Material for New Faculty Members
Office of Undergraduate Studies
² Please help keep the cost of textbooks down by submitting your requests as soon as you are scheduled to teach a course by clicking the “Adopt” tab on
Course Administration
² Canvas is our electronic learning management system (ELMS). Visit to manage your course page and for tutorials.
² Rosters, student pictures and grade submission is available on
² If students have a concern about their final grade we encourage them to familiarize themselves with the appeal policy. Students and instructors can visit or consult with your Dr. Katherine Russell, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, () if they have any questions.
Academic Integrity & Student Conduct
² If you have any reason to believe that a student has violated the Honor Code ( or the Code of Student Conduct ( you should consult with the Office of Undergraduate Studies and refer the matter online at Do not adjudicate the case yourself – give the student the right to a fair and impartial process and protect yourself from any liability down the road.
² You can put this language and direct link Right below the Helping students in distress guide link---If you are concerned about the well-being of a student please contact the Office of Undergraduate Studies and refer the matter to the Behavioral Evaluation & Threat Assessment Team (