Professor Dr. med. Christian P. Strassburg
Pflugrad H, Bronzlik P, Raab P, Tryc AB, Goldbecker A, Barg-Hock H, Strassburg CP, Ding X, Lanfermann H, Weissenborn K.
Cerebral white matter lesions in patients with liver cirrhosis - causative for hepatic encephalopathy or bystanders?
Liver Int. 2014 Dec 26. doi: 10.1111/liv.12771. [Epub ahead of print]
Berres ML, Asmacher S, Lehmann J, Jansen C, Görtzen J, Klein S, Meyer C, Strunk HM, Fimmers R, Tacke F, Strassburg CP, Trautwein C, Sauerbruch T, Wasmuth HE, Trebicka J.
CXCL9 is a prognostic marker in patients with liver cirrhosis receiving transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt.
J Hepatol. 2014 Oct 17. pii: S0168-8278(14)00734-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.09.032. [Epub ahead of print]
Goldmann G, Zeitler H, Marquardt N, Horneff S, Balta Z, Strassburg CP, Oldenburg J.
Long-term outcome of liver transplantation in HCV/HIV coinfected haemophilia patients. A single centre study of 10 patients.
Hamostaseologie. 2014 Nov 6;35(1). [Epub ahead of print]
Bernhardt M, Pflugrad H, Goldbecker A, Barg-Hock H, Knitsch W, Klempnauer J, Strassburg CP, Hecker H, Weissenborn K, Tryc AB.
Central Nervous System Complications After Liver Transplantation: Common but Mostly Transient Phenomena.
Liver Transpl. 2014 Nov 4. doi: 10.1002/lt.24035. [Epub ahead of print
Jansen C, Leeming DJ, Mandorfer M, Byrjalsen I, Schierwagen R, Schwabl P, Karsdal MA, Anadol E, Strassburg CP, Rockstroh J, Peck-Radosavljevic M, Møller S, Bendtsen F, Krag A, Reiberger T, Trebicka J.
PRO-C3-levels in patients with HIV/HCV-Co-infection reflect fibrosis stage and degree of portal hypertension.
PLoS One. 2014 Sep 29;9(9):e108544.
Langhans B, Alwan AW, Krämer B, Glässner A, Lutz P, Strassburg CP, Nattermann J, Spengler U.
Regulatory CD4(+) T cells modulate the interaction between NK cells and hepatic stellate cells by acting on either cell type. J Hepatol. 2014 Sep 6. pii: S0168-8278(14)00626-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.08.038. [Epub ahead of print]
Leeming DJ, Anadol E, Schierwagen R, Karsdal MA, Byrjalsen I, Nielsen MJ, Schwarze-Zander C, Boesecke C, Bendtsen F, Møller S, Strassburg CP, Spengler U, Krag A, Rockstroh J, Trebicka JK.
Combined antiretroviral therapy attenuates hepatic extracellular matrix remodeling in HIV patients assessed by novel protein fingerprint markers.
AIDS. 2014 Sep 10;28(14):2081-90.
Anadol E, Schierwagen R, Elfimova N, Tack K, Schwarze-Zander C, Eischeid H, Noetel A, Boesecke C, Jansen C, Dold L, Wasmuth JC, Strassburg CP, Spengler U, Rockstroh JK, Odenthal M, Trebicka J.
Circulating MicroRNAs as a marker for liver injury in human immunodeficiency virus patients.
Hepatology. 2015 Jan;61(1):46-55.
Lutz P, Berger C, Langhans B, Grünhage F, Appenrodt B, Nattermann J, Lammert F, Hoerauf A, Sauerbruch T, Strassburg CP, Spengler U, Nischalke HD.
A farnesoid X receptor polymorphism predisposes to spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Dig Liver Dis. 2014 Nov;46(11):1047-50.
Jansen C, Eischeid H, Goertzen J, Schierwagen R, Anadol E, Strassburg CP, Sauerbruch T, Odenthal M, Trebicka J.
The role of miRNA-34a as a prognostic biomarker for cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension receiving TIPS.
PloS One. 2014 Jul 28;9(7):e103779.
Boesecke C, van Assen S, Stellbrink HJ, Baumgarten A, Ingiliz P, Strassburg CP, Schwarze-Zander C, Wasmuth JC, Hoepelman AI, Rockstroh JK, Arends JE.
Peginterferon-alfa mono-therapy in the treatment of acute hepatitis C in HIV-infection.
J Viral Hepat. 2014 Nov;21(11):780-5.
Nischalke HD, Lutz P, Krämer B, Söhne J, Müller T, Rosendahl J, Fischer J, Berg T, Hittatiya K, Fischer HP, Soyka M, Semmo N, Nattermann J, Sauerbruch T, Strassburg CP, Stickel F, Spengler U.
A common polymorphism in the NCAN gene is associated with hepatocellular carcinoma in alcoholic liver disease.
J Hepatol. 2014 Nov;61(5):1073-9.
Koch LA, Schmitz V, Strassburg CP, Raskopf E.
Plasmid transfer of plasminogen K1-5 reduces subcutaneous hepatoma growth by affecting inflammatory factors.
Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:656527.
Lutz P, Parcina M, Bekeredjian-Ding I, Nischalke HD, Nattermann J, Sauerbruch T, Hoerauf A, Strassburg CP, Spengler U.
Impact of rifaximin on the frequency and characteristics of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in patients with liver cirrhosis and ascites.
PLoS One. 2014 Apr 8;9(4):e93909.
Tryc AB, Pflugrad H, Goldbecker A, Barg-Hock H, Strassburg CP, Hecker H, Weissenborn K.
New-onset cognitive dysfunction impairs the quality of life in patients after liver transplantation.
Liver Transpl. 2014 Jul;20(7):807-14.
Trebicka J, Krag A, Gansweid S, Schiedermaier P, Strunk HM, Fimmers R, Strassburg CP, Bendtsen F, Møller S, Sauerbruch T, Spengler U.
Soluble TNF-alpha-receptors I are prognostic markers in TIPS-treated patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension.
PLoS One. 2013 Dec 26;8(12):e83341.
Schild HH, Strassburg CP, Welz A, Kalff J.
Treatment options in patients with chylothorax.
Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2013 Nov 29;110(48):819-26.
Spengler U, Nischalke HD, Nattermann J, Strassburg CP.
Between Scylla and Charybdis: the role of the human immune system in the pathogenesis of hepatitis C.
World J Gastroenterol. 2013 Nov 28;19(44):7852-66.
Jüngst C, Lammert F, Strassburg CP.
[Autoimmune hepatitis].
Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2013 Dec;138(50):2599-608; quiz 2609-12.
Greten TF, Malek NP, Schmidt S, Arends J, Bartenstein P, Bechstein W, Bernatik T, Bitzer M, Chavan A, Dollinger M, Domagk D, Drognitz O, Düx M, Farkas S, Folprecht G, Galle P, Geißler M, Gerken G, Habermehl D, Helmberger T, Herfarth K, Hoffmann RT, Holtmann M, Huppert P, Jakobs T, Keller M, Klempnauer J, Kolligs F, Körber J, Lang H, Lehner F, Lordick F, Lubienski A, Manns MP, Mahnken A, Möhler M, Mönch C, Neuhaus P, Niederau C, Ocker M, Otto G, Pereira P, Pott G, Riemer J, Ringe K, Ritterbusch U, Rummeny E, Schirmacher P, Schlitt HJ, Schlottmann K, Schmitz V, Schuler A, Schulze-Bergkamen H, von Schweinitz D, Seehofer D, Sitter H, Straßburg CP, Stroszczynski C, Strobel D, Tannapfel A, Trojan J, van Thiel I, Vogel A, Wacker F, Wedemeyer H, Wege H, Weinmann A, Wittekind C, Wörmann B, Zech CJ.
[Diagnosis of and therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma].
Z Gastroenterol. 2013 Nov;51(11):1269-326.
Vogt A, Sievers E, Lukacs-Kornek V, Decker G, Raskopf E, Meumann N, Büning H, Sauerbruch T, Strassburg CP, Schmidt-Wolf IG, Gonzalez-Carmona MA.
Improving immunotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) using dendritic cells (DC) engineered to express IL-12 in vivo.
Liver Int. 2013 Jul 30. doi: 10.1111/liv.12284. [Epub ahead of print]
Lenzen H, Weismüller TJ, Negm AA, Wlecke J, Loges S, Strassburg CP, Manns MP, Lankisch TO.
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in bile are associated with disease activity in primary sclerosing cholangitis.
Scand J Gastroenterol. 2013 Oct;48(10):1205-12.
Schwarze-Zander C, Klingmüller D, Klümper J, Strassburg CP, Rockstroh JK.
Triamcinolone and ritonavir leading to drug-induced Cushing syndrome and adrenal
suppression: description of a new case and review of the literature.
Infection. 2013 Dec;41(6):1183-7.
Woynarowski M, Nemeth A, Baruch Y, Koletzko S, Melter M, Rodeck B, Strassburg CP, Pröls M, Woźniak M, Manns MP; European Autoimmune Hepatitis-Budesonide Study Group.
Budesonide versus Prednisone with Azathioprine for the Treatment of Autoimmune Hepatitis in Children and Adolescents.
J Pediatr. 2013 Nov;163(5):1347-53.e1
Strassburg CP.
Autoimmune hepatitis.
Dig Dis. 2013;31(1):155-63.
Kalthoff S, Winkler A, Freiberg N, Manns MP, Strassburg CP.
Gender matters: Estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and histone deacetylase (HDAC) 1 and 2 control the gender-specific transcriptional regulation of human uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferases genes (UGT1A).
J Hepatol. 2013 Oct;59(4):797-804.
Voigtländer T, Negm AA, Strassburg CP, Lehner F, Manns MP, Lankisch TO.
Biliary cast syndrome post-liver transplantation: risk factors and outcome.
Liver Int. 2013 Sep;33(8):1287-92.
Strassburg CP.
[Patient selection and indications for liver transplantation].
Chirurg. 2013 May;84(5):363-71.
Lutz P, Parcina M, Bekeredjian-Ding I, Hoerauf A, Strassburg CP, Spengler U.
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis by Pasteurella multocida under treatment with
Infection. 2014 Feb;42(1):175-7.
Voigtländer T, Alten T, Lehner F, Strassburg CP, Manns MP, Lankisch TO.
[Secondary sclerosing cholangitis following liver transplantation: a rare cause for graft failure].
Z Gastroenterol. 2013 Mar;51(3):296-8.
Weismüller TJ, Bleich F, Negm AA, Schneider A, Lankisch TO, Manns MP, Strassburg CP, Wedemeyer J.
Screening colonoscopy in liver transplant candidates: risks and findings.
Clin Transplant. 2013 Mar-Apr;27(2):E161-8.
Goldbecker A, Weissenborn K, Hamidi Shahrezaei G, Afshar K, Rümke S, Barg-Hock H, Strassburg CP, Hecker H, Tryc AB.
Comparison of the most favoured methods for the diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy in liver transplantation candidates.
Gut. 2013 Oct;62(10):1497-504.
Blume C, Sensoy A, Gross MM, Guenter HH, Haller H, Manns MP, Schwarz A, Lehner F, Klempnauer J, Pischke S, Strassburg CP.
A comparison of the outcome of pregnancies after liver and kidney transplantation. Transplantation. 2013 Jan 15;95(1):222-7.
Tryc AB, Goldbecker A, Berding G, Rümke S, Afshar K, Shahrezaei GH, Pflugrad H, Barg-Hock H, Strassburg CP, Hecker H, Weissenborn K.
Cirrhosis-related Parkinsonism: prevalence, mechanisms and response to treatments. J Hepatol. 2013 Apr;58(4):698-705.
Voigtländer T, Negm AA, Schneider AS, Strassburg CP, Manns MP, Wedemeyer J, Lankisch TO.
Secondary sclerosing cholangitis in critically ill patients: model of end-stage liver disease score and renal function predict outcome.
Endoscopy. 2012 Nov;44(11):1055-8.
Strassburg CP.
Autoimmune hepatitis: new guidelines, new therapies.
Dig Dis. 2012;30 Suppl 1:11-9.
Hadem J, Strassburg CP, Manns MP.
Prediction of outcome and selection of the liver transplantat candidate in acute liver failure.
Front Physiol. 2012;3:340.
Rifai K, Hadem J, Wiegand J, Potthoff A, Pischke S, Klempnauer J, Strassburg C, Wedemeyer H, Manns MP, Tillmann HL.
Gender differences in patient receiving liver transplantation for viralhepatitis.
Z Gastroenterol. 2012 Aug;50(8):760-5.
Clajus C, Hanke N, Gottlieb J, Stadler M, Weismüller TJ, Strassburg CP, Bröcker V, Bara C, Lehner F, Drube J, Kielstein JT, Schwarz A, Gueler F, Haller H, Schiffer M.
Renal Comorbidity After Solid Organ and Stem Cell Transplantation.
Am J Transplant. 2012 Jul;12(7):1691-1699.
von Hahn T, Schiene-Fischer C, Van ND, Pfänder S, Karavul B, Steinmann E, Potthoff A, Strassburg C, Hamdi N, Abdelaziz AI, Sarrazin C, Müller T, Berg T, Trépo E, Wedemeyer H, Manns MP, Pietschmann T, Ciesek S.
Hepatocytes That Express Variants of Cyclophilin A Are Resistant to HCV Infection and Replication.
Gastroenterology. 2012 2012 Aug;143(2):439-47.e1.
Pischke S, Gösling J, Engelmann I, Schlue J, Wölk B, Jäckel E, Meyer-Heithuis C, Lehmann U, Strassburg CP, Barg-Hock H, Becker T, Manns MP, Schulz T, Wedemeyer H, Heim A. High intrahepatic HHV-6 virus loads but neither CMV nor EBV are associated with decreased graft survival after diagnosis of graft hepatitis.
J Hepatol. 2012 May;56(5):1063-9.
Ehmer U, Kalthoff S, Fakundiny B, Pabst B, Freiberg N, Naumann R, Manns MP, Strassburg CP.
Gilbert syndrome redefined: a complex genetic haplotype influences the regulation of glucuronidation.
Hepatology. 2012 Jun;55(6):1912-21.
Mederacke I, Helfritz F, Puls F, Ringe KI, Klempnauer J, Manns MP, Strassburg CP.
Budd-Chiari syndrome after treatment with budesonide in a cirrhotic patient with autoimmune hepatitis.
Ann Hepatol. 2012 Jan-Feb;11(1):143-4.
Strassburg CP.
[The ABC of hepatitis].
MMW Fortschr Med. 2011 Jan 20;153(3):36-40; quiz 41.
Schrem H, Reichert M, Reichert B, Becker T, Lehner F, Kleine M, Bektas H, Johanning K, Strassburg CP, Klempnauer J.
Value of the SOFA score as a predictive model for short-term survival in high-risk liver transplant recipients with a pre-transplant labMELD score ≥ 30.
Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2012 Jun;397(5):717-26.
Strassburg CP, Manns MP.
Therapy of autoimmune hepatitis.
Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2011 Dec;25(6):673-87.
Strassburg CP, Manns MP, Wedemeyer J.
Recurrent acute pancreatitis in a young woman with a history of asymptomatic lipase elevations for several years.
Gastroenterology. 2012 Jan;142(1):e8-9.
Strassburg CP, Manns MP.
[Treatment of autoimmune liver diseases. Autoimmune
hepatitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis].
Internist (Berl). 2011 Dec;52(12):1394-406.
May M, Gueler F, Barg-Hock H, Heiringhoff KH, Engeli S, Heusser K, Diedrich A, Brandt A, Strassburg CP, Tank J, Sweep FC, Jordan J.
Liver afferents contribute to water drinking-induced sympathetic activation in human subjects: a clinical trial.
PLoS One. 2011;6(10):e25898.
Weismüller TJ, Kirchner GI, Scherer MN, Negm AA, Schnitzbauer AA, Lehner F, Klempnauer J, Schlitt HJ, Manns MP, Strassburg CP.
Serum ferritin concentration and transferrin saturation before liver transplantation predict decreased long-term recipient survival.
Hepatology. 2011 Dec;54(6):2114-24.
Manns MP, Strassburg CP.
Therapeutic strategies for autoimmune hepatitis.
Dig Dis. 2011;29(4):411-5.
Mederacke I, Filmann N, Yurdaydin C, Bremer B, Puls F, Zacher BJ, Heidrich B, Tillmann HL, Rosenau J, Bock CT, Savas B, Helfritz F, Lehner F, Strassburg CP, Klempnauer J, Wursthorn K, Lehmann U, Manns MP, Herrmann E, Wedemeyer H.
Rapid early HDV RNA decline in the peripheral blood but prolonged intrahepatic
hepatitis delta antigen persistence after liver transplantation.
J Hepatol. 2012 Jan;56(1):115-22.
Ciesek S, Westhaus S, Wicht M, Wappler I, Henschen S, Sarrazin C, Hamdi N, Abdelaziz AI, Strassburg CP, Wedemeyer H, Manns MP, Pietschmann T, von Hahn T.
Impact of intra- and interspecies variation of occludin on its function as coreceptor for authentic hepatitis C virus particles.
J Virol. 2011 Aug;85(15):7613-21.
Vogel A, Ockenga J, Tukey RH, Manns MP, Strassburg CP.
Genotyping of the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 1A7 gene revisited.
Gastroenterology. 2011 May;140(5):1692-3.
Pischke S, Karsten W, Hadem J, Schmidt S, Heiringhoff Heinz K, Helfritz F, Strassburg CP, Lobers J, Zender L, Tutarel O, Wedemeyer J, Manns MP, Wedemeyer H, Rifai K, Gebel M.
Liver transplantation: A new risk factor for intestinal intussusceptions.
Ann Hepatol. 2011 Jan-Mar;10(1):38-42.
Schlitt HJ, Loss M, Scherer MN, Becker T, Jauch KW, Nashan B, Schmidt H, Settmacher U, Rogiers X, Neuhaus P, Strassburg C.
[Current developments in liver transplantation in Germany: MELD-based organ allocation and incentives for transplant centres].
Z Gastroenterol. 2011 Jan;49(1):30-8.
Strassburg CP.
Autoimmune hepatitis.
Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2010 Oct;24(5):667-82.
Strassburg CP.
Hyperbilirubinemia syndromes (Gilbert-Meulengracht, Crigler-Najjar, Dubin-Johnson, and Rotor syndrome).
Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2010 Oct;24(5):555-71.
Schwarz A, Haller H, Schmitt R, Schiffer M, Koenecke C, Strassburg C, Lehner F, Gottlieb J, Bara C, Becker JU, Broecker V.
Biopsy-diagnosed renal disease in patients after transplantation of other organs and tissues.
Am J Transplant. 2010 Sep;10(9):2017-25.
Weismüller TJ, Fikatas P, Schmidt J, Barreiros AP, Otto G, Beckebaum S, Paul A, Scherer MN, Schmidt HH, Schlitt HJ, Neuhaus P, Klempnauer J, Pratschke J, Manns MP, Strassburg CP.
Multicentric evaluation of model for end-stage liver disease-based allocation and survival after liver transplantation in Germany--limitations of the 'sickest first'-concept.
Transpl Int. 2011 Jan;24(1):91-9.
Manns MP, Woynarowski M, Kreisel W, Lurie Y, Rust C, Zuckerman E, Bahr MJ, Günther R, Hultcrantz RW, Spengler U, Lohse AW, Szalay F, Färkkilä M, Pröls M, Strassburg CP; European AIH-BUC-Study Group.