Volume 50 No. 03 OCTOBER 2016
October 1, 2016
Aloha Wai’anae Intermediate Ohana,
As we approach the end of the first quarter, I would like to remind everyone of the various opportunities still available to all of our students. For students that are interested in sports, robotics, Glee Club, Culinary, etc. we still have many slots still available in our After School program. These are great opportunities for all of our students to get involved in an activity of their interest, make new friends, and simply have fun. All students that enter our after-school program are required to attend an hour study hall in order to maintain their grades before heading over to their activity of choice. Please stop by the After-School All-Stars office for more details.
Speaking of after-school opportunities, for any student that would like additional assistance in any subject area, we also offer free after-school tutoring in our library on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Once again the offer is free and we are open to all WIS students from 2:30-3:30 pm. Furthermore, if any student is credit deficient and needs an additional class before heading over to Wai’anae High School, please see Mr. Bacon at the front office. We are currently offering our credit recovery program after-school from 2:30-4:00, M-Th. The cost is just $30/credit. This is a $120 discount from our summer credit recovery program. Although we are early on in the school year, I encourage all students that are in need to take advantage of this opportunity.
Lastly, we recently had a few students that had contracted Conjunctivitis (Pink-Eye). Attached in this bulletin are some preventative measures on how to avoid and possibly treat “pink-eye.” Also, we do have the Health Center on campus if your child needs to be treated. The pink-eye situation was limited and is under control but we always want to be sure we have the right information to prevent any type of outbreak.
Our final week until we break. Let’s finish this quarter off well and have a safe and restful break.
Mr. Wataoka
October 5 SeaReader Celebration
October 7 SG: Dance/Activity
October 10 – 14 Fall Break
October 17 Quarter 1 report card distribute
October 31 No School for students: Professional Collaboration Day
November 8 Holiday
November 11 Holiday
November 7 – 18 SG Activity: Canned Good Drive
November 15 Mid-term progress sent home via student
November 23 Turkey Trot
November 24 & 25 Holiday
School uniforms: Uniforms and ID MUST BE worn DAILY. Available all year in Black and Teal.
Prices are: T-shirt: $7.00 Long sleeve: $12.00 Hoodie: $25.00 Dri fit zip pullover: $30.00
Students are allowed to wear any jacket with a zipper but cannot wear a hoodie unless it’s the
WIS uniform. Uniform shirts will be worn as designed. The form and design shall not be changed or altered in any way. BLACK & TEAL ONLY!! Uniforms are available daily at the front office cashier window. Cash payments accepted.
Replacement IDs (School ID badges):
Lost, stolen, and defaced ID badges must be replaced. Please remind your child not to alter his/her ID in any way (i.e. no stickers, folding, writing, etc.) Replacement IDs are costly and time consuming. The student’s cost for a replacement is $5.00. Your child’s ID serves as their meal card as well. Students without an ID must report to the office for a temporary ID. Within each quarter, should a student have 3 temporary IDs, the parent will be provided a warning.
OFFICE HOURS: The school office is openly daily, except for State holidays, from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. New registration is from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm.
LEAVING CAMPUS DURING THE DAY: Students leaving campus during school hours for personal reasons must present a note to the office before 7:55 a.m. A parent or legal guardian must present a photo ID to sign out a student before leaving campus. Students who are also released early from school will not be excused unless the parent provides a written note with a justifiable reason or a doctor’s note is provided on the next school day.
$30.00 CASH ONLY
Student Government fees: $15.00 CASH ONLY
Student Government dues is an obligation that must be paid yearly from grades 7-12. If a student doesn’t pay for their dues then it will become an outstanding obligation that will cause them not to receive their high school diploma upon graduation.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBERS: Parents/Guardians are reminded to inform the school office of any change in phone numbers, addresses, place of employment, work number, emergency contacts, etc. It is important for the school to have this information current in the event of an emergency.
For any other information, you can always visit the school’s website at: