Cliftonville Primary School Self- Evaluation Summary: updated 22/11/13

Context of the school

Cliftonville in Margate is one of the most socially deprived areas in the UK. Consequently there are a high number of students with disadvantaged backgrounds for whom learning does not come easy for a wide number of documented reasons. We need the % national IDAACI and IMD./ Mosaic / Acorn web site.

Cliftonville Primary School is a much larger than average Primary School with 667 pupils on roll. There are 21 classes with 3 in each year group. The school is situated in an area of high deprivation; the deprivation indicator shows that the school is ranked (8th most deprived school in Kent, bottom 20% most deprived nationally). Violent crime is on the increase locally, Cliftonville police statistics show that you are more likely to be murdered, assaulted or mugged in Cliftonville than anywhere else in the country.

We have a high number of pupils entitled to free school meals. Our catchment area is in the top 10% of wards which have the highest rates of lone parents and other groups claiming social benefits. These are families who take a long time to understand how schools work and the normal expectations of education.

While most pupils are White British, the proportion from other ethnic backgrounds, particularly from Eastern Europe, has increased rapidly. Many of these children are not literate and cannot count in their own language. This presents problems not encountered to such an extent in other areas, e.g. London where EAL children can read and write in their own language. We have increasing numbers of children affected by domestic violence, Oasis (local DV charity) have quoted a statistic of 1 in 3 families. The proportion of pupils who are supported at school action plus or who have a statement of special educational needs is above average. A higher than average proportion of pupils join or leave the school part-way through their primary education.

Previously many arrived in KS2 with no matched data. However the children we now have on roll who are EAL are going through the school from KS1. We do not use this as an excuse for poor progress and our interventions have ensured that all EAL students make good progress. (RoL 2013)

There is term-time care from 8am until 6pm. There is an oversubscribed nursery, 98% of whom join the school in Year R.

In 2012 the Governors recognised that a new strategy was required. From September 2012 two experienced Head teachers of local, highly successful schools were appointed, (Andy Somers, Hartsdown Secondary Academy, Margate, and Jane Troth St Saviour’s CE Junior School, Westgate-on-Sea).

Since then the senior leadership team has been restructured, key appointments made, support procured and the absolute imperative of raising standards shared with the whole school community.

The continued raising of achievement for all is the essence of our school. We are very clear about the areas that need to improve and further since our last inspection. Further improvement has been seen due to our successful interventions that narrow the gap in progress for all groups of students.

The school will become an academy under the Dane Court and King Ethelbert Trust in this academic year (target date 1st December 2013).

Achievement of pupils

Grade: 3

Up until 2012 school leadership was in decline, this is reflected in the declining attainment and progress shown in the School Data Dashboard. Since Sept 2012 new measures have returned the focus of the school to a far more rigorous approach to attainment and progress.

This year we have made accelerated progress in English and Maths.

Our data shows that combined Reading Writing and Mathematics are significantly better this year.

KS1 Phonics screening shows good progress from 2012 to 2013.

Key Stage 2

Evidence that supports this judgement:

We are using LA data which uses the current strategy of evaluating 4 year trend data for combined Reading Writing and Maths.


L4+ combined R/W/M / School
2010 / 43.2%
2011 / 53.0%
2012 / 61.0%
2013 / 69.1%

The school attainment has been above DfE floor standards (60%) in both 2012 (61%) and 2013 (69.1%)

This is a measure of the good Leadership impact resulting from our strategy to bring about whole school change.

Y6: 2013 saw a continuation in the upward trend in combined Reading, Writing and Mathematics. LA data shows an increase of 16.1% from 2011. Actual 2013: 70.4% (one child secure L4+ R/ W/M was absent for Maths). Combined L4+ for R/W/M has shown accelerated progress. Target 2013 = 80%+

(Current Year 6: at end of Year 5, 54% are 3b+ in R/W/M 2012: 10% at 3b+ in R/W/M)


English2010 – 2012 8% increase to 88% (Roll 2012)

28% achieving more than expected progress (national 26%) (Roll 2012)

2+ levels of progress in writing 92% (DfE 2013 Performance tables)

2+ levels of progress in reading 79% (medium prior attainment band 88%) (DfE 2013 Perf tables)

Maths84% 2013 - Middle and higher prior attainment 91%. (DfE 2013 Performance tables)

Data affected by 7/19 who were 2c at KS1 (see targets for 2013-14).

Key Stage 1


Y2: Reading 13.2% increase in 2b+ to 78% 2012 - 2013 APS increase of 0.8 to 15.3

Writing 9.3% increase in 2b+ to 57% 2012 - 2013 APS increase of 1.2 to 13.4

Maths 8.1% increase in 2b+ to 74% 2012 - 2013 APS increase of 0.1 to 15.3

2008 – 2013: Highest APS in reading and writing in last 6 years. Maths only 2011 higher APS (difference of 0.06)

Y1: Phonics screen 2012: 19% 2013: 60%

FS: Pupils are making good progress despite a low Point of Entry (see EYFS data & Sch Summary Sheet 2013).

At Expected or exceeding (all prime and all lit/num) 1.1% above LA. Writing above LA.

See Charlotte re 3 E’s. To prove children enter below any level to show the progress made.

In Year progress Year 2 – 6: Reading/Writing/Maths APS 2012 = 3.05 2013 = 3.54 (see Inclusion Leader data)

Weakest progress in Y4. 2 x RI teachers left last year.

(2 consistently good+ teachers moved to Year 4, Sept 2013)

Pupil premium: Reading = 3.14 Writing = 3.502 Maths = 3.652

Work has been undertaken to triangulate progress data with work in books and lessons observations. Monitoring evidence shows that work in books is of a good standard and teachers’ comments are being used by children to improve their work. (see Monitoring file)

‘The evidence was varied, clearly annotated, appropriate for the level the children were assessed at and showed their independent work. At the Year 2/3 moderation, the moderators were particularly impressed by the high quality evidence your school produced and comments were noted reflecting this. The moderators felt that there was good evidence of marking for improvement with Year 3 work.’ LA June 2013 (see SEF Summary file)

Renewed focus on impact of, rather than just the provision of interventions (including TA deployment). As a result, strategies have been revised and improved. These include re-directing of SEN resources, ability sets in phonics across year groups and additional teaching sets in Key Stage 2. (see Inclusion Manager data & SEN action plan/ English and Maths leader’s data & action plans)

Progress throughout the year last year in Year 6

Similar progress can be seen throughout the rest of KS2. However, there are some exceptions within Year 4 due to two classes who had a range of supply teachers and so our concerted programme for these groups was not so well implemented.

Boys Girls FSM, G and T, EAL and Pupil Premium – those groups achieved 4 – 6 points of progress throughout the course of the year.

Yr Group / Vulnerable Group / Reading Writing or Maths / Points of progress
Year 6 / Boys
High Prior Att / W
W / 6

Achievement in other Vulnerable Groups

In year 3 the achievement of vulnerable groups showed an improvement in the progress in reading. We narrowed the gap in Year 3 girls (4.65 point progress), FSM (4.29pp), EAL (4.3 pp) Gifted & Talented (6.4pp)

In Year 2 the gap was narrowed School Action + (6.00pp) in reading and 4.5 in writing. SEN overall achieved 4.17 PP in reading, G&T over 4pp in Reading Writing and Maths. Pupil Premium in Year 2 over 4 pp in Reading and Maths.

Analysis of progress across the Key stage in the following areas is accelerated. (14 points plus)

Year 6 / Reading Writing Maths / Points of Progress
Boys / W / 14.42
EAL / W / 15.49
Low Prior Attainment / W / 14.21
Middle prior attainment / W / 14.21
Upper prior attainment / W / 14.66
G&T / W
M / 16.6

The nature of the co hort at Cliftonville means that all students will fall into one vulnerable group or another. This means our approach to Narrowing the Gap is a whole school approach.

The analysis of need of SEN across the school 1 – 6 indicates that children on the autistic spectrum (ASD) made 5.9 pp across the board in reading. 2 children with Hearing Impairment made 5.00 pp in Reading and Maths. Children with physical disability made 4.7 pp in reading and 4.95pp in writing. The greatest cohort of need across the school is Speech and Communication. Through excellent support and outstanding provision delivered through our specialist speech and language TA has supported those children to achieve 4.52pp in Maths, 3.35 in reading and 3.36 pp in writing, (this represents accelerated progress in this group).

The achievement of our Children in Care is supported by strategic provision, the impact of which enabled the gap to close. In particular the volunteer reading scheme supported an average of 2pp, Springboard Maths supported and average of 3pp. Small group work and 1 to 1 between 2 to 4 pp in reading and Maths.

Historically Pupil Progress Interviews (PPI’s) focussed on Pupils lagging behind. A new whole school approach this year linking monitoring / training/ data analysis with targeted provision has been implemented. (see Claire Whichcord AP Inclusion). Immediate impact has been seen in the linking of monitoring across the school with quality first teacher training. Two examples of this have been the implementation of training in Autism and Dyslexia. Further outcomes are that Year group leaders and teachers are taking responsibility for the progress in their groups through data analysis and discussions. This has been supported via training so that all teachers can use SIMs confidently.

Initial outcomes of Year group data analysis ensures that progress of vulnerable groups is regularly discussed and provision is put in place. This enables us to look at effectiveness of interventions. (Claire Whichcord AP Inclusion)

To raise standards in reading we look further than just within the classroom. We open our Learning Resource Centre every morning to parents and children to encourage them to come in and read with their children, play literacy based games and have fun using the story sacks as well as starting a family story time club twice a week to develop families love of books. We use this as a chance to model how parents might share books with their children at home. Internal data has shown that girl’s reading is an area to be developed and have therefore set up a popular Secret Girls Reading Club. In terms 3, 4 and 5 we run a Literacy games lending library whereby year 3 children can borrow spelling and phonic games to take home and play with their families. Our termly Reading Raffle is at its most popular with more children than ever reading at home. All these activities are having a positive impact on the number of children reading at home and making progress in reading. This is evident within class when children are assessed using the Benchmarking toolkit.

Why achievement of pupils is not the grade (above/below)

The progress of children in low prior attainment band needs to continue to accelerate to national expectations and especially in reading and mathematics. The progress & attainment of children in reading with high prior attainment also needs to continue to accelerate to national expectations.

Quality of Teaching

Grade: 3 with many aspects of 2

Evidence that supports this judgement:

Teacher / Nursery / Year R / Year 1 / Year 2
/ Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6
November 2012 / 1 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 2 / 2 / 2
June 2013 / 1 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 2 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2+ / 2
Target June 2014 / 1 / 2 / 2+ / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2+ / 2+ / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / O / 2
October 2013 / 1 / 2 / 2+ / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / O / 2

Overall Teaching requires improvement but is moving towards good due to the erradication of the majority of RI teaching and the improvement of all other teachers. Internal data clearly shows improvement in attaimnment and progress.

OFSTED said that we needed to Raise pupils' attainment in writing and mathematics by July 2013 by implementing plans to: Give pupils more regular opportunities to practise their spelling, punctuation and grammar and to Include more problem solving activities for pupils to apply and develop their mathematical skills. In order to do this we have had to improve the quality of teaching accross the school.

We have introduced new and innovative strategies and actions to meet all of the key findings in the last OFSTED inspection. ( see comments and subsequent action to address the issues raised from the last OFSTED report )

  • Forty-eight formal lesson observations in 2012-2013 (see Monitoring file)
  • Good teaching is the minimum expectation (performance appraisal, teaching post advertisements, CPD)
  • Teaching Assistant recruitment now includes formal written English and mathematics assessment to national curriculum Level 5 (see School Business Manager file)
  • All staff have had formal and unannounced drop-in observations. Drop-ins have been used to monitor the ‘daily diet’ the children receive. All monitoring has written feedback, with developmental comments including CPD (see Monitoring file)
  • CPD focus on features of good+ teaching (see Staff Meeting Schedules in SEF Summary file)
  • Term 1 and 2, 2012, used to identify key teachers who could lead improvements in teaching
  • Planned and unplanned work scrutinies (see Monitoring file)
  • Robust and unrelenting focus on eliminating all RI teaching by end of July 2013. Five RI teachers left (three in lower KS2, two in KS1) Capability procedures invoked where support did not impact quickly enough on teaching. Union representatives were very complimentary about the professional support & CPD received by their members.
  • Made all teachers accountable for the progress and attainment of all their pupils, including those with SEN, through performance appraisal (see Performance Appraisal file)
  • RI staff have had LA CPD, Every Lesson Counts, with good+ teachers used in coach/mentor model
  • Made effective use of links with high-attaining schools. RI teachers have visited these schools to observe outstanding teaching, early years groups, phonics teaching
  • Weekly 30 minute professional development meeting for TAs (see SENCo file)
  • Through skills audit, identified TAs who can lead on specific intervention and/or provide training for other TAs (see SENCo file)
  • Jane Troth has undertaken four-day Tribal Inspection skills training. 100% accuracy in lesson judgements
  • Provided bespoke training for EAL support teacher on best practice in teaching early literacy skills, and in particular, phonics
  • Work scrutinies show that the quality of marking is improving e.g. worked examples for improvement in a skill, clear comments, pupils responding, ‘time to improve’ evident (see SEF Summary file)
  • Exemplar lessons have been modelled. Example phonics: Assistant Head (English) teaching tri-graphs in Year R in Term 6
  • EYFS – practitioner judgements are accurate and in line with exemplification (SEF Summary file: LA moderation June 2013)
  • Teaching profile of two NQTs (2012-13) was consistently good. They received appropriate & timely developmental support from mentors (see SEF Summary file for examples of mentor notes)

Why the quality of teaching is not the grade (above/below)

Weaknesses in teaching were dealt with robustly and the profile improved over the last academic year. New staff appointed are receiving good support from Year Group Leaders and/or mentors; this includes four NQTs for 2013-14. Some strategies, whilst being consistently applied, are relatively new and further work to embed and assess them needs to be carried out. Explain the G+

Behaviour and safety

Grade: 1

Evidence that supports this judgement:

  • Attendance is rapidly improving with the impact of two newly appointed Attendance Officers, combined with explicit messages to children and families. Impact is evident with all Year groups 1 – 6 above 95% in Term 6 and Term 1 2013/14. (See SEF Summary File). Many parents commented positively on whole school focus on attendance and punctuality; Questionnaire, June 2013: 100% agreement that ‘The school has given a clear message about the importance of good attendance’. Outcomes for our New Initiatives for Attendance in Term 1 saw 1,377 (137 weeks) additional sessions attended compared with Term 1 2012. (See SEF Summary File)
  • Behaviour in and around the school is at least good from a significant majority of pupils. Incidents rarely require escalating to SLT, including playground.
  • Exclusions data shows a reduction in the number of exclusions from autumn 2012. (Exclusions Data).
  • Our new behaviour policy makes it implicit that Teachers are here to teach and children are here to learn and that is non-negotiable. Lesson observations, both planned and unannounced, demonstrate that it is extremely rare for learning to be disrupted by low-level, inappropriate behaviour. As teaching has improved (pitch, expectation, questioning etc) previous examples of off-task behaviour have reduced (see monitoring file)
  • We have received many favourable, positive comments from wider community on our children’s behaviour and conduct outside school. (Early Years Advisor monitoring visit (April, 2013): ‘Children were extremely well behaved; they were engaged, confident and prepared to have a go’).
  • Positive relationships in the playground are an outcome of a variety of strategies including pupil mentors, buddies and peer mentors. These roles have high status and the Pastoral Manager receives many applications. (see Pastoral Manager data)
  • Al staff have received whole school Child Protection training: September 2013 (see SEF Summary file for certificate)
  • All statutory and best practice guidelines met for Health and Safety (see Site Manager file)
  • School to be part of European Safer Internet Day as part of e-safety.
  • In regards to safety the Pastoral department works very well with parents. Parental concerns are successfully addressed by the pastoral department who have dedicated facility.
  • The work of the Pastoral Team is outstanding, as a consequence all our pupils feel safe and happy at school.
  • Statutory Child Protection requirements are all met. We have robust and well managed child protection measures in place that ensure that all pupils are safe. Health Care Plans for any child with medical needs are up to date and shared with all relevant staff. Risk Assessment for children with physical and severe behavioural needs are also provided and shared with all relevant staff.
  • We have a list of vulnerable pupils that is shared with all relevant staff. All school staff has received relevant up to date training in how to spot vulnerable children or those who might be at risk of abuse. Observations from SLT and the Pastoral Manager show that our staff do this very efficiently.
  • Our Pastoral is a senior accredited counsellor who works extremely effectively to ensure that families and pupils in crisis get immediate support either from the team or are signposted to the relevant multi agencies.
  • The Pastoral Manager is good at making the vulnerable families feel respected and valued, a good outcome of this is the positive pupil well being and ability to learn.
  • Care provided for our vulnerable children is carefully monitored.

Why behaviour and safety are not the grade (above/below)