Daily Lesson Plan

Student: __Jill Keeve___ Cooperating Teacher’s Approval: _Ms. Rosemary Parmigiani______Date: __11/23/2010_____

Subject: Math Topic: ____Determining Area______Grade: _____8th______

Allocated Time: ______20 minutes______

Student Population: ______24 students______

State Standards:

Standard - 2.3.8.C: Calculate volume, surface area, and degrees of angles; calculate circumference and area of

circles, and use a measurement formula to solve for a missing quantity.

Standard - 2.9.8.A: Name, describe and apply geometric relations for 1- dimensional shapes and 2- dimensional

shapes and 3- dimensional solids.

M8.B.2.2: Use, describe and/or develop procedures to determine measures of perimeter, circumference, area, surface area

and/or volume.

Goal for Understanding: Students will be able to apply formulas of quadrilaterals, circles, triangles, and ellipses to find the area of a surface.

Instructional Objective (Statement): Students will construct and decorate a Snowman with the area determined correctly.

Student Behaviors
Students will construct a Snowman out of construction paper
Students will determine the area of all the Snowman’s parts.
Students will correctly add all of the areas together for a total area. / Sources of Evidence
Snowman with correct area written on the back
Additional decorations with correct area
Worksheet / Criteria for Evaluation
Rubric of Snowman computations and constructions
Analysis of Worksheet

Teaching to the Objective

Estimated Time:
5 / Teaching to the Objective
Introduction/Motivation/Prior Knowledge:
Frosty the Snowman will be playing on the stereo
Ask, “What types of shapes makes up Frosty the snowman?” Draw and label these on the board.
Using your knowledge of “Frosty the Snowman” and areas of polygons, you will be creating a personal snowman and determining the correct area.
Pass out a formula sheet to one student and have that student write them on the board (see attached) and explain that these formulas will help you to figure out the area of the snowman.
The areas of quadrilaterals, circles, triangles, ellipses will all be reviewed by constructing the additional parts of a snowman.
Developmental Activities:
Students will independently construct Snowmen using shapes of ellipses or circles. The areas of each object will be calculated as they are added to the project.
Other parts of the snowman will be constructed using rectangles, triangles, and parallelograms. Students will cut out these parts and display the correct area.
Additional decorations can decorate the snowman as well to show creativity.
Students will be assessed using the “Create a Snowman Project Rubric”. The process and product will be tested including the areas of creativity, quality of work, accuracy, and time on task. They will grade their own project and then the teacher will analyze the work for correctness.
Students will be asked to hang up their snowmen and then asked to produce a short write up as to the formulas they used on what part of the snowman. / Differentiation: Required for each
Both Lyrics and Video are played with the song to invoke both auditory and visual learners.
Involve all students, write the question on the board for visual learners and speak out loud for auditory.
Ask for student volunteers (above average students) to recall formulas to determine area.
Overactive student will distribute papers.
For those individuals unable to cut out shapes, precut shapes will be provided.
Those who finish before others can add more decorations to their snowman.
Depending on a language disorder, a worksheet is used for the student to describe their sequence.


The teacher will correct and assess the project. Additional worksheets on area will be passed out to determine if the students understand how to calculate the area and which formula to use.


Scissors, Glue, Construction Paper, Markers/Pens, Ruler,


Holy Family University Lesson Plan Outline

Pennsylvania Department of Education Standards

Frosty the Snowman You Tube Clip





You Tube