PRESENT :-Mrs A Rollinson in the Chair, Mrs S Clayton, Messrs A Brooke, M. FitzGerald, P Forknall, A Mercer and S Waring, and Mr R T Avery, Clerk.
Mr Eric Hotson, County Councillor, was present for the first half of the meeting, Mr Watson of Blue Eagles FC was present at the start, and Mrs Gray, KM correspondent, was present throughout.
Blue Eagles FC
Mr Watson asked whether his club, who play in the Maidstone Saturday League, could use our football pitch for their remaining home games this season. They had been dislodged from the Warmlake pitches further along Warmlake Road and were currently homeless, whereas we had no Saturday tenants at present although fully committed on Sundays. After discussion, Members felt amenable to the proposed arrangement to commence with a match this coming Saturday, 15th October, and perhaps a further 7/9 games during the season, and it was left for the Clerk to make arrangements with the club.1.2 /
Discussion with County Councillor
Cllr Hotson apologised for his poor attendance record at Council meetings, but from his comments it was clear that he kept a close eye on local issues. He mentioned both the Post Office and 59 Bus situations. Indeed, a contribution from his “local allowance” was part of the funding package that saw the temporary reinstatement of the Saturday service. He mentioned that he had some unallocated funds in 2005/06 if unexpected funding needs arose, e.g. on additional football pitch requirements. He was interested to learn about our relationship with Kent Highways since the reorganisation and it was agreed that we would keep him fully informed about the progress of the County Lengthsmen scheme.2 /
All Members were present, but we had not heard from the Rural Warden nor the Neighbourhood Policing team.3.1 /
MF declared his interest in item 10.4, as he was seeking reimbursement of his costs in printing Village News.3.2 /
There were no items that needed to be dealt with in private session.4 / MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 12th SEPTEMBER 2005
SC proposed, seconded by PF, “that the draft Minutes be approved as a correct record.” This was Agreed and the Chairman of the meeting signed off the official copy.
5.1 /
Post Office – item 5.1 in September
AR and MF reported on the recent MBC Scrutiny Committee meeting which was addressed by representatives of the three affected parishes, by the owner of the Harrietsham shop and by representatives of Postwatch. The latter painted a gloomy picture about the future of rural post offices. Nonetheless, the Committee expressed support for the post offices and indicated that the Borough would do what it could to influence the thinking of Government and Post Office Ltd about these and other post offices.5.2 /
Village Hall – item 1.2 in September
There had been no developments and the Police had not yet given an indication of their IT requirements for the Hall if it was to be used as their Officer’s local base.5.3 / Trafalgar Day Celebrations – item 5.2 in July
Members briefly discussed the arrangements for the Village Walk on 23rd October and were satisfied that arrangements were well in hand. Mr and Mrs Gray were thanked for their considerable help in the matter.
5.4 /
Bus Service 59 – item 6 in September
Pressure from the local communities, allied to support from Borough and County Councillors, had led to the reinstatement of the Saturday service until the end of the financial year, during which time a working party would look to see if an alternative service could be put in place in future. MF expressed concern about the viability of the Sunday service along the A274 when the two year subsidy period ended, and said that parishes needed to be proactive in finding solutions.5.5 / Speed Watch – item 10.2 in September
Members noted the approach from Boughton Monchelsea PC about a local parishes’ consortium and confirmed that they would be interested in exploring this possibility. A small number of residents have expressed interest in forming a team of volunteers and Mr Clayton is to be asked if he would lead the team.
6.1 / Applications received
6.1.1 / Newlands, Chart Road – MA/05/1723
It was proposed by SW, seconded by AB, “that the recommendation of approval by the Planning Group to this application for a two storey rear extension and part single storey, part two storey side extension should be ratified”. This was Agreed.
6.2 / Other Planning Matters
Members noted the following:-
6.2.1 / Lake View Barn, Rectory Lane – MA/05/1567
That the applicant had withdrawn the application for the erection of a single storey rear extension.
6.2.2 /
Horseshoe Paddock – MA/03/1654
That MBC Enforcement, in the absence of documentary evidence, was to investigate to see if the conditions imposed when permission was given at Appeal had been discharged.6.2.3 /
Heronden, Chart Hill Road – MA/05/1499/1500/1544/1553
That MBC had recently issued four certificates of lawfulness in respect of existing developments at the property, namely 1) use of part of the Granary as a single dwelling house, 2) construction of an open air riding arena, 3) use of land as garden land as part of the residential curtilage and the construction of an all weather tennis court, and 4) the construction of a greenhouse within the residential curtilage.
6.3 /Planning Consultations
6.3.1 /South East Plan – Consultation on Employment, Housing and Infrastructure in Kent
Members discussed the current situation in Maidstone for commercial and housing development and were concerned at the number of speculative developments remaining empty. They then discussed the Consultation’s questionnaire and agreed on their responses.6.3.2 /
Kent and Medway Structure Plan
Members briefly discussed the consultation on proposed modifications to the Plan which is open until 27th October. AR, having perused the paperwork, advised that there was little of local concern and was then delegated to respond on behalf of the Council.6.3.3 /
Maidstone Local Development Framework
This consultation on the amended Statement of Community Involvement has just been received and has a closing date of 18th November. AR will examine the consultation paperwork and the Council’s response, if any, will be formulated at their November meeting.7 /
There were no particular matters to discuss, but Members did express concern at the perceived slowness of Kent Highways in dealing with issues raised with them. AM and RA are due to tour the parish again soon and a critical letter will be sent to Highways, when the state of the road network has been evaluated.8 / RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT MATTERS
8.1 / Pavilion at the Memorial Playing Field
The Clerk reported that he had initiated some enquiries about the proposal to replace the existing building, but has nothing firm yet. Members were surprised that MBC did not have anybody with the expertise to advise on the extent of facilities required in pavilions at playing fields. Further potential advisory bodies were suggested.
8.2 / Children’s Playground - RoSPA Inspection
Members were advised that RoSPA had changed their risk assessment on the roundabout from “High” to “Low”, which meant that it was no longer urgent to carry out works to address the situation. However, examination had shown that some repairs to the mechanism were needed and estimates were being sought. Some work is still necessary to address other “Medium” risks at the Playground and our insurers would like this to be completed by the end of the year.
8.3 /
Pruning of Chestnut Trees at the Memorial Playing Field
Following the September meeting, alternative quotations had been obtained for this proposed work. However, Aspen Tree Services had strongly suggested that the Council should carry out more work to the trees as many had dead wood and thinning out was also recommended. Aspen quoted £700 plus VAT for all of this work. After discussion it was proposed by MF, seconded by AB “that the quote of £700 from Aspen should be accepted, with funding to come from this year’s Concurrent Functions allowance”. This was Agreed.8.4 /
Football Pitch
Members had earlier agreed (see 1.1 above) that a licence should be issued to Blue Eagles FC and it was proposed by SW, seconded by MF “that the Clerk should agree terms with the Club at £30 per match” This was Agreed. Members then turned their attention to maintenance of the pitch and from the Chair AR proposed “that monthly spiking of the pitch over the winter months was essential from November through to March and that harrowing should be undertaken as required”. This was Agreed and Landscape Services are to be instructed accordingly.9 /
9.1 / County and Borough Councillors’ ReportsMr Hotson had reported earlier. Mr FitzGerald reported that much of his time lately had been taken up in dealing with the Post Office and 59 Bus situations, and that he was also heavily engaged in sitting on the Borough’s Licensing Committee.
9.2 / Chairman’s Report
Similarly, AR had been at both Post Office and Bus meetings. In addition, she reported attendance at the Action with Communities in Rural Kent’s consultation event of 28th September. This had largely been taken up in debating DEFRA’s new, but thought to be recycled, funding streams for parishes. However, the sums involved were not significant.
9.3 /
Individual Councillors Reports
Whilst no Member had specific Reports to give, there was discussion about the shrubbery at Amber Bank, which is on Maidstone Housing Trust land. Members agreed to examine the Bank and to discuss the matter at their November meeting.9.4 / Clerk’s Reports
9.4.1 /
Parish Boundary Review
Members noted that MBC have decided, after consultation, to make the following recommendations about boundary changes affecting the parish: 1) Straighten the line down Forge Lane from Hermitage Corner, rather than running through nearby fields (no properties are affected) and 2) Transfer Farley, The Paddock and Pleasant Acres, Brishing Road to Chart Sutton from Boughton Monchelsea. No changes are recommended in the Chaney Court area, where we had suggested that the boundary should continue down Chart Hill Road until the stream at Herstfield Bridges.9.4.2 / Brachers – cost of using their services
Following discussion at the September meeting about the ownership of the Village Hall, the Clerk had sought clarification of the situation from Brachers. They had advised that they thought this would take 2/4 hours of their time that would be charged out at £115 per hour. In the meantime, the Clerk had undertaken an internet search of the Land Registry, costing £2, which had shown that we had the freehold of the Hall and that there did not appear to be any specific covenants about the title reverting to the original vendors if the Hall ceased to be used for community purposes. The Clerk is undertake a similar search of the title of the land gifted in 2000 for the car park extension, to see what the position is there.
9.4.3 / Voluntary Registration of Unregistered Land at the Land Registry
Members noted that the Land Registry had suggested that the Council might want to consider registering its properties voluntarily, in order to meet an aim of Government for total registration by 2012. It is thought that we have only one set of unregistered Deeds, i.e. for the original purchase at the Memorial Playing Field. Members were broadly in favour of registering that property, whilst accepting that inevitably there would be costs involved. Enquiries are to be made of KAPC to see if there is a way of keeping the legal costs lower than would appear to be the case with Brachers.
9.4.4 / Public Footpath KH555A
Members were made aware that the owner of Heronden had recently said to parishioners that this footpath near his property was no longer a PROW, but that following representation from the Clerk he had admitted that he was wrongly advised at the time of the property purchase. The owner now accepts that the walkers in question had the right to use that footpath, which runs from the Greensand Way to and past Heronden.
10.1 / Budget Monitoring and Reports
The monitoring report to 30th September was noted.
10.2 /
Income received since the last meeting
AR perused the records and was satisfied that anticipated income for September had been received and that the balances in hand agreed with the Clerk’s records. Actual payments received during the period were:-HSBC – Interest on Parish Plan Committee account – September / £0.16
HSBC – Interest on Current Account – September / £0.07
HSBC – Interest on Reserve Account – September / £41.76
10.3 /
Confirmation of payments already made
From the Chair it was proposed “that this payment should be ratified”. This was Agreed.Mr R T Avery – Net salary for September / £329.64
10.4 / Cheques for signature
It was proposed by SW, seconded by PF, “that the Council should approve the following payments”. This was Agreed and later SW and SC signed the cheques.
100313 – Mr R T Avery – Expenses and Petty Cash reimbursement - September / £32.83
100314 – Campaign to Protect Rural England – Annual Subscription / £25.00
100315 – Inland Revenue – PAYE July/September less Grant of £250 for Online Filing 2004/05 / £13.07
100316 – Maidstone Borough Council – Litter picking – September / £79.10
100317 – E D F Energy – Street lighting / £8.37
100318 – Seeboard Energy – Pavilion electricity / £8.32
100319 – Mr M FitzGerald – Printing of October’s Village News / £205.00
11.1 / Received and requiring action: -
11.1.1 / Local Works – Campaign for the Sustainable Communities Bill
Members had had the opportunity to study paperwork received from this “Ginger” group, but whilst they were sympathetic to the campaign, they were disinclined to become involved.
11.1.2 / Medway Valley Countryside Partnership – Cobnut Platt Project
AM volunteered to respond to MVCP’s enquiry about cobnut plats in the parish.
11.1.3 /
Action with Communities in Rural Kent – Annual Meeting
MF agreed that he would attend this meeting to be held on Wednesday 19th October at Harrietsham, with AR as his deputy.11.1.4 /
Appeal from Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group Ltd
As in previous years, Members were disinclined to make a donation to this group.11.1.5 /
KAPC – Annual Meeting on 5th November.
AM, and possibly AR, will be our representatives. Members agreed that the Council would cover the cost of their lunches at £7.50 per head.11.1.6 /
Land Management Information Systems
Members did not think that the Council had sufficient need of access to aerial photographs and ordnance survey mapping of the parish to justify buying this software package.11.2 /
Received since last Meeting and which has been copied to members for information purposes: -
11.2.1 / KAPC – Village News – no 31111.2.2 / Action with Communities in Rural Kent – Oast to Coast magazine – Autumn 2005 – now circulating
11.2.3 /
KCC – Kent Parish Councils’ websites Newsletter
11.3 /The following items of correspondence received since the last Meeting were noted: -
11.3.1 / English Rural Housing Association – 2005 Report and Review11.3.2 / Kenward Trust – New Life newsletter – Issue three 2005
11.3.3 / MBC – Forward Plan of Key Decisions – 1/10/05 to 31/1/06
11.3.4 / The Playing Field – Summer 2005 being the newsletter of Kent County Playing Fields Association
11.3.5 /
Clerks and Councils Direct – September 2005
12 / DATE OF NEXT MEETINGThe next Council Meeting is on Monday 14th November 2005 in the School House, Sutton Valence Preparatory School.
CSPC – Minutes of Meeting of 10/10/2005
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