Michel Larose

Race Director

Fort Town Night Run

(613) 340-7364


P.O. Box 314

361 Dibble Street West,

Prescott, ON K0E 1T0

2018 Event

Dear Prospective Sponsor:

We would like to invite you to join the sponsorship ranks for the 2nd Fort Town Night Run on May 5, 2018.

The SKBP Venturers are hosting this 1K, 5k & 10k race event. The courses will take runners and walkers on a tour of Prescott’s historical buildings and landmarks, as well as our beautiful waterfront and inviting residential streets. The event starts and ends at Fort Wellington, and includes live music, food, and a celebration for the whole community. I’m confident that you will recognize the benefits from our event. In our first year, we greeted 225 participants and raised over $3,000 for the youth.

Venturers are the oldest members of Scouts Canada youth, for ages 14-18. The SKBP group includes Spencerville, Kemptville, Brockville, Prescott and surrounding area. The Venturer program offers opportunities to camp, learn survival skills, develop citizenship, become physically active, and travel. It also encourages youth to become active and engaged members of their community, through volunteerism and leadership opportunities.

The Fort Town Night Run is an incredible opportunity to promote our region. Race participants often come from outside of the community to participate in unique events. They bring their tourism dollars to eat and shop at local establishments, and share positive experiences with their colleagues back home. SKBP is working in partnership with Fort Wellington, the Town of Prescott, the township of Edwardsburg/ Cardinal, and the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville to make this an annual signature tourism event. Bringing in out-of-town guests benefits the businesses and residents of our community.

The benefits of sponsorship are many and vary by level of gift. Starting in June, we plan to begin selling tickets for a multi-prize raffle to be drawn on December 18th. As we sell the tickets, the website will provide an opportunity for visitors to click and directly go to each sponsors’ designated webpage. When the winners are drawn, their name and the ticket number will be matched to the winning prize on the website. Sponsors may also provide financial donations. Everyone wins for a worthy cause!

More information about the race, benefits of sponsorship, and information about the charity that we support are enclosed here and on our website. We hope that you will take a moment to review this information and decide to support the Fort Town Night Run for its 2nd Anniversary. Call me with any questions.

Sincere regards,

Michel Larose

Race Director

Fort Town Night Run

Sponsor Level / Contribution / Benefits
Title Sponsor
(Single offered) / $5000 / All benefits listed for Platinum Sponsors plus:
·  Most prominent recognition as a Title Sponsor
·  Company logo prominently displayed on Website with a link back to you site;
·  Logo on race bib;
·  Prominent booth size & location at the event;
·  Prominent recognition in all pre & post-event publicity;
·  10 complimentary entries for the race
Platinum Sponsor (Multiple offered) / $1000 - $751 / All benefits listed for Gold Sponsors plus:
·  Recognition in all pre & post-event publicity;
·  Display booth at event (provided by you);
·  Company banner (provided by you) displayed on race day;
·  5 complimentary entries for the race
Start/Finish Sponsor
(Single offered) / $750 / All benefits listed for Gold Sponsors plus:
·  Company banner (provided by you) displayed at the Start/Finish Line
Gold Sponsor
(Multiple offered) / $749 - $501 / All benefits listed for Silver Sponsors plus:
·  Recognition as a Corporate Sponsor
·  Company logo on Race Shirt
Silver Sponsor
(Multiple offered) / $500 - $351 / All benefits listed for Course Sponsors plus:
·  Company banner (provided by you) displayed at the event
Course Sponsor
(Multiple offered) / $350 - $201 / ·  Recognition as a Sponsor
·  Company name listed on Race Brochure (for 2019) & our Website
·  Recognition on race day announcements
·  Your Company signage (provided by you) displayed along courses
Patron Sponsor
(Multiple offered) / $200 & below / ·  Outside display space (limited size & set up by you)
·  Recognition on race day announcements

YES! I Want to Support the Fort Town Night Run



Company Name:


City/Province/Postal Code:


Enclosed is my Check for $

In lieu of sponsorship, I would like to support the mission of the Fort Town Night Run with my enclosed donation for $

When donating a prize for the raffle (for 2018), please provide the following information:

·  Description of the item and provide a photo (if possible);

·  Retail value of the item.

Sponsorships must be received by June 1st, 2018 for the 2018 Annual Raffle. All other donations must be received by March 1st, 2018.

Please make cheque payable to: Michel Larose – Fort Town Night Run and mail to:

P.O. Box 314

Prescott, ON K0E 1T0

The charitable group that will benefit is: Prescott and Area Venturer Company, Scouts Canada

Charitable registration #10776 1694 RR0028

Contact Name and Phone Number: Scouter Paul McAuley 613-925-2934

7th Prescott Venturer Company (Scouts Canada): 3412 County Rd. 26, Prescott, ON, K0E 1T0

In care of: Scouts Canada, 1345 Baseline Rd., Ottawa, ON, K2C 0A7

Visit us at www.forttownnightrun.com