St. Patrick’s Ballydesmond
No: 2018 20P.P.: Fr. Joseph Tarrant.
Secretary: Claire O’Sullivan.
Parish Office. Tel: 064 7751104.Mobile: 086-3978642. Email: Opening Hours : Tuesday & Friday 11am to 1pm.
Masses and Intentions for week beginning Sunday 20th May 2018:
Sun. 20th11.00amPentecost Sunday
Mattie Linehan, Knocknaboul
6.30pmHoly Hour Please pray for ‘life of the unborn child’
and‘Ireland’s decision in the Referendum’ as requested by Bishop Ray Browne.
Mon., Tue. & Thu. Mass at 9.30am
Fri. 25th6.30pmHoly Hour
Sun. 27th11.00am
Child ProtectionRepresentatives: Ella O’Sullivan & Diane Finucane Phone 087 9085168
Priest on Sunday Duty:Fr. Joe Tarrant064 7751104 / 086 3978642
Second Collection today Sun. 20th May - Education of Clergy
Finance Meeting in Presbytery on Mon. 28th @ 8pm
The Corpus Christi Processionwill take place after the 11 o clock mass on Sun.3rd June and the Cemetery Mass will be on Sun. 10th June @ 11am (weather permitting)
the Church's position on unborn human life.
Congratulations to Claire Coleman (Ballydesmond) and Tim Galvin (Kiskeam) who got married last weekend.
Congratulations to the boys and girls who received their First Holy Communion last weekend.
Bridge Classes for beginners, starting in Tureencahill on Mon. 28th May from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. Phone 087 4135640 or 085 1741551
Ballydesmond Summerfest, June bank holiday. Sat. 2nd June, historical guided walk (Johnny Walsh) Storytelling, singing & music evening in J.D.’s. Anyone interested in taking part please phone Siobhan 087 2835528, looking for all ages. As part of the build-up and fundraising we will have a walk on Mon & Wed nights.
Would you like to be involved in keeping our community attractive for residents and visitors?? Ballydesmond Community is currently recruiting Tús/RSS participants for village and countryside enhancement projects. For further information regarding eligibility please contact Sheila Roche or Sheila O’Keeffe on 029 60633.
Cork Maths Circle 2018 One Day Revision Courses: (Tel. 0851426903 after 6p.m.only)
Junior Certificate Higher Saturday May 26th,Leaving Certificate Honours Sunday May 27th and Leaving Certificate Ordinary Saturday June 2nd from 11-6p.m each day, given by experienced teachers/exam correctors, covering exam questions on papers 1 and 2.
ARDFERT RETREAT CENTRE: Guided Holy Hour & Mass: New Feast of Mary Mother of the Church announced by Pope Francis. Celebrant: Fr. Seán Sheehy, Mon. 21st May, 11.00am-2.00pm. Self-CareDay: "Tools to manage life's every day stressors", offeringwellness skills that can be readily incorporated into one’s life to nourish our physical and emotional wellbeing. Facilitated by Anna O' Donoghue & Betty Garnett, Sat 26th May, 9.45am-4.00pm. Contact Anna 0879447105. Adoration Diocesan Committee Annual Retreat Day: Thurs. 31st May, 9.30am-4.00pm. Phone 0667134276.
Star Trax Music Venue, Knocknagree, dancing today from 2.30 to 5.30pm. Adm. €10
Dates for cemetery masses in neighbouring parishes are on the notice board in the hall.
Ballydesmond Handball Lotto: Winning No.24 Winner: Donal Vaughan
Ballydesmond G.A.A. Lotto: No’s:2, 5, 6, 18Winner: No Winner
€50-Mossie Browne €30- Kevin Igoe, Mossie Browne, Teresa Ann Buckley€20- Richard Flynn, Mary, Maura, Martina & Doe
Next Week’s Jackpot: €8,000Sellers Prize: Padraig Herlihy
Cards:Tops –Andy O’Connor & Murie Murphy
Ladies –Bridie Guerin & Mary Bradley
Gents –Patsy O’Connor & Bill GuineyJack Keeffe & Andy SheehanDonie O’Keeffe & Pat Fitzpatrick
Mixed–Mike O’Keeffe & Eileen Ankettell