking skills:
1. Write a coherent three to four paragraph essay
2. Use process to explain the cause and effect relationships in a narrative
3. Comprehend complex ideas, data, and concepts
4. Select logical causes and effects in this exercise
5. Make inferences based on careful observation
The following measurements will assess how well the objectives were met:
1. Does the thesis establish boundaries? (1 10 20)
2. Is there an orderly step-by-step process? (1 5 10 15 20)
3. Is the premise of the cause and effect relationship logical? (1 5 10 15 20)
4. How complex is the chain of events addressed in the essay? (1 5 10)
5. Are the transitions within the paragraphs smoothly written? (1 5 10)
6. Are the transitions between the paragraphs smoothly written? (1 5 10)
7. Is the thesis rephrased in the conclusion? (1 10 20)
This assignment will be scored on a 200 point scale:
110 points for the critical thinking component
90 points for grammar and format
Total 200 points
Argumentative Essay Assignment Sheet
You are to write a six paragraph essay that uses the argumentative mode of development. Select a current controversy and use this assignment format to establish your position. Your essay’s introductory paragraph must contain a thesis statement that offers a proposition or offers a solution to a problem. The first three paragraphs of the four paragraph body of this essay will examine an issue and support the argument addressed in the introduction. The fourth paragraph of the essay’s body will address the concerns of those who would disagree with you (refutation). The concluding paragraph of this essay must contain a rephrased form of the thesis. This essay should be between 500 - 600 words in length. Consult pages 351-384 in Longman for information on this mode of development and page 179 of the Handbook for an example. Use the cover page format provided on page 775 of the Handbook for this assignment. This assignment must be typed.
This assignment will employ your skills in grammar and critical thinking. The following objectives will demonstrate your critical thinking skills:
1. Write a coherent six paragraph essay
2. Use the argumentative mode to state and support a proposition
3. Comprehend complex ideas, data, and concepts
4. Make judgments based on specific and appropriate criteria
5. Recognize the need to acquire new knowledge
The following measurements will assess how well the objectives were met:
1. Is the thesis clear? (1 20 30)
2. Is the argument logical? (1 10 20)
3. Does the refutation paragraph fairly present the opposing view? (1 5 10)
4. Were the issues raised in the refutation answered? (1 10 20)
5. Do the body paragraphs support the thesis? (1 10 20)
6. Is the thesis rephrased in the conclusion? (1 20 30)
This assignment will be scored on a 200 point scale:
130 points for the critical thinking component
70 points for grammar and format
Total 200 points
50 points will be deducted for failure to complete the MLA requirement of three cited references and a Works Cited page.
An excused absence will be granted for a documented emergency. This documentation includes legal or medical forms indicating the nature of the emergency. Routine medical appointments do not qualify as an excused absence. Two or more unexcused absences are considered excessive and, at the discretion of the instructor, may result in the semester’s grade being lowered by one letter. Missed lectures will not be repeated. You must make an appointment in the Writing Center to obtain missed class material.
If the Tulsa Public School system closes because of weather or a declared disaster, that day’s class session will also be cancelled. Anything due on that day will be due the following class session.