1.Purpose of Report
1.1The Capital Programme implements schemes which support the Transportation strategy and delivers the targets set out in the Local Transport Plan (LTP) and Best Value Performance Plan.
1.2This report brings forward proposals for improvements in Gravel Hill (A349), in the vicinity of Poole Grammar School and Steepleton Road.
2.1It is recommended that approval be given to:
(a)The localised widening of Gravel Hill to enable creation of right turning lanes into Poole Grammar School and Steepleton Road, as detailed in Paragraph 4 of this report.
(b)Creation of a School Zone outside Poole Grammar School.
3.1The Government has developed and agreed with the Local Government Association four shared priorities for the delivery of transport strategy around which the Local Transport Plan (LTP) was structured. The four shared priorities are Congestion, Accessibility, Road Safety and Air Quality. Government funding is provided over the course of the LTP to implement schemes which deliver these objectives. It is a requirement to demonstrate ongoing progress in these areas if continued Government funding is to be assured.
3.2The Strategy for delivery under the heading of congestion includes a number of strands, with one of the main features being the improvement of traffic movement along several Prime Transport Corridors (PTC’s).
3.3Progress is already being made with improving the Bournemouth to Poole PTC, and attention is now being focussed on other routes, namely :
(a)Gravel Hill in the region of the Poole Grammar School, where traffic often queues back to Darbys Corner at school times.
(b)Oakley Hill/ Oakley Lane junction and Merley roundabout.
(c)An assessment of the entire Gravel Hill – Oakley Hill route to look at improving through flow of traffic.
(d)Capacity improvements at the Merley roundabouts.
(e)Delays in Wimborne Road between Tatnum junction and the town centre.
(f)The length of Ringwood Road between Canford Way and The Shah junction.
3.4This report concentrates on the first of these feasibility studies, i.e. Gravel Hill where delays are caused to through traffic by vehicles waiting to turn right into Steepleton Road and Poole Grammar School.
3.5It is proposed to incorporate the creation of a school zone within this scheme. At a meeting of this Group in September 2007 a strategy for establishing School Zones outside all schools in the Borough was approved. While for the most part it was recognised that a 20 mph limit was appropriate, it also recognised that in some locations adjacent to the Principal or Classified road network then traffic calming was not appropriate. In this instance the zone would still be created by means of entry treatment and signage to raise driver awareness, but with no associated traffic calming to reduce the speed limit.
- Proposals
- Gravel Hill, the A349, is a 40mph road (in the region of Poole Grammar school) and is an important link between Poole and the A31 to the North. It is a popular route for commuters and, at peak hours, queues can form. Delays are exacerbated due the presence of an existing signalised crossing and because through traffic has to queue behind vehicles waiting to turn right into Steepleton Road and Poole Grammar School.
- Photographs of the existing junction layouts are included in Figs. 1 to 3 below.
- It is proposed to undertake localised widening of Gravel Hill and install right turning lanes for both the Grammar School and Steepleton Road. Details are depicted on Drawing No. JC0751/ 05 at Appendix A.
- The widening can be achieved by converting some of the verge on the West side of Gravel Hill to carriageway. The verge is shown on the left side of photographs at Figs. 2 and 3. Signs and some of the existing signalised crossing will need to be relocated.
4.5A summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the proposal are included below,
Reduction in delays to traffic, particularly in the peak hours. / Some loss of verge on the West side of Gravel Hill.Minimal modifications to existing crossing facilities. / Right turning vehicles wishing to access the school will need to queue through the existing crossing, leaving gaps for pedestrians.
It should be possible to re-use the existing signal ducting and boxes. This will minimise the construction programme, costs and impact on traffic. / Due to the location of the crossing the school right turn lane will not always run at full capacity.
The effect on the existing pedestrian access to the school is minimal. / Some disruption whilst the works are undertaken.
4.6The proposal also includes the creation of a School Zone outside the grammar school. This will simply comprise some buff paving across Gravel Hill, at each end of the Zone, as well as part time illuminated signs depicting “School Zone”. While recognising that at most locations a 20 mph limit outside schools would be appropriate, in instances such as this on a principal road such a limit would not be sustainable, particularly outside of school times. It is anticipated, however, that the illuminated signs at the school start and finish times will increase driver awareness and reduce speeds.
4.7The estimated cost of the works is £90,000 for which there is adequate provision in the 2008/ 09 approved Capital Programme. Statutory Undertaker diversions will be additional but it is anticipated these will be minimal.
- Consultations
- Poole Grammar School has been consulted and welcomes the proposal. Councillors for Broadstone and Canford Heath West have also been informed and one has responded in support.
Julian McLaughlin
Head of Transportation Services
Appendix A - Drawing No. JC0751/ 05
Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact:
Graham Spicer (01202) 262072